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They were partners tradutor Francês

89 parallel translation
- Yes, they were partners.
Oui, ils étaient associés.
Maybe they were partners in it. Maybe he liked her too much.
Peut-être étaient-ils associés?
They were partners.
Ils étaient asso * clés.
They were partners.
Ils formaient une équipe.
- Yeah, like they were partners. - Baker?
Oui, comme s'ils étaient partenaires.
It could be personal because they were partners up until eight years ago.
C'est peut-être personnel. Ils étaient associés jusqu'à il y a huit ans, environ.
They were partners.
Ils étaient complices.
I think somehow they were partners. They were both...
Pour moi, ils formaient une équipe.
Maybe they were partners in some kind of illicit business.
Ils faisaient peut-être des trucs illicites.
Nash didn't frame Paulson - they were partners until Nash double-crossed him.
Nash n'a pas piégé Paulson, ils étaient partenaires, jusqu'à ce que Nash le double.
CAROLINE : They were partners in crime.
Ils étaient partenaires.
They were partners for years.
Ils ont fait équipe des années.
They were partners.
Ils étaient partenaires.
They were partners.
Ils travaillaient ensemble.
They were partners years before in Philly.
Ils étaient partenaires autrefois à Philadelphie.
And he killed DiMarco. They were partners.
Ils étaient complices.
They were partners.
Des complices.
Russell owned it, too. They were partners.
Il appartenait également à Russell, ils étaient partenaires.
They were regular drinking partners, played poker together most nights.
Des compagnons de boisson, ils jouaient souvent ensemble au poker.
They were ramming it right up my gut. Lawyers, agents, managers, partners.
J'étais poursuivi par les avocats, les agents, les managers.
Why, they were partners, Hughes and Irving, said Irving.
- They were partners?
- Ils étaient associés?
Unless they were all involved in something so big that Osborne had to make sure his partners would never, ever talk.
Qu'ils aient trempé dans une affaire d'une ampleur telle qu'Osborne se soit vu contraint de réduire ses complices au silence. - Jack Osborne.
When he realized what his partners were going to use it for... he tried to take it away from them. And they killed him. Quietly.
Quand il comprit l'usage qu'allait en faire ses partenaires, il essaya de leur reprendre, et ils le tuèrent, discrètement.
My old partners, as they were as lads.
Ils sont bien jeunes.
They said they were Morn's business partners. They claimed he owed them money.
Lls prétendent avoir été des associés de Morn et qu'il leur devait de l'argent.
They were going to be partners.
Ils voulaient s'associer.
It sealed it for me with the partners, and they were about to make me one.
J'étais devenu le centre du monde dans la boîte.
They were our partners.
C'étaient nos associés.
He and Jack were partners... and the only goddamn reason this city's here... is because they made it possible.
Jack et lui étaient partenaires... et la seule raison pour laquelle cette ville est là... c'est grâce à eux.
However, I literally fell in love with these boys, and the relations were far more significant to me than they were to my partners. "
"Mais je tombais systématiquement amoureux. " ça comptait beaucoup plus pour moi que pour eux. "
The big problem was this : That they looked great but having got them home, they were not very rewarding partners.
Certes, elle étaient superbes et il se faisait plaisir... mais elles n'étaient pas à la hauteur.
They were lab partners.
Ils faisaient équipe au labo.
The senior partners were never certain they could control you so they created a fail-safe, housed it in the sublevels.
Les grands patrons n'étaient pas sûrs de pouvoir te contrôler, ils ont donc créé ce système sous le bâtiment.
If we were to compromise in business, our trading partners would only look down on us, wouldn't they?
En commerce, quand on lésine, les concurrents en profitent.
His two partners came to him, Damiano told me, and told him they were buying him out.
Damiano m'a dit que ses deux associés ont voulu racheter sa part.
They were four guys carrying me and I cared for them... they weren't just anyone, they were four partners of the military,
Quatre mecs me transportaient, quatre qui m'aimaient bien. Ce n'était pas n'importe qui, tous des copains du service militaire.
My partners told me unless I checked myself into a rehab they were gonna report me to the DEA.
Mes collègues m'ont dit d'aller me faire soigner, sinon ils me dénonceraient à la DEA.
Anyone else think they were more than just partners back in the day?
Personne d'autre ne pense qu'ils étaient plus que des partenaires dans le passé?
They were to all meet later and divide the cash, only his partners were caught first.
Ils allaient tout se revoir ensuite et diviser l'argent, seulement ses associés ont été attrapés avant.
What do you think your partners would think if they knew you were sleeping around with the help?
Qu'est ce que tes collégues penseraient s'ils savaient que tu te tapes le domestique?
Oh, you know... the name partners were very impressed, and they're anxious to hire you guys again, especially this new guy.
Oh, tu sais... Les partenaires ont été très impressionnés, et ils sont impatients de pouvoir vous embaucher à nouveau, surtout ce nouveau gars.
They were safe, time tested, easy to use, and they protected both partners.
Il était sûr, avait été testé, facile à utiliser et protégeait les 2 partenaires.
Yesterday you asked me if Johanna and David Draper were partners, why would she kill him before they finished their little game.
Hier vous m'avez demandé pourquoi si Johanna et David Draper étaient complices, elle l'avait tué avant d'avoir fini leur petit jeu.
So were they just climbing partners or anything more?
Ils escaladaient juste ensemble ou un peu plus?
Except, from what I heard, they were double-crossed by their partners and fled the country with nothing.
Sauf que, d'après ce que j'ai entendu, ils ont été doublés par leurs partenaires et sont repartis sans rien.
They were business partners.
Ils étaient associés.
Okay, we know that the victim and his pal Vitas were partners in crime, stealing whatever they could get their hands on.
On sait que la victime et son pote Vitas étaient complices, ils volaient tout ce qu'ils trouvaient.
Anyway, he and his two partners... Were gonna rob a bank, only he turned on the other two and killed them before they even finished the job.
Donc lui et ses deux complices allaient dévaliser une banque, mais il a tué les deux autres avant d'avoir fini le boulot.
He knew William. They were business partners.
Il connaissait William.
They were co-workers, partners.
C'était des collègues, des partenaires.

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