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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ T ] / They were married

They were married tradutor Francês

489 parallel translation
It would be terrible if, after they were married, you came to find out that... her mother was someone you would be ashamed of.
Ce serait affreux... si, après leur mariage, vous découvriez... que sa mère était... quelqu'un dont vous auriez honte.
- Not when they were married.
- Pas pour son mariage.
They were married in California by a Nevada Justice of the Peace. It ain't legal.
Un juge du Nevada a officié en Californie.
They've made a madhouse of this apartment since they were married.
Cet appartement est un asile de fous, depuis le mariage.
- Before they were married?
- Avant leur mariage?
I thought girls raised in Havana never even looked at men... till they were married to them.
Les filles élevées à La Havane ne s'intéressent aux hommes qu'une fois mariées à eux.
They were married. That was their first mistake.
ils se sont mariés : première erreur.
They were married last night by Kirby.
Ils ont été mariés par Kirby hier soir.
- No, they were married. - Poor thing.
- Non, ils devaient se marier.
This is the envelope he gave me after they were married.
Il me l'a donnée après leur mariage.
I saw her in Washington the day they were married. - Oh, you know her?
Je l'ai vue le jour de son mariage.
They were married three days later.
Ils se sont mariés trois jours plus tard.
Honest, it's like they were married.
On dirait des jeunes mariés.
- Ask her where they were married.
- Demandez-lui où ils se sont mariés.
So it was that since her father was much opposed to the union of desdemona with a moor, she fled her house at night. In secret haste they were married.
Il advint que, son père s'opposant à l'union de Desdémone avec un Maure, elle fuit sa maison de nuit, et en secrète hâte, ils furent mariés.
And so they were married in the same chapel I gave them their baptism.
Ils se marièrent dans cette chapelle où ils furent baptisés.
Well, we're certain the dame had a husband. They were married in 1931 in Connecticut.
Elle s'est mariée en 1931 dans le Connecticut.
It was just like a movie, you know, they were married and they lived happily ever after.
Comme au cinéma, mariage et bonheur.
In the succeeding weeks, she became the favorite of the Pharaoh. They were married and she became his second wife.
Elle resta et devint la favorite de Pharaon, puis sa seconde épouse.
Well, they were married all right.
Effectivement, ils se sont mariés
I believe she told me that they were married three days after the divorce.
Elle m'a dit l'avoir épousé trois jours après le divorce.
Giulia and Corrado, aren't they living as though they were married?
Giulia et Corrado ne le sont-ils pas?
And it would be terrible after they were married to find out that... that Louise's mother was... someone you would be ashamed of, that even Louise would be ashamed of.
Il serait terrible de découvrir après leur mariage que... que la mère de Louise était... quelqu'un dont vous auriez honte, dont même Louise aurait honte.
But I suppose one could say they were married.
Mais ils ont bien été mariés.
Could it be that they were a married couple in their previous life?
Se pourrait-il qu'ils étaient un couple marié dans leur vie antérieure?
I told you they were a perfectly nice married couple.
Je vous avais dit que c'était un parfait couple marié.
Gosh, Carrie... I used to think girls at the mill were crazy... when they got married and right off the bat started having kids.
Quand je pense, Carrie j'avais l'habitude de dire que les filles de l'usine avaient tort d'avoir des bébés aussitôt mariées.
What they danced when your father married your mother... if you were born in wedlock, which I doubt.
La danse du mariage de vos parents! Si vous avez un père, bien sûr.
- Were they married?
- Mariés?
They were to have been married.
Ils devaient se marier.
They were to be married. Then Janet got a job as Mr. Forrest's secretary.
Ils allaient se marier, mais M. Forrest a engagé Janet.
The telegram came to Jane because they were to be married.
Parce que Jane et lui allaient se marier.
On looking back on our married years, Elvira... I see now with horrid clarity that they were nothing but a mockery.
En pensant à notre mariage, je vois clairement qu'il était ridicule.
They knew Kitty and I were married, and they'd have seen through the frame-up.
Sachant que nous étions mariés ils auraient compris.
It's like they were engaged, which is better than married.
Des fiancés. C'est mieux que des mariés.
But whatever problems I had... all the unpleasant memories... I put them aside when we were married. They were over for me.
J'ai eu des problèmes, des souvenirs désagréables, mais je les ai mis de côté pour t'épouser.
You know, these are the very first things I bought After we were married. Told you they were yours.
Mon tout premier achat après notre mariage.
The way they were getting along... I thought they'd end up being married.
Je pensais qu'ils se seraient mariés.
They were going to be married.
Ils allaient se marier.
Maybe they were members of his church or were married by a judge or a justice in their own town.
Peut-être qu'il les connaissait, comme pasteur ou juge de leur ville.
My happiest colleagues got married while they were vice consuls and I've been a consul for a while now.
Il n'était que vice-consul quand il s'est marié. Moi, je serai bientôt consul et nous repartirons ensemble.
- Uh, where were they married?
- Où se sont-ils mariés?
Is it true what one hears that they were, how do you say, sweethearts, and they were going to be married?
Est-ce vrai ce que l'on entend, qu'ils étaient... comment dire... amoureux, et qu'ils allaient se marier?
They were to be married at the beginning of summer.
Le mariage devait avoir lieu au début de l'été.
And why? Because they were stupid enough to get married in the first place.
Tout ca parce qu'elles ont été assez bêtes pour se marier.
And they were talking about all sorts of things about Miss Wright and cousin Joe getting married and how Miss Dobie was jealous.
Et elles parlaient de différentes choses, du mariage de Mlle Wright et du cousin Joe, et du fait que Mlle Dobie est jalouse.
Everybody was so surprised when she married Jake. They were so different.
Leur mariage nous a étonnés, ils étaient tellement différents!
Well, when they were first married, they seemed happy enough.
Au début de leur mariage, ils avaient l'air heureux.
When we were married, as soon as I said "I do," they took him away, and I was left a virgin at the altar.
A peine j'avais dit "oui", ils l'ont emmené et je suis restée sur l'autel!
And if you were to get married and have children and they were, not by their own fault, for physiological reasons, abnormal, what would you do?
Si tu te mariais et que tes enfants, à la naissance, pour des raisons physiologiques, étaient anormaux, que ferais-tu?
Now, you have to understand, now that I'm married things cannot be the way they were with us.
Tu comprends, maintenant que je suis mariée, les choses ne peuvent plus être comme avant.

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