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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ T ] / They were together

They were together tradutor Francês

1,019 parallel translation
His girl's moved around, and I've a hunch they were together there.
Sa fille s'y est déplacée, et j'ai l'intuition qu'ils y étaient ensembles.
Sick as he was, he always laughed a lot when they were together.
Malgré la maladie, il riait beaucoup quand ils étaient ensemble.
They were together! Stop him!
Arrêtez-le aussi!
Perhaps if they were together...
Peut-être qu'ensemble...
And they were together.
Ils étaient ensemble et...
Stanford testified they were together that night.
Et qu'est-ce que ça prouve? Stanford a témoigné qu'ils étaient ensemble cette nuit là.
Only about the good times, when they were together.
Juste aux bons moments, quand ils étaient ensemble.
And they were in Spain together.
Ils étaient en espagne ensemble.
They were out on the observation platform together, talking.
Ils ont bavardé sur la plate-forme.
They were regular drinking partners, played poker together most nights.
Des compagnons de boisson, ils jouaient souvent ensemble au poker.
They were dancing together at the ball on the canal.
- Vous avez dansé ensemble au bal de l'écluse.
And they were together.
- Oui.
But just because two men were talking together is no sign they were arguing.
Vous avez cru qu'ils se disputaient mais vous vous êtes trompée.
They were in the Italian campaign together.
Ils ont fait la campagne d'ltalie.
- How close together were they?
Serrés ensemble?
They were in the army together.
Ils étaient ensemble à l'armée.
I will continue. Were they together at the time?
Bon, je demande au témoin si ces deux personnes étaient ensemble?
During the war they fought exibitions in the navy Where they were in the same outfit together
Pendant la guerre, ils ont combattus lors de spectacle pour la marine où ils portaient le même uniforme de section.
They were kids in school together, they were engaged, but it's busted up.
Ils étaient à l'école ensemble, ils se sont fiancés, mais ils ont rompu. Je n'ai pas pu...
They were playing billiards together.
Au billard. Où est-il allé ensuite?
- I want to know the relationship between those two. And with Ferret. They were seen together.
Et ces deux-là, on les a vus avec Ferré.
They were here together last week.
Ils étaient ici la semaine passée.
They were great together, Mr Staples.
Il formait un sacré couple.
I spoke with Mrs. Gilpen, and she said that Dr. Hallen had called around 11 : 00, just after her husband left, but she thought they were going together.
Mme Gilpen m'a dit qu'il avait appelé après le départ de son mari, mais elle pense qu'ils sont partis ensemble.
They were completely happy together.
Ils étaient très heureux ensemble.
Come to think of it, those last days we spent together were by the sea, weren't they?
En y songeant, nos derniers jours ensemble... on les a passés à la mer.
So the way you remember it, they were men, women, children... all together and all naked.
D'après tes souvenirs, il y avait des hommes, des femmes, des enfants, tous ensemble et tous nus.
They were to dine together last night with the ladies.
Ils devaient dîner hier soir avec ces dames.
They were all standing together.
- Ils étaient ensemble.
They were always together.
Ils ne se quittaient pas.
The last time I saw them together, they were that big and you were pushing them.
La dernière fois que je les ai vues ensemble, tu les promenais dans...
They- - They were killed together.
Ils... ils sont morts ensemble.
They were there together, all night!
Mais il y ont passé la nuit, ensemble! Ne t'énerve pas.
So that the new parts will join together as though they were born there.
Ainsi les nouvelles parties seraient jointes au corps comme les originales.
Their goodbyes weren't painful - they were sure... they'd soon be together again, as before.
Le départ eut été déchirant pour eux sans la certitude qu'ils se retrouveraient bientôt intacts, tels qu'ils se quittaient.
Together they discovered that their faces... had many common features... often they were saying the same thing with the same words.
Ensemble, ils ont découvert que leurs visages avaient de nombreux points communs souvent, ils disaient la même chose avec les mêmes mots.
If we were together and things were like they used to be and I wasn't so nervous.
Si nous étions ensemble comme avant, ça irait.
They were always laughing together
- Ils riaient ensemble. - Exaspérant.
They were in here together last week.
Celui qui se tait ne risque rien.
I should say originally it was some pliable metal held together by a magnetic field, or an inner magnetic field rather, and it may have had the ability to attract its victims towards it, if they were metal, too.
Je devrais dire qu'au départ, c'était quelque chose comme du métal pliable, maintenu ensemble par, euh, un champ magnétique ou un champ magnétique interne, plutôt, et cela devait avoir la capacité d'attirer ses victimes vers lui, si elles étaient en métal également.
They were in the flower bed together and he was pruning her begonias.
Ils étaient ensemble dans les fleurs - et il taillait ses bégonias.
Or because they were running away together? Because he was losing his meal ticket?
Parce qu'ils allaient partir ensemble et qu'il perdait son gagne-pain?
Sir Francis and Adrian were in Burma together, weren't they?
Votre mari et Adrian ont été en Birmanie?
- You think the police will believe that, when they find out you, and Miss Mary were out searching for the treasure together? Swine!
- Vous pensez que la police va vous croire, quand ils découvriront que vous, et Mary étiez ensemble à la recherche du trésor?
They were all wrapped together like two worms.
Ils étaient enlacés comme deux asticots.
And words that were spoken like Romeo and Juliet spoke, why, they should just be whispered when a man and a woman are just together alone, not just shouted in a theater in front of a lot of folks.
Et les mots prononcés par Roméo et Juliette, eh bien, ils devraient être murmurés quand un homme est seul avec une femme, pas criés dans un théâtre devant tout un public.
They were going to spend the whole day together!
Ils allaient passer toute la journée ensemble!
But they were smoking together in the corridor.
Mais ils fumaient ensemble dans le couloir.
He said they were just having a snort together.
Il a dit qu'ils prenaient une lampée.
I aimed at the rabbit. They were very close together.
Il était collé au lapin.
It's just that sometimes two people drift apart and they have to get together again because they were cut out for each other.
C'est fou comme parfois, deux personnes se séparent puis se retrouvent parce qu'elles sont faites l'une pour l'autre.

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