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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ T ] / They were wrong

They were wrong tradutor Francês

409 parallel translation
And now I'll wait and see! They thought I was some jackass, you know, but they were wrong because I am a...
Et je vais voir maintenant, on me considérait bête comme un âne, mais ils se trompent parce que je suis un...
- They were wrong.
Ils ont eu tort.
If they were wrong, yes.
S'ils ont fait une erreur, oui.
He's not like those types who want to hear they were wrong, that their wives are angels above suspicion. Not him!
Ce type-là ne paie pas pour entendre que ses soupçons ne sont pas fondés et que sa femme est un ange.
They were wrong then, and they're still wrong.
Ils se trompaient. Et ils se trompent encore
And they were wrong. We fought.
Et ils se trompaient.
Do they know they were wrong?
Savent-ils qu'ils ont eu tort?
What if they were wrong?
Et s'ils se sont trompés?
- They were wrong How in the hell can they make a mistake like that?
Comment peut-elle se tromper?
But this is where they were wrong.
Mais c'est là qu'elles se trompent.
- They were wrong.
Ils avaient tort.
- Well, they were wrong then, weren't they?
- Eh bien, ils avaient tort.
Once again they were wrong about me.
Une fois encore, ils se trompaient à mon sujet.
Ils se trompaient, vous savez.
I thought I was right and they were wrong.
Je pensais que j'avais raison et eux tort.
I stand before you today to explain, with much regret that they were wrong.
Je dois ici vous déclarer, à mon grand regret... qu'ils se trompaient.
Aye, they did. They were wrong.
C'était une erreur.
They were wrong.
C'est une erreur.
It wouldn't be the first time they were wrong.
Ils disent toujours ça.
And most of the time they were wrong.
Presque toujours à tort.
He says they were wrong ever to have trusted us.
Ils ont eu tort de se fier à nous.
But they were wrong.
Ils avaient tort.
I said they were wrong, I said you just needed a chance to succeed.
Je désapprouvais en disant qu'il te fallait une chance de réussir.
I'm thinking about how I listened to my instincts and they were wrong.
A la façon dont j'ai écouté mon instinct. Je me suis trompé.
They were wrong.
Finalement, c'était une erreur, ce n'était pas lui.
I know that they were wrong.
Je sais que c'est mal.
They were wrong to break windows... and set cars alight.
Ils n'auraient pas dû briser des vitres... et incendier des voitures.
- If LapIante's discoveries were found out, if they ended up in the wrong hands
- Si les découvertes de Laplante venaient à être reconnues, si elles tombaient entre les mauvaises mains... Tu comprends?
They told me you were here. Is something wrong, Ricardo?
On m'a dit que tu étais ici...
If anyone were to walk in, would they ever get the wrong idea.
Si quelqu'un entrait maintenant, il se ferait de drôles d'idées.
They were beautiful and they could do no wrong.
Puisqu'ils étaient beaux, ils ne pouvaient agir qu'avec bonté.
I figured they were after me, but it appears I was wrong.
Je croyais que c'était moi la cible. Mais c'est à toi qu'ils en voulaient.
It was wrong of our grandpas to make women their slaves so they were the only who could have all the fun
Nos ancêtres ont eu tort d'asservir la femme, pour travailler eux seuls et régner eux seuls.
You were wrong to disregard them, they are the most numerous and capable of the biggest crimes.
Ils sont les plus nombreux, capables des pires crimes.
You're wrong. lf they were capable of committing the biggest crimes, they would be equally capable of doing the most good.
S'ils étaient capables des pires crimes ils seraient également capables du meilleur. Mais tu dois vivre, Socrate.
You beat up them kids down at the commune, they didn't do nothing to you, and you were wrong for that.
Vous avez frappé les jeunes de la communauté. Ils ne vous ont rien fait et vous aviez tort.
I told you they could find exciting, critical positions for policewomen to fill. You were wrong.
T'avais tort.
They were in the wrong room.
Ils s'étaient trompés de chambre.
Hell, they were only trying to prove that I was wrong.
Ils voulaient me prouver que j'avais tort.
They were just messing with the wrong guys.
Ils embêtaient les mauvais gars.
Were you afraid they might turn up on the wrong person?
Vous aviez peur qu'on les retrouve sur quelqu'un d'autre?
Naturally, they were delivered in the wrong order.
Bien sûr, elle les a reçues dans le désordre.
Well, they're wrong. But they never were too smart to begin with, or they wouldn't be here.
Tous les Mexicains sur la 6e pensent pouvoir me la mettre, mais ils sont pas assez malins.
Maybe they were looking in the wrong place.
Voilà le dossier de Bangkok...
I think they were just put in wrong.
Les piles devaient être à l'envers.
I'm still under observation, because I have something wrong in my legs, it feels like they were being pull off.
Ils me gardent en observation. J'ai l'impression que mes jambes se brisent.
And the way they always made us feel... like we were the two most important, smartest, most talented, handsomest... and it kills me to think that they look at me and wonder what they did wrong.
Et ils nous ont toujours fait sentir... qu'on était les deux plus importants, plus malins, plus doués, plus beaux... Et ça me tue de penser qu'en me voyant, ils se demandent où ils se sont trompés.
They were fast enough to keep up with me going the wrong way on the expressway but when it came time to jump that drawbridge they just didn't have the guts.
Ils étaient assez bons pour me suivre à contresens sur l'autoroute, mais quand il a fallu sauter le pont à bascule, ils ont pas eu le cran.
They were going to the moon and something went wrong.
Ils allaient sur la Lune, quelqu'un a merdé.
Their last date they were on the couch but she was on his wrong side.
L'autre soir, elle était assise du mauvais côté du divan.
They were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Ils étaient là où il fallait pas.

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