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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / Why wouldn't they

Why wouldn't they tradutor Francês

296 parallel translation
Why, they wouldn't suspect you.
- Elle ne te soupçonnerait pas.
Why, no, they wouldn't...
En effet.
Why, I couldn't float anything smaller. They wouldn't take it seriously.
En dessous de ce montant, ils ne me prendraient pas au sérieux.
My word, Jerry. Why, they wouldn't dare.
Ils n'oseraient pas.
You know, I don't see why they wouldn't be crazy about you.
Je ne vois pas pourquoi ils ne seraient pas fous de vous.
If they felt about the South the way we do, why, they wouldn't do that.
- C'est du vol! S'ils aimaient le Sud autant que nous, ils ne feraient pas ça!
I put on dark glasses so people couldn't see my eyes. And then I took them off again so they wouldn't get to wondering why I wore them.
Je me suis caché derrière des lunettes, mais j'ai eu peur d'attirer l'attention.
- Why wouldn't they be?
- Ça te surprend?
They can't understand why we didn't know what it meant... when our dog wouldn't go up those stairs.
Pas nous. Et nous n'avons pas compris le refus du chien de monter à l'étage.
Why, they wouldn't notice if the next fella was breathing or dying.
Un homme à terre, qui le remarque seulement?
They know all the tricks, that's why. With us behind and the federales facing them, they wouldn't have a chance.
Pris entre les Federales et nous, ils n'auraient eu aucune chance.
Why don't they have all the good news on one station... and all the bad news on another station? Wouldn't that be good?
Une station pour les bonnes nouvelles... une pour les mauvaises, ça t'irait?
- Are your parents alive? - Why wouldn't they be?
Vos parents sont en vie?
Now, why wouldn't they shoot a mad dog like you?
Pourquoi garder en vie un tel chien enragé?
Why wouldn't they?
Why wouldn't they look at me?
Pourquoi ils ne m'ont pas examiné?
They'll see and they'll know, and they'll say, "Why, she wouldn't even harm a fly."
"Elle ne ferait même pas de mal à une mouche!"
Why wouldn't they be?
N'ont-elles pas été...
- Why didn't you call the cops then? - They wouldn't have come.
- Mais alors pourquoi vous avez pas appelé les flics tout de suite?
Why wouldn't they like me?
Et pourquoi pas?
Why? So that when the sailors came, they wouldn't find you... so they would think you had gone.
Pour que les marins ne vous trouvent pas et vous croient partis.
Why do you suppose they wouldn't tell me? Didn't they know if they confided in me, I'd...
Pourquoi ne me l'ont-ils pas dit?
Anyway, the minute I got in I went to see where they're being held. She wouldn't see me. - Why not?
Des mon arrivee, j'ai voulu Ia retrouver, mais elle refuse de me voir.
Why wouldn't they be embarrassed?
C'est normal qu'ils soient gênés.
Then why wouldn't they reveal themselves?
Pourquoi ne nous auraient-ils pas contactés?
Wouldn't do any good here no matter why they were left.
Pourquoi rester ici? On n'en saura pas plus.
- Why not? - They wouldn't be sure.
- Why wouldn't they know about it?
- Pourquoi ne savent-ils pas?
Cut the crap! If we knew why they were after you, we wouldn't have helped you.
Si on avait su pourquoi ils te couraient après, on ne t'aurait pas aidée.
- Why wouldn't they?
- Pourquoi?
Why wouldn't they listen, Nick?
Pourquoi n'ont-ils pas ecoute, Nick?
"why would he do that?" they'll ask. i'll say, "because i wouldn't let him use the phone."
Vous connaissez donc vos droits, j'imagine?
Why wouldn't they see me?
Pourquoi ils ne veulent pas me voir?
Speaking of Tetsuo, why the hell wouldn't they tell us what hospital they threw him in?
Pourquoi ils vous ont pas dit où ils ont emmené Tetsuo?
Of course. Why wouldn't they?
- Why wouldn't they come?
- Tu dois y aller.
Why wouldn't they take us?
Pourquoi ils ne nous prendraient pas?
Why wouldn't they think I'm a doctor?
Et pourquoi pas un docteur?
Why wouldn't they?
Pourquoi pas?
Why wouldn't they be?
Ils vont bien, c'est sûr.
I don't know why they wouldn't take you in the Army!
Pourquoi l'armée voudrait pas de toi?
Even in the best restaurants, they spit on the food. And in this dump, I don't see why they wouldn't poop on it too.
Même dans les grands restaurants on crache dans les plats alors dans ce taudis, pourquoi ils se feraient chier?
- Maybe they don't like us. Why wouldn't they like us?
Comment ça va?
Why wouldn't they like us?
Pourquoi ne nous aimeraient-ils pas?
Why wouldn't they be cloaked?
Pourquoi n'est-il pas occulté?
Why wouldn't they be? Rye bread doesn't just disappear.
Un pain ne disparaît pas comme ça.
Why wouldn't they just use the com line?
Pourquoi n'utiliseraient-ils pas la ligne de communication?
Why wouldn't they tell us?
Pourquoi ils ne le diraient pas?
- They wouldn't. - Why not?
- Elles diraient pas ça.
- Why wouldn't they be?
- Pourquoi pas?
Why wouldn't they accept me?
Pourquoi ne pas m'accepter?

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