We were young tradutor Francês
773 parallel translation
But we were young. Maybe we were cruel. But you can't use that to justify murder.
On éta ¡ t jeunes, et sans doute cruelles, ma ¡ s ce n " est pas une ra ¡ son pour tuer.
When we were young telegrams were new, expensive and exciting.
Quand on était jeunes, les télégrammes étaient nouveaux et chers.
We're all the same, we were young and foolish!
Mais c'est partout. Quand on estjeune, on sait pas.
None of us was any good when we were young
Ce Narita que tu connais...
Nous étions jeunes et plein d'allant, vous vous souvenez, Professeur?
We did have fun, when we were young, didn't we?
Nous nous amusions bien, quand nous étions petits.
We used bad equipment and we were young.
On avait la foi de la jeunesse.
We became friend at college when we were young, because of that extraordinary resemblance.
Nous nous sommes liés très jeunes au collège à cause de cette ressemblance étonnante.
When we were young, geisha were seen as very different creatures
Autrefois, les geishas étaient des créatures à part.
We were young, we didn't know what to talk about by the river. At night.
On était jeunes et on ne savait pas très bien de quoi parler le soir.
Her romance kept us in suspense... when we were young!
Ne prenez pas ça trop au sérieux, comme l'a fait votre sœur. Yuki, ton aventure nous avait toutes vraiment passionnées.
When we were young we wanted to change society.
C'est vrai, nous avons voulu changer la société.
But we were young, we made many mistakes.
Mais... Nous nous sommes fourvoyés. Nous avons commis des erreurs.
No, I think we like to look back, remember when we were young.
Non, je crois qu'on aime se remémorer l'époque où on était jeune.
Now, let me welcome you all to this reunion. An occasion for us all to think back to those extraordinary years, when we were young and had a cause to live for!
Laissez-moi vous accueillir à cette réunion, une occasion de nous remémorer ces extraordinaires années où nous étions jeunes et vivions pour une cause!
We were young enough back in those days to think about children.
Dire qu'en ce temps-là on pensait à nos futurs enfants.
When I married Félicité, we were both very young.
Quand j'ai épousé Félicité, on avait à peu près ton âge.
And then when you didn't come back and we thought you were dead well, it wasn't an easy situation for Sandra to face alone so I went away with her and stayed until Young Pete was born.
Après ta disparition, quand on t'a cru mort, ce n'était pas une situation facile à affronter pour elle, et nous sommes parties ensemble jusqu'à la naissance.
We were three young hooligans.
Nous étions trois voyous,
We were all pretty young when we started out.
Quel âge a votre fils?
We were to try a method advocated by a young dentist of this city, Dr Morton. It seems that Dr Morton is otherwise engaged.
Nous devions essayer une méthode recommandée par un jeune dentiste d'ici, le docteur Morton.
We all were young once!
Ah, nous l'avons tous été.
He was the most promising young cellist in Europe and we were so happy and so much in love.
le violoncelliste le plus prometteur! On était si heureux, on s'aimait tant!
We were just - you're too young for this game.
Ce n'est pas pour les enfants. Revenez dans quelques années.
In fact, we were just two lucky fellows who had success very young.
Nous sommes deux chanceux qui avons vite rencontré le succès.
He said we were too young.
Il disait qu'on était trop jeunes.
When last we met, you were quite violent about a young lady.
La dernière fois qu'on s'est vus, vous étiez agressive contre une jeune femme.
The young lady we were discussing?
La jeune femme dont nous parlions?
That's because I was too young to realize what freaks we were.
Je ne comprenais pas qu'on était tarés.
Listen, Madame... the young are not as we were.
Écoutez, Mère... les jeunes ne sont pas comme nous autrefois.
Young lady, we were an act before you were an idea.
Nous ne chômerons pas.
Once upon a time, we used to think you were a bright young man.
II fut un temps où nous vous trouvions brillant.
- There were several of us. Young girls. And I won't pretend to you that we were not rather thrilled at being part of the secret police.
- Nous étions... quelques jeunes filles que l'idée d'aider la police passionnait et qui avions besoin d'argent.
We were very young, and so much in love.
On était jeunes et si amoureux.
We were part of that spectacular lost generation of young people... who continued to live as though they were about to die.
Nous faisions partie de cette génération perdue de jeunes.. ... qui continuaient à vivre comme s'ils étaient sur le point de mourir.
" Because when they were young we fed and sheltered them?
" Parce que nous les avons nourri et protégé?
And just when we were trying so hard to make an elegant young lady out of you.
Et juste au moment où on s'évertue... à faire de toi une jeune élégante.
when I was young we were worse off than you are!
La vie était dure quand j'étais petite.
My father said we were too young.
Mon pére disait que jétais trop jeune.
We were all young once, I suppose.
Vous oubliez votre bière.
What we all mean to each other and, of course, your mother and me... when you were all young... and then now...
La famille... Ce que nous sommes l'un pour l'autre. Il y avait votre mère et moi, quand vous étiez jeunes.
We were not like that in my young days.
Nous n'étions pas comme ça dans ma jeunesse.
There was a time when you could've saved me, Papa by letting me marry Chance, when we were both young and clean.
Tu aurais pu m'éviter ces "déceptions", comme tu dis. En me laissant épouser Chance, quand nous étions innocents.
We were very young...
Nous étions trop jeunes.
Though young men think it is, and we were young.
Et nous étions jeunes.
I told them before we came you were too young.
Tu perds la tête, tu te mets dans le pétrin
We were very young.
On était très jeunes.
A nickname I gave Leonard when we were very young.
J'avais surnommé Leonard ainsi quand nous étions jeunes.
We were very young...
Nous étions tout jeunes...
We were married very young.
On s'est mariés très jeunes. J'avais 117 ans à peine.
Well, it was a young lady... but she fired her gun few times, and we were confused.
C'est une jeune femme mais elle tirait avec un pistolet!
we were here 38
we were 914
we were there 68
we were close 44
we were together 65
we weren't 120
we were just friends 20
we were talking 74
we were here first 26
we were friends 142
we were 914
we were there 68
we were close 44
we were together 65
we weren't 120
we were just friends 20
we were talking 74
we were here first 26
we were friends 142