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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ R ] / Rough morning

Rough morning tradutor Francês

95 parallel translation
I've had a rough morning. Took a tongue-lashing from Carol Templeton.
J'ai eu une matinée difficile à cause de cette horrible Carol Templeton.
Now knock it off. It's been a rough morning.
D'accord, là.
You look like you've had a rough morning.
Votre matinée a été difficile, on dirait.
Rough morning, huh?
Sale journée, hein?
It's a pretty rough morning though.
Matin difficile, plutôt.
Excuse me. It's been a rough morning.
Excuse-moi, la matinée n'a pas été facile.
You look like you're having a rough morning.
La matinée a été rude?
You've had a rough morning.
Tu as eu une rude matinée.
It's been a rough morning up here.
Je suis débordé ce matin.
Heard you had a rough morning.
On m'a dit que vous aviez eu un matin difficile. J'en ai eu des mieux.
I had a really rough morning.
Ma matinée a été difficile.
It's been a rough morning.
La matinée a été dure.
We had a really rough morning.
On a eu une matinée atroce.
It's been a rough morning.
La matinée fut rude.
Sounds like he had a rough morning.
On dirait qu'il a eu une rude matinée.
I'm having a rough morning, Brown Bear.
La matinée commence mal, Ours Brun.
- Rough morning? Yeah.
- La journée commence mal?
- Rough morning, Greg?
- Rude matinée, Greg?
Sounds like it's gonna be a rough morning.
Visiblement la matinée va être dure.
I'm looking at a really rough morning.
Je vais avoir une matinée difficile.
Rough morning?
Dure matinée?
Thank you, but it's been kind of a rough morning.
Merci, mais la matinée a été dure.
I'm just... having a rough morning, that's all.
C'est juste une matinée difficile.
It's been a rough morning.
ça a été une dure matinée.
Rough morning, man.
- Rude matinée, mon vieux.
- Well, it was a rough morning.
Bien, c'était une rude matinée.
Rough, ( chuckles ) uh, rough morning?
Bien. Dure matinée?
Been a rough morning.
Ça a été une matinée éprouvante.
No, I just had a rough morning, you know?
Non, la matinée a été rude.
I had a rough morning.
La matinée a été dure.
I know. It was a rough morning.
La matinée fut rude.
Yeah. I know you had a pretty rough morning. We're not gonna keep you long.
Vous avez eu une matinée difficile, ça ne durera pas longtemps.
Rough morning?
Rude matinée?
You've had a rough morning.
Vous avez eu une dure matinée.
I think it was a little bit of a rough morning, wasn't it?
- C'était une matinée mouvementée.
That's a rough morning.
- Une sacrée matinée. - En effet.
I had a rough morning and missed an appointment. And for that, I'm sorry because quid pro quo or not, You deserve better from me.
J'ai eu une dure matinée et raté un rendez-vous, et pour ça, pardon parce que compromis ou pas, vous méritez mieux de moi.
You have a surprisingly rough voice this morning.
Vous avez la voix particulièrement enrouée ce matin, Excellence.
It's been a rough day My toilet exploded this morning.
Dure journée. Mes toilettes ont explosé ce matin.
Well, this morning I had a little too much coffee so we're gonna do it nice and rough.
Eh bien, ce matin, j'ai bu un peu trop de café. Alors, on va y aller tranquillement, mais méchamment.
Well, it's been a rough couple of weeks around here. Should have seen that church this morning.
Les 15 derniers jours ont été plutôt durs par ici.
One Monday morning I was feeling a bit rough.
Un lundi, je me sentais mal.
I just found out this morning, so it's been a rough 24 hours.
Je l'ai su ce matin, on pouvait pas me joindre.
I had kind of a rough night last night, that's all. So did Henry Olsen. Even rougher morning.
Et pas de traces de sang ou de balles, ou d'autres mots criminels qui laissent des traces.
Rough morning.
Matinée difficile.
I was in pretty rough shape this morning, huh?
J'étais en petite forme ce matin, hein?
- Good morning. Before showing this, I warn that it is a bit rough.
Avant visionnage, je vous préviens, il est brut de décoffrage.
Rough morning.
Matin difficile.
Half past eight. I've been awake for five hours and my day hasn't started. Rough way to start your morning.
Je suis debout depuis cinq heures et ma journée n'a pas encore commencé.
Yeah, no but I do need a ride to school which would be awesome because my mom's not here, I don't know what she is doing, she's MIA for some reason and I had to find my dog this morning cause a little squirrel got get in again and I miss the bus and my hair was doing this weird flip thing that I wasn't really too sure about and that just really rough morning all together so let get the showing up, come on, let's get going we're going to be late.
En fait, non. Mais j'ai besoin qu'on m'amène à l'école. Ça serait top.
I hear your wife got a little rough with your son this morning.
J'ai entendu que votre femme a été un peu rude avec votre fils, ce matin.

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