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That wasn't fair tradutor Francês

115 parallel translation
Now, that wasn't fair.
Ce n'était pas juste.
That wasn't fair.
Vous exagérez.
Perhaps that wasn't fair.
C'était déplacé.
That wasn't fair.
C'était injuste.
She said that she couldn't live here with you, and it wasn't fair to marry you, so...
Elle ne peut pas vivre avec toi et ne peut pas t'épouser...
Johnny, that wasn't fair!
Johnny, ce n'est pas bien!
Bert thought it wasn't fair that a little child couldn't go to heaven.
Bert trouvait injuste que ce petit garçon ne puisse pas aller au paradis!
I used to be fair with a scattergun but then that was when the bird wasn't too far away or flying too fast.
J'étais pas trop mauvais, au fusil quand l'oiseau volait pas trop vite.
- That wasn't fair. I wasn't ready.
- Je n'étais pas prêt.
That wasn't quite fair of you, Emma.
Vous étiez injuste.
It wasn't fair for you to do that to his mother.
Ce n'était pas juste de faire ça à sa mère.
- That wasn't fair!
Ce n'était pas juste!
It wasn't fair to do that to humanity.
Ce n'est pas juste de faire ça à l'humanité!
Since I forced you into that damn business with the Irene demilo account. It wasn't fair.
C'était injuste de vous faire ouvrir ce compte au nom d'Irène de Milo.
That wasn't fair. Zeke put in late.
C'est pas juste, Zeke a attendu.
That wasn't playing fair.
C'était malhonnête.
- And that wasn't fair, was it? - No!
Ce n'était pas juste.
That wasn't a fair do.
Et là, non!
That wasn't fair.
C'ètait pas juste.
I'm sorry. That wasn't fair.
Je suis désolé, je n'ai pas été correct.
That wasn't fair to Sarah, either.
Envers Sarah non plus.
- That wasn't fair.
- C'est pas juste!
Well, it wasn't fair of me to do that.
Je n'aurais pas dû.
No that wasn't fair.
Non, c'était pas juste.
They told me that I had to look older and I did what they told me. But I did not like it - - it pinched me. That wasn't fair.
Ils voulaient que je paraisse plus vieux.
That gas gun wasn't exactly according to Hoyle.
Cette arme à gaz n'était pas très fair-play.
So I argued that it wasn't fair to us and he agreed.
Alors j'ai dis que ce n'était pas juste et il a accepté.
That wasn't fair.
Le combat n'a pas eu lieu.
- That's not fair. He wasn't even there.
- Il n'était même pas là.
That wasn't playin'fair, missy!
Ce n'est pas très réglo ça, petite demoiselle.
Look, I don't wanna be a hard-on about this, and I know it wasn't your fault, but I just thought it was fair to tell you that Gilbert and I will be submitting this to the league and asking them to set aside the round.
Je veux pas te faire chier avec ça, je sais que t'y es pour rien, mais je voulais te dire que Gilbert et moi, on allait informer la ligue pour leur demander d'annuler la partie.
But taking it out on that woman back there wasn't fair.
Ce n'était pas chic de te venger sur la serveuse.
When I misbehaved as a kid, my dad punished my sister, when she misbehaved, he punished me to teach us that life wasn't fair.
Petit, quand je faisais une betise, mon pere punissait ma soeur. Quand c'etait elle, il me punissait moi pour nous apprendre que la vie est pas juste.
Are you counting, Svaba? At that time we fought according to a certain code, fists only, but it wasn't always fair play.
Mais certains ignoraient le fair-play.
And that's why you helped him quit, because it wasn't fair.
Oui, et tu l'as poussé à arrêter, parce que c'était injuste.
[Yves's Voice] Now that wasn't very sporting of me, was it?
Pas super fair-play de ma part, hein?
It wouldn't be fair if it wasn't like that!
Ça serait injuste si ce n'était pas le cas!
That wasn't fair of you.
Ce n'est vraiment pas correct de ta part.
Maybe they'll give us a reward and then we can pay our rent. All right, that wasn't fair.
C'était injuste, je suis désolée.
Yeah, I know. But I finally realized that I wasn't giving him a fair shake.
J'ai fini par réaliser que je ne lui laissais pas vraiment sa chance.
Ome on! It wasn't fair to have gone like that.
C'est injuste qu'il soit parti comme ça.
It isn't right, it isn't fair There was no parking anywhere I think that hydrant wasn't there
J'ai quelque chose sur l'Épée de Moskva et la Faucheuse du Tigre...
That wasn't fair.
Ce n'était pas juste.
That was a nice day the fair, wasn't it?
C'était super la fête foraine, non?
And that wasn't very fair to you. Um, so... It's really my fault that you got that nickname and I feel terrible about it.
C'est vraiment de ma faute si tu as ce surnom, et ça me rend malade.
And the thing I said about little's school and your ego, that wasn't fair.
Et ce que j'ai dit à propos de l'école et de ton égo c'était pas juste.
I don't need to be fair. What happened the other day, that wasn't exactly fair.
Ce n'est pas le moment ni l'endroit.
Oh, be fair, Ray. She wasn't that bad.
Honnêtement Ray, elle était pas si nulle.
That's not fair. That wasn't fair.
- C'est injuste.
– That wasn't a fair play!
Mais qu'est-ce qu'y'a?
Barbi wasn't fair to say you all needed me and now I'm in this court alone as a hidden world policy there and I felt that
Barbie disait à raison : "Vous avez eu besoin de moi, mais je suis seul face à cette cour. II y a une hypocrisie Là-dessous."

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