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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ S ] / She took everything

She took everything tradutor Francês

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She took everything else.
Elle a pris toutes ses affaires.
But when she went, she took everything.
En partant, elle a tout emmené.
Well, she stood up to it. She took everything I could give her.
Eh bien, vu sa cylindrée, elle s'est très bien comporté.
Like my Voltaire armchair, for instance. She was always in it. She took everything.
Mon fauteuil Voltaire, elle le prenait tout le temps.
She took everything from me.
Elle m'a volé. Elle m'a tout volé.
I mean that she took everything except the kitchen chair.
Elle a tout pris sauf la chaise de la cuisine.
She took everything and left one chair?
Elle a tout pris sauf une chaise?
She took everything but the kitchen chair.
Elle a tout pris sauf la chaise de la cuisine.
She took everything.
Elle avait tout emporté.
She took everything from him.
Elle lui prenait tout.
- She took everything!
- Elle enfilait tout, celle-là!
She took everything.
Elle a tout emporté!
She took everything I said or didn't say literally.
Elle prenait tout ce que je disais et ne disais pas au 1er degré.
She took everything, didn't she?
Elle a presque tout emporté, hein?
She took everything except the TV and the cable box.
Oh oui, bizarrement. Pour l'instant, on les a prêtés à Madame Mauprivet qui n'en avait pas.
- She took everything we had!
Elle a avalé tout ce qu'on avait!
"She took everything, including my dog"
Elle a tout pris Même mon chien
I got mugged! she took everything I've got.
Elle m'a tout enlevé!
She took everything?
- Elle a tout pris.
She took everything.
Elle a tout pris.
She took everything?
Elle a tout pris?
She took everything on like it was her job to support me,
Elle s'est occupée de tout comme si c'était son travail de m'appuyer.
She took everything?
Elle t'a tout pris?
She took everything, even the furniture.
Elle a tout pris, même les meubles.
She took everything.
Maitcha... she kept an eye on things, took care of everything.
Maitcha elle veillait à tout, s'occupait de tout.
Because she had parents... who gave her nothing, but rather took everything from her.
Car elle a aussi des parents qui ne lui donnaient rien, mais qui lui en auraient plutôt enlevé.
She took you for everything, didn't she?
Elle t'a tout pris, hein?
Tell me she took you for everything.
Dis-moi qu'elle t'a tout pris.
After she left for work this morning some finance company came and took everything.
Après son départ ce matin... une société de crédit est venue tout saisir.
I took care of everything, she was not even registered.
Tout est réglé, on ne l'a jamais hospitalisée.
It took us a while to go through 100 years of entries but everything she told us checks out.
C'est long, 100 ans de données..... mais ça confirme son témoignage.
She took everything away from me.
Elle m'a tout enlevé.
She took your side with everything you said.
- Elle était de ton côté.
She hauled me out of bed, hit me severely... ... took all the sheets, blankets and everything off of my bed... ... and then bounced out of the room, saying, "Clean up your mess."
Elle me tirait du lit, me battait sévèrement, enlevait les draps et les couvertures du lit, et les jetaient hors de la chambre.
She drained the place. Took everything.
- Elle a tout raflé.
She took care of everything.
C'est elle qui s'est occupée de tout.
She took care of everything.
Elle s'est occupée de tout...
You loved her and took care of her, and 2 days ago she packed everything up and abandoned you for another man.
Tu l'as aimé et tu t'es soucié d'elle, mais il y a deux jours elle a pris ses affaires et elle t'a quitté.
And, as it turns out, that house was everything to the ghost and her husband, but when the house was completed, she died and her husband went missing on the first and only trip they ever took.
Et, il se trouve que la maison était tout pour la femme fantôme et son mari. Mais lorsque la maison a été construite, elle mourut et son mari disparut durant le premier et unique voyage qu'ils aient jamais entrepris.
She brought us pictures you took and told us everything.
Elle nous a remis les photos que vous avez prises et nous a tout raconté.
She had a warmth that took you in and held you until everything cold and distant melted away.
Elle avait une chaleur. Un don qui vous prenait et vous enveloppait et faisait fondre le froid et la distance.
- Kianna? - Oh, yeah. She took what she learned from me and made modifications to the hydraulics, the shielding mechanisms, everything.
Grâce à mes informations, elle a modifié les hydrauliques, les mécanismes de protection et le reste.
I could've been Prom Queen, but Candace took it. Now, you ask me, she deserves everything she gets.
J'aurais du être reine de promo à sa place.
She took care of everything.
Elle s'est occupée de tout.
Your mama didn't want to take my family life from me... but she gave me everything... and I took it all.
Ta maman ne voulait pas me prendre ma vie de famille... mais elle m'a tout donné... et j'ai tout pris.
I knew that if she took it any further, that if I took it any further, she would discover that I didn't have a dick and that would ruin everything.
Je savais que si elle allait plus loin, que si j'allais plus loin, elle aurait découvert que je n'avais pas de bite et ça aurait tout fichu en l'air.
She took the kids out the back door and went home... and piled them and everything else she could grab in 10 minutes in the car.
Elle est repartie par-derrière en emportant tout ce qu'elle pouvait.
He / she polices took me to her everything, father.
On m'a confisqué mes joints.
She Broke my heart and then she took Nearly everything that I owned,
Elle m'a brisé le coeur et m'a pris tout ce qui m'appartenait!
She broke my heart, and then she Took nearly everything that I Owned, all right?
Elle m'a brisé le coeur et m'a pris tout ce que j'avais!

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