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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ S ] / She took it

She took it tradutor Francês

1,277 parallel translation
I bet she does, and I bet she took it out of your wages too.
Ben voyons. Et elle l'a retenu sur tes gages
Even if she took it all at once, it's unlikely to be a fatal dose.
Mais meme si elle avait tout pris d'un coup, ce n'ìtait pas mortel.
The worst part? She took it. When has she taken crap from us?
Et elle a encaissé sans rien dire!
She took it like you said she would : Classy.
Elle a réagi comme tu l'avais prévu, en lady.
You said she took it good?
T'as dit qu'elle l'a bien pris.
She took it fine, you know, I mean... shit, all she's going to be without... are my clever observations.
Bien. Que veux-tu, elle ne regrettera que mes remarques brillantes.
She took it away.
Elle l'a emporté.
- Well, she took it okay.
Elle l'a bien pris.
- She can't tell us when she took it.
Elle ne peut nous dire quand elle l'a pris.
She took it with lemonade.
Elle l'a bu dans de la limonade.
She took it all on his terms.
Elle acceptait tout de lui.
She took it to work every day.
Elle l'emmenait tous les jours au bureau.
and she took it. Captain, we have reports of some looting in Potrero Hill.
Capitaine, on nous signale des pillages à Potrero Hill.
Whatever happened, I guess she took it kind of hard.
En tout cas, ça l'a beaucoup affectée.
She's the one who took Lucy away from you... so it's time that you get your own lawyer now.
C'est elle qui t'a retiré Lucy... Il serait temps que tu te trouves un avocat.
She went into the kitchen... and she took a refrigerator... and she hurled it from one corner of that kitchen to the other.
Elle est entrée dans la cuisine... et elle a pris un réfrigérateur... et elle l'a lancé d'un coin de la cuisine à l'autre.
It looks like she really took you for her husband
C'est comme si elle te prenait pour son vrai mari
When it came down to it, signed the contract, took her share, and now she and her daughter moved back home like nothing happened
Elle a pris sa part, et maintenant, elle et sa fille vivent à Osaka comme si de rien n'était.
We took it over as kind of the development part of Red Hat software and stayed that way till about November of 1995 when... a toilet we had in the apartment kind of exploded, flooded our downstairs neighbor and she got little upset and... the apartment folks found out we were running a business there
Nous l'avons utilisé pendant une bonne partie du développement de Red Hat software et nous y sommes restés jusqu'en novembre 1995 quand les toilettes que nous avions dans l'appartement ont explosé, inondant nos voision du dessous, nous causant quelques problèmes et... Les gens de l'immeuble ont decouvert que nous travaillions ici en plus d'y vivre
Nina, it's Kim. She took off with some kids I don't know.
C'est Kim, elle est avec des jeunes que je ne connais pas.
She took one crisis at a time, without the aid of any superpowers, and got through it all.
Elle gérait tous les problèmes sans super-pouvoirs, et les réglait. Tu peux y arriver aussi.
- Your sister took my Key, Dawnie, and she won't give it back.
- Tu sais que ta soeur a pris ma Clef?
Your sister took my Key and she won't give it back. I bet you know where she put it.
Ta soeur refuse de me rendre ma Clef. Je suis sûre que tu sais où elle est.
Forensically, we can't prove if Mel took the digoxin overdose or if she forced it on him.
On ne peut prouver si Mel a pris les pilules ou si elle l'a forcé.
She never took it off.
Elle ne l'a jamais quitté.
It looks like she took all the available money they had on hand here.
On dirait qu'elle a pris tout le liquide qu'ils gardaient ici.
Guy who took it won't say where she is. Who's the hostage?
Le jeune qui l'a filmée veut rien dire.
It's why she took off. I caught her pilfering from my medicine cabinet.
Elle a fugué quand je l'ai surprise à voler dans mon armoire à pharmacie.
Vous savez que j'attends ça depuis longtemps?
She asked me to hock it to pay off some debt and I took it to the jeweler's here, but I just couldn't do it.
Elle m'a demandé de la vendre et je l'ai emmenée chez le bijoutier, mais je n'ai pu le faire.
She took all that negative shit he gave her and spun it into gold.
C'est vrai. Elle a transformé toute cette mouise en or.
That's how much it cost, leg she took.
C'est le prix de la jambe qu'elle m'a volée.
My uncle denies it, you know, that she took part.
- Mon oncle dit qu'elle n'a rien fait.
If a few more people in here took it the way she did, that'd be all right too.
Si plus de gens ici la prenaient comme elle, ça ne serait pas mal non plus.
I never took it seriously until I walk in the room, and she's laying there....
Je prenais pas ça au sérieux, et puis j'entre dans la pièce... elle est là...
It's true, Prof, what he's saying. When she was 20 years old, she took your breath away.
C'est la vérité, à 20 ans elle était à couper le souffle.
She took the cup and went to fill it with water, and got him to drink from the cup
Elle courut au ruisseau l'emplir d'eau. Elle revint faire boire le garçon.
She never took it off.
Elle ne l'enlevait jamais.
Elle m'avait répondu que c'était une violence faite aux enfants, et ça m'avait décontenancé.
Even then she was such a sweet little thing it took your breath away.
Déjà à l'époque elle était si jolie qu'on ne pouvait que s'émerveiller.
It's my daughter. She took my daughter.
Elle a kidnappé ma fille.
It... The magic she took from me, it did what I hoped it would do.
Les pouvoirs qu'elle m'a dérobés ont fonctionné.
- Well, then she tore out his intestines, - rubbed it in his face and took pictures. - God.
- Et puis elle lui a enroulé les intestins autour de la tête et a pris des photos.
So she took her last breath within fifty yards of the pond... and just inside the academy perimeter. It's about three miles from where we found the body.
Elle respirait encore à 45 m de l'étang et dans l'enceinte de l'académie.
I know you took the rope out of the inner tube and made the tourniquet, but it didn't work and she bled to death before she got ashore, isn't that true?
Vous avez voulu sauver votre soeur. Vous avez fait un garrot avec la corde, en vain.
look, it's not my fault, it's susan's fault. she took the lock off. you said so yourself.
- Regarde ce n'est pas ma faute, c'est la faute de Susan, elle a retiré le verrou, tu l'as dit toi-même
She took it.
- Oui!
By the time she realized she couldn't it took her a few more to save for a surrogate. And Catch-22 because by that point she had to find a surrogate that was okay with her age.
L'idée de la mère porteuse est venue tard et une fois qu'elle avait opté pour cette solution, il a encore fallu qu'elle en trouve une qui ne tiquait pas sur son âge.
After killing her husband, she took off the bloody suit and rubbed it all over Moynihan!
Qui vote pour Francis? Qui vote pour Eric? Pour Artie?
Yes, but it took another three months to convince her... and the only reason she wants to do it now is'cause she thinks I'm centred.
Suivez-moi dehors. Entendu.
She took my hand, she was rubbing it on herself.
Elle a pris ma main pour se frotter avec.

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