Which i did tradutor Francês
1,201 parallel translation
You've signaled an escalation which I had no wish to signal and which I did not approve
Une escalade que je ne voulais pas signaler et que je n'ai pas approuvée.
Unfortunately Alan is making the same mistakes with Eliseo - which I did with him.
Hélas, Alan fait avec Eliseo les mêmes erreurs que j'ai faites avec lui.
So, just to, uh... clarify. This whole past week, beginning with the appeal we made on Tollana, in which I did a lot of hard work by the way, I take it that was all a scam?
donc,... juste pour... juste pour clarifier les choses, notre appel lancé aux tollans et tout ce qui a suivi, ce n'était que de l'arnaque?
Or the incident in San Diego which I did not witness?
Ou avec l'incident à San Diego duquel je n'ai pas été témoin?
My guess, someone mashed up the Xanax, dissolved them in red wine, which I did find.
A mons avis, quelqu'un a broyer les Xanax, les a dissout dans du vin rouge, que j'ai trouvé.
- which I did, but, you know....
- ce qui a été le cas mais tu sais...
I was told to bring him here, which I did, keeping him in the garret,
On me dit de l'amener ici et de le garder dans le grenier.
Of all my scientific experiments, which I did a lot you're the one that came out best.
De toutes les expériences que j'ai faites, et j'en ai fait beaucoup, c'est toi la plus réussie.
Which I did.
Ce que je fis.
Puis, je me suis fixé l'objectif de faire partie des 10 premiers et j'ai réussi.
And that I'd meet a pretty girl, which I did.
Et une rencontre avec une jolie fille, ce qui est arrivé.
I had some before I came which means your poison dart did nothing.
J'en ai mâché avant de venir. Ta fléchette ne m'a rien fait!
Which kid did you think I mean?
A ton avis?
Which part of "I can't let you go" did you not under-fucking-stand? Jack, this is your job.
"Je peux pas te laisser partir." Y a un mot qui t'échappe?
Which is why I did what I did.
Ce qui explique ce que j'ai fait.
On the other hand, you did lay that statue on me, which I was able to fence for a couple of bucks.
D'un autre côté, tu m'as donné la statue, et j'ai pu en tirer un prix correct.
Nevertheless, they did, as I say, what most of us don't do which is to burden the household the kitchens, the bedroom and the living room with this foreigner.
Mais ils ont fait ce que la plupart d'entre nous ne fait pas. Imposer à la maisonnée - la cuisine, la chambre, le salon - ce petit étranger.
Which surprise, I did not await you.
Quelle surprise, je ne t'attendais pas.
I'll find your Mom. Which way did she go?
- Je vais trouver ta maman.
I wanted to make the lawsuit go away, which it did.
Je voulais faire cesser les poursuites, c'est fait.
But he did say that this guy I cursed was doomed for ever, which was really sweet, don't you think?
Il m'a dit que le type que j'avais maudit était perdu. C'était charmant de sa part, non?
I did not, because I was trying to teach you how to sail a boat. Which obviously is an impossible thing to do.
Je n'ai pas vu ça parce que je t'apprenais à naviguer... ce qui est visiblement impossible!
Anyway, the moment I said yes, he turned two shades of green and ran into the bathroom, which I found incredibly romantic, because my father did the exact same thing after he proposed to my mom.
Bref, au moment où j'ai dit oui, il a viré de 2 teintes de vert, et s'est précipité dans la salle de bain, ce que j'ai trouvé incroyablement romantique, car mon père avait agi exactement pareil après avoir demandé la main de ma mère.
I think what you did was perform his last act for him. One last act for which he'd always be remembered. One last act that would end with such a shock, such a denouement, as would be forever remembered in the annals of magic.
Vous vous êtes substitué à lui pour son dernier numéro, un numéro pour lequel il resterait dans les mémoires, qui se terminerait sur un tel choc, un tel dénouement, qu'on s'en rappellerait dans les annales de la magie.
I also thought it was maybe an exercise of patience... in which we'd withdraw... to consult in darkness the elders'texts... the noble, ancestral pages... but in my trance, his pain didn't matter any longer... nor did my respect for the ancient sayings.
J'ai également imaginé que c'était peut-être un exercice de patience... auquel il se livrait, consultant dans le noir les textes des anciens, la page noble et ancestrale. Mais dans le flux de ma transe, je ne voyais plus sa douleur... mêlée au respect de la lettre des anciens.
I am sure you will all fulfill the promise, which you sealed at the time with your signatures, to protect the King should it be necessary to put away Queen Joan and the people did not approve of that serious decision. Well.
Je suis sûr que vous remplirez tous la promesse, que vous avez scellée avec vos signatures, de protéger le Roi s'il fallait enfermer madame Jeanne et que le peuple n'approuva point cette grave décision.
