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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / Where'd it come from

Where'd it come from tradutor Francês

709 parallel translation
Where did it come from?
D'où vient-elle?
Come on, let's have it. Who are you? Where'd you come from?
Allez, dites-nous qui vous êtes et d'où vous venez.
Where did it come from?
D'où venait-elle?
– Where's it come from?
- Alors, d'où ça vient?
But where did it come from?
Mais d'où provient-il?
Well, where'd it come from?
D'où sort-il?
Where'd it come from?
D'où ça vient?
I come from a world where a woman's got to come out on top or it's too darn bad.
Je sors d'un milieu où il faut savoir se battre.
Tell me, where did it come from?
D'où vient cet argent?
And then Crook, he hightailed it back to where he come from, Crook did.
Et Crook s'en est retourné d'où il était venu.
Je ne demande pas d'où ça vient ni pourquoi, mais sûr, ça tombe à point nommé, le jour avant Noël.
You know, when I see it pouring like this... I often wonder, where does it all come from?
Je me demande d'où vient toute cette pluie.
- Where I come from we call it sand.
- Là d'où je viens, ça s'appelle du sable.
Where did it come from?
D'où vient-il?
- Where'd this come from? - It was floating by.
- Vous les avez laissés où?
Where did it come from?
D'où ça vient?
No, down in Sussex where I come from it only rains every other day.
Dans le Sussex d'où je viens, il pleut moins fréquemment.
Well, where did it come from? What for?
D'où est-ce qu'il vient?
Yeah, it's against the law where l come from, too.
C'est aussi illégal là d'où je viens.
Where'd it come from?
D'où venait-elle?
- That tip-off. Where'd it come from?
Qui vous a prévenu?
It's a far cry from where I come from to this house.
J'ai dû en faire, du chemin, avant d'arriver ici!
Well, where did it come from?
D'où venait cet argent?
Easy! - Where did it come from?
D'où que ça sort?
From where does it come?
D'ou ça vient?
It's not possible that a man of your scientific curiosity... wouldn't want to find out who I am, where I come from.
Ce n'est pas possible qu'un homme comme vous... n'ait pas envie de savoir qui je suis et d'où je viens.
I wish you'd could see where I come from, I think you'd like it.
Je voudrais que vous puissiez voir d'où je venais Francesca, Je pense que j'ai aimé.
- Where'd it come from?
- D'où vient-il?
I had know idea where it'd come from.
Mais je savais pas d'où ça venait.
Do not even know where you come from, or what it was.
Tu ne sais pas d'où je viens, qui je suis.
Where does it come from?
D'où vient-elle?
Where I come from, a lawman don't shoot an unarmed man in the back, and when he gives his word, you can count on it.
D'où je viens, un shérif ne tire pas dans le dos d'un homme désarmé et lorsqu'il donne sa parole, il la tient.
- Where'd it come from?
Ça vient d'où?
Where'd it come from?
- D'où ça vient?
Where does it come from?
Elle vient d'où?
Where'd it come from?
Ça venait d'où?
where does it come from?
d'où ça sort?
Now, where did you get it? Where did it come from?
D'où vient-elle?
Then where could it come from?
Alors, d'où vient-elle?
Where did it come from?
D'où sortait-il?
If the sound didn't come from the inside, where did it come from?
Si le son ne venait pas de l'intérieur, d'où alors?
From where can he / it come well?
D'où peut-il bien venir?
Where does it come from?
D'ou cela vient-iI?
Where does it come from?
D'où vient-il?
- Where'd this come from? - Never mind where it came from.
- Tu le tiens d'où?
- Where did it come from?
- D'oû cela venait-il?
All right, where did it come from?
D'accord, il venait d'où alors?
- Where does it come from?
- D'où il vient?
- Where did it come from?
- D'où vous sortez ça?
Where did it come from?
Qu'est-ce que c'est? D'où ça vient?
Where'd it come from?
D'où vient-il?

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