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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / Where'd he come from

Where'd he come from tradutor Francês

303 parallel translation
Oh, where's he come from?
D'où vient-il?
Where does he come from?
D'où vient-il? Que fait-il?
- Where did he come from?
- D'où venait-il?
Well, that's funny. Where did he come from?
En fait, c'est drôle, on ne sait pas d'où il vient.
Well, he'll probably want to know everything there is to know about me - who I am, who my parents were and where I come from.
Eh bien, il aura envie de savoir tout ce qu'il ya à savoir sur moi qui je suis, qui étaient mes parents et d'où je viens.
Where does he come from?
D'où vient-il?
Where'd he come from?
D'0U sort-H'?
I won't know what he looks like or where he'll come from or what he'll be.
Je ne saurai pas de quoi il a l'air, ni d'où il vient ou ce qu'il fait.
And then Crook, he hightailed it back to where he come from, Crook did.
Et Crook s'en est retourné d'où il était venu.
- Where'd he come from? - Is he a crew member?
D'où est-ce qu'il vient?
Where does he come from? Who is he?
D'où sort-il, ce gamin?
Where'd he come from? Did you come up here to ask questions or listen?
Vous êtes ici pour poser des questions ou pour la musique?
Where did he come from?
D'où est-il venu?
Where does he come from?
- D'où vient-il?
From where he all come?
D'où qu'elle vient?
Where I come from, a lawman don't shoot an unarmed man in the back, and when he gives his word, you can count on it.
D'où je viens, un shérif ne tire pas dans le dos d'un homme désarmé et lorsqu'il donne sa parole, il la tient.
- Where'd he come from?
- D'où il sort?
According to the legend, if the vampire doesn't rest alone Where he's killed, then, later on, another vampire from the same family Will come for revenge, to make sure that the one buried doesn't have neighbors around his tomb.
Le train ne m'attendra pas. Au moins faites-nous l'honneur de prendre un verre. Bon, s'il ne s'agit que d'un seul.
Better send him back where he come from.
Vous feriez mieux de le renvoyer d'où il vient.
Dis-moi, d'ou n'est il pas revenu la nuit dernière?
Where did he come from?
Silence! D'où venait-il?
From where can he / it come well?
D'où peut-il bien venir?
What is he, where does he come from?
Où loge-t-il? Quel est-il? D'où vient-il?
Where'd he come from, Japan?
- Oui, c'est ça.
where'd they come from? Well, he usually liked us to go down to his place on the coast.
Pas avant une heure, mais ça roulait bien.
And this brat, where did he come from?
Et ce mec, d'où il vient?
He'll be happy to tell you exactly where that money come from.
Il sera heureux de vous dire d'où vient exactement cet argent.
- Where did he come from?
- Ah oui? Et d'où sort-il?
Where'd he come from?
Mais d'où ils sortent?
- Where's he come from?
- Il sort d'où?
- Where did he come from?
- D'où sort-il?
Where has he come from?
D'où il sort, celui-là?
Where did he come from?
D'où vient-il?
Who-who is he? Where does he come from?
D'où vient...
Um.. Where will he come from?
D'où viendra-t-il?
Captain... where could he possibly come from?
Capitaine, d'où peut-il bien sortir?
- Where did he come from?
- D'où vient-il?
Where'd he come from?
D'où sort-il?
Boss! Where does he come from?
Chef, mais d'où il sort, ce type?
Where did he come from?
D'où venait-il?
And her father, you know where he come from.
Et son père, tu sais d'où il sort.
Where did he come from?
Tu sors d'où?
Where'd he come from?
Il sort d'où, celui-là?
Who is he? Where did he come from?
Qui est-il, d'où vient-il?
Where does he come from?
D'où il vient?
Hey, where'd he come from?
D'où est-ce qu'il sort?
- Oh? Where does he come from?
- D'où vient-il?
Where the hell did he come from?
D'où il sort, celui-là?
- Where'd he come from?
- D'où vient-il?
He wants to know where you come from.
Il demande d'où vous venez.
- Where does he come from, Marcel?
D'où il vient?

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