Which I think, adds another dimension to the film. It really suggests that, in some way the doctor believes that somehow a version of Prot did go back to K-PAX.
Cela apporte encore une autre dimension au film, en suggérant que d'une certaine façon, le mèdecin croit qu'une partie de Prot est effectivement retournée sur K-PAX.
I thought he did an incredible job of taking that film which the script didn't even have battle sequences in it and sort of did some recasting of some of the parts took some of the film to Spain and did the big battle scenes and turned it into a marvelous epic film.
Il a fait un travail incroyable en reprenant ce film... dont le script ne comprenait aucune scène de bataille... il redistribua certains rôles... filma une partie en Espagne et de grandes scènes de bataille... et réalisa un grand film épique.
I thought if you took what he did, which was flat and two-dimensional and made it three-dimensional in the Z axis you could create this streak exposure. Like a time exposure. Car headlights on the freeway.
Je me suis dit qu'en reprenant ce travail qui était assez plat... pour le rendre tri-dimensionnel... cela pourrait créer des traînées... comme une exposition temporelle.
I did a neurological exam which showed no spinal injury.
L'examen neurologique n'indique aucune lésion.
... which, when I did take it, he wasn't even alive. Jenny.
souffle de vie, alors qu'il n'était même pas né, d'ailleurs.
When I said I love this dimension and I'll never, never, never leave which "never" did you not understand?
Quand j'ai dit que j'aimais ce monde, que je ne partirais jamais, jamais... quel "jamais" n'as-tu pas compris?
I know you kids aren't particularly fond of me, which is why it was especially touching that you'd go out on a limb for me like you did,
Je sais que vous m'aimez pas beaucoup. C'est pourquoi je suis très touché que vous ayez pris des risques pour moi
- Which I bet he did.
- Et il l'a fait?
But if I did stay at Dawn's... - Which you couldn't.
- Si je dormais chez Dawn...
the baby can't survive on earth, so we need to find a way home. Which fortunately, I think I did.
Le bébé ne peut survivre sur Terre, il faut donc trouver un moyen de rentrer chez nous, ce que j'ai fait.
Which I actually did for a while, back in the'80s, to make some money.
Ce que j'ai fait dans les années 80 pour un peu d'argent.
Which I'm sorry I did.
Et je suis désolé de l'avoir fait.
- I did. My unit broke through the German 7th army's buffer which was critical in winning Bastogne.
Mon unité a porté à la 7e armée allemande un coup... décisif en s'emparant de Bastogne.
- I believe he did as well which is evidence that it couldn't matter less whether he's in prison or not.
Ca ne change donc rien que Juan Aguilar soit en prison ou pas.
Did you imagine that there were any circumstances under which I would use it?
Tu pensais sérieusement... que j'aurais pu m'y accrocher?
Which I almost did that night!
Et je n'en étais pas loin ce soir-là.
Which I'm sure she did.
Je suis sûre qu'elle y est.
Which is what I did. Okay, you signed his wraps, but the gloves that we found were not the gloves used in the fight.
- Ok pour les bandages, mais les gants ne sont pas ceux du match.
Which is not to say I didn't have a good time, because I did.
Ce qui ne veut pas dire que je ne me suis pas amusé, parce que c'était le cas.
Anyway my friends dared me to ask her I did and she actually said yes which was like a total shock.
Mes copains m'ont dit : "Chiche que t'oses lui demander." Et en fait, elle a dit oui.
Which is great – but did I mention the trophy?
- J'ai parlé du trophée?
I did, in my address book, which I kept locked up in my office.
Moi, dans mon carnet d'adresses, qui est sous clé dans mon bureau.
Look, I did something which I obviously shouldn't have done, but I'm glad I did, because now I know I'm not alone!
J'ai fait quelque chose que je n'aurais pas dû, mais je ne regrette pas, parce que maintenant je sais... que je ne suis pas seule!
Did you label the meals so I could tell which is which?
T'as mis des étiquettes pour que je m'y retrouve?
I know you didn't play the game the way I did... but I'm sure you'II get into UCLA, which is a really good school, too.
Je sais que tu n'as pas vraiment joué le jeu, mais tu devrais être prise à UCLA, et c'est une très bonne fac.
which i didn't 28
which is understandable 21
which is 1139
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is understandable 21
which is 1139
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is ironic 37
which is great 112
which is what 194
which is weird 83
which is funny 28
which is to say 26
which is worse 21
which is cool 36
which i don't 84
which is awesome 34
which is great 112
which is what 194
which is weird 83
which is funny 28
which is to say 26
which is worse 21
which is cool 36
which i don't 84
which is awesome 34