We were just friends tradutor Francês
183 parallel translation
I acted as though we were just friends each time I saw her... which wasn't very often, I can tell you that.
J'ai fait comme si nous n'étions qu'amis chaque fois que je l'ai vue... pas très souvent d'ailleurs, je peux vous le dire.
But we were just friends.
C'est seulement amical.
We were just friends.
On était juste amies.
We were just friends.
On n'était que des copains.
I mean, we said we'd always go together, right? Even if we were just friends?
On a toujours dit qu'on irait ensemble.
When we first started hanging out together this morning, we were just friends, but things change, and I've fallen in love with you.
Quand on a commencé à passer du temps ensemble ce matin, on n'était que des amis, mais les choses ont changé. Je suis amoureux de toi.
- I thought we agreed we were just friends. - We are.
- On avait convenu d'être seulement amis.
- We were just friends.
- On était juste amis.
We were just friends.
- On était colocataires.
Tommy, don't you remember you and Matt... how you used to be just kids and how we were friends?
Tommy, tu te souviens, quand Matt et toi, vous étiez gosses, comme on s'entendait bien?
We were just good friends.
Juste une amie.
We were just real good friends.
Nous étions simplement très bons amis.
I just knew we were going to be friends.
Je savais que nous serions amis.
Everything's just as it was when we were friends... and I came over all the time.
Tout est resté comme au temps où nous étions amies... et me voilà revenue.
We were just good friends.
Nous étions simplement de bons amis.
We were just like a bunch of friends.
On était comme un groupe d'amis.
I thought we were going to be just friends.
Je croyais qu'on ne devait être qu'amis.
You know, we were just something for you and your friends to play with.
Tu sais, on était juste des jouets pour toi et tes amis.
We were just three friends.
Nous étions juste trois amis.
You were just my shoulder to cry on but we'll be good friends, OK?
Ton réconfort m'a bien aidé et on restera amis, ok?
I just broke up with someone and... we were friends a long time before that
Je viens de me séparer de mon ami. On était amis longtemps avant d'être ensemble.
- Yeah, we had a laugh but... we were pub friends, just went out drinking.
- Oui, on se marrait bien, mais... On sortait juste picoler ensemble.
- Because I thought we were just starting to be friends for real.
Parce qu'on commençait juste à être amis.
We were just talking to some friends.
On parlait à des amis.
I met Monica when we were just a couple of 6-year-olds and became friends with Chandler when he was 25 although he seemed like a 6-year-old.
Je me suis liée d'amitié avec Chandler, il en avait 25. Même s'il ressemblait à un nourrisson.
I just thought we were going to the movies, you know... to hang out, to have fun and talk like real friends.
- Je pensais qu'on allait au cinéma. Tu sais, traîner, s'amuser, et parler comme de vrais amis.
Look, I thought we were just friends.
Je croyais qu'on était que des amis.
I mean, I wish we could pretend that we were never boyfriend and girlfriend... and just, you know, be friends.
J'aimerais juste qu'on puisse prétendre ne jamais avoir été ensemble... et juste, tu sais, être amis...
We were just two friends who needed each other.
Nous étions amis et avions besoin l'un de l'autre.
Yeah, see, that's right, their friends, so everybody would know we were just kiddin'around.
Justement, leurs amis. Tout le monde saura qu'on ne fait que plaisanter.
but then we were just friends, and then there was one drunken night..
Mais un soir, on a trop bu...
I didn't tell her that you were my parents. I just said that we were old friends.
Je lui ai pas dit que vous étiez mes parents mais de vieux amis.
We were just good friends.
Juste une bonne amie.
Because not too long ago, we were more than just friends.
Parce qu'il n'y a pas si longtemps, on était plus que des bons amis, non?
Are you okay? We were just getting back to being friends too.
En fait, Jo, pourquoi ne restes-tu pas, parce que tu devras entendre ça tôt ou tard de toute façon.
Remember, one time, you called me at 3 : 00 in the morning... just to make sure we were still friends?
Une fois, tu m'as appelé à 3 h du mat pour être sûr qu'on était copains.
Let's face it, we were never really friends, we were just...
Soyons réaliste, on a jamais été réellement amis, on était juste...
Ryan, we're not friends. We were never just friends.
Nous n'avons jamais été de simples amis.
Just like when we were kids, around me, you were regular old Matt... but around Steve and his friends, you were the Stiffmeister.
Comme quand on était petits, avec moi, tu étais normal, et avec Steve et ses amis, tu étais le Stiffmeister.
But I just like to think that we were friends,
Mais j'aime à croire que nous étions amis.
I just stood there the whole night, trying to remember why we were ever friends.
Je suis restée là et j'essayais de me souvenir tout au long de la soirée comment on avait pu être amie.
Well, I told him that I didn't think things were working. That we should just be friends. But he didn't want to be- -
Je lui ai dit que je ne pensais pas que les choses allaient marcher et qu'on devrait juste être amis, mais il n'a pas voulu être juste...
We were just waiting for his friends.
On attendait ses amis.
Sometimes I wish we were more than just friends.
Parfois je souhaite qu'on soit plus que des amis.
And we were just gonna take a quick nap before we met some friends for breakfast.
Pas ce soir. Elle passe me prendre. Elle veut qu'on ait une 2e chance.
And we were just gonna take a quick nap before we met some friends for breakfast.
Content de vous voir. - On ne s'est plus vu depuis...
Rochelle, those are your friends. We were just talking about the soaps.
Rochelle, ce sont tes amies, on parlait simplement des feuilletons...
I thought we were just hanging out as friends.
Je pensais qu'on sortait ensemble en tant qu'amis.
You were just glad we could be friends.
T'étais simplement content qu'on puisse être amis.
All those years we were friends, were you just waiting for me to step aside so you could swoop in and make your move?
Toutes ces années nous étions amis, étais tu juste en train d'attendre que je fasse un mauvais pas pour que tu puisses attaquer et prendre ma place?
I just I guess thought that we were kind of on the same team, you know, we're friends.
Je suppose que j'ai pensé que nous étions une sorte d'équipe, tu vois, nous sommes amis.
we were here 38
we were 914
we were there 68
we were close 44
we weren't 120
we were together 65
we were talking 74
we were young 47
we were here first 26
we were friends 142
we were 914
we were there 68
we were close 44
we weren't 120
we were together 65
we were talking 74
we were young 47
we were here first 26
we were friends 142