They are everywhere tradutor Francês
143 parallel translation
They are everywhere.
Il y en a vraiment partout.
They are everywhere else.
C'est partout pareil.
They are everywhere...
Il y a partout des fascistes!
They are everywhere and they besiege us. The british rule the sea and the royalist rascals lie in ambush.
L'Anglais tient la mer et les royalistes terrorisent le bocage avant de jouer aux boules avec vos têtes.
They are everywhere.
Ils sont partout.
They are everywhere.
Ils sont partout!
They are everywhere.
Elles sont partout.
He says there are many of them. They are everywhere.
Il dit qu'il y en a beaucoup, ils sont partout.
They are everywhere!
il y en a partout!
But your enemies are many and they are everywhere.
Mais tes ennemis sont nombreux et ils sont partout.
They are everywhere man.
Ils sont partout, on ne sortira jamais d'ici vivant.
These horrible worms... they are everywhere.
Des vers horribles... Ils sont partout.
They are almost everywhere. And I speak of them because... the Queen feels herself a prisoner... the gypsies represent freedom.
Il en campe un peu partout... et j'en parle parce que... la Reine s'estime prisonnière.
Everywhere we've been, there they are.
On les rencontre partout.
People everywhere are the same in one thing - they're all afraid to die.
S'il y a bien une chose que tout le monde partage, c'est la peur de la mort.
They are covering schools everywhere
Ils sont partout dans toutes les écoles
Your friends are everywhere, aren't they?
Tu as des amis partout, n'est-ce pas?
And everywhere they are lovingly coined "Cheryomushki".
Et partout, on les baptise coquettement Tchériomouchki, "quartier des cerises".
The mutants are everywhere, they're fighting all over.
Les mutants sont partout en train de se battre.
Adendorff, are they going to hit us everywhere at once?
Vont-ils attaquer partout à la fois?
It seeks the outlaws and highwaymen everywhere. They are the last vestige of active resistance.
On recherche partout les brigands, les sans-espoir, derniers représentants de la résistance active.
They are looking for me everywhere.
Les gens de la forteresse me traquent.
You realize that you're not the only people in your city who are doing the things you are, that they're everywhere.
Ils découvrent que la jeunesse est présente partout.
Everywhere I've been in Europe, people are surprised that Brazil hasn't followed... the example of America... and expelled the Portuguese, as they did with England.
Dans les endroits d'Europe où je suis allé, tous se demandaient pourquoi le Brésil n'avait pas... suivi l'exemple de l'Amérique du Nord : envoyer le Portugal au diable, comme ils l'ont fait avec l'Angleterre.
They are looking for you everywhere,..... and making it difficult for me to operate.
Ils vous cherchent partout et ils m'empêchent d'agir.
Everywhere I go, they're waiting. How are they tracking me?
Comment se fait-il qu'ils me suivent à la trace?
The elected that got drunk everywhere. I am bobottom, I have seen the wolves, the holes... They are not all sharp.
les élus et élues qui picolaient partout... j'en ai cahurécul, j'ai vu les loups, les trous... il sont pas si pointus... je suis un peu déçu, on dirait ceux de chez nous!
And when I was talking to, uh, Gustav Björnstrand... he was saying that actually these centers are growing up everywhere now... and that what they're trying to do, which is what Findhorn was trying to do... and, in a way, what I was trying to do...
Gustav Bjornstrand dit que ces centres sont en train de naître... ( comme on s'y essaie à Findhorn et comme j'essaie moi-même ) de nouvelles écoles, de nouveaux monastères. Et on y créera...
And everywhere you look are these rich Parisian couples in their thick, beautiful warm coats and they're hugging and holding each other.
Et il y avait de riches couples de Parisiens partout, dans leurs beaux manteaux épais et chauds, qui se tenaient et se serraient tendrement.
And everywhere, these aid centres, these fraternal centres, must take in all those who suffer, whoever they are.
Que partout ces centres de dépannage, ces centres fraternels, accueillent tous ceux qui souffrent, quels qu'ils soient.
Beware the dealers of drugs for they are everywhere.
Car ils sont partout.
These bloody things are everywhere. They're in the lift, the lorry in the bon whizzer, and the Malonga Gilderchuck.
Y en a partout, ça rentre dans l'ascenseur, le camion, les pissotières, ça rentrerait où je pense.
The police are guarding the plant 24 hours a day but they can't be everywhere.
La police garde la fabrique 24 h sur 24.
They are everywhere, pinky.
Ah, ouais.
Here we believe we are the navel of the world Not that there is no better place to live perhaps is worse off but everywhere they baked beans
Ici on croit être le nombril du monde pas parce qu'il y a de meilleurs endroits peut-être ils sont pire mais partout on y fait sa cuisine.
They're everywhere! There are time knots opening everywhere!
Des trous temporels s'ouvrent de partout!
White cotton fibers are like oxygen- - they're everywhere.
Des fibres coton blanc, il y en a partout.
Now, I... I just need to know on behalf of all men everywhere I just need to ask, please what are they for?
Au nom de tous les hommes, je voudrais juste savoir, je te pose la question :
As we speak, consumers everywhere need reminding... of just how fat and unattractive they are.
Bon nombre de consommateurs ont besoin qu'on leur rappelle combien ils sont gros et répugnants.
Before marriage they are piling on to you everywhere...
Avant le mariage ils vous portent partout.
A diamond is for everyone sends the message that diamonds are everywhere, which means they're not rare, and if they're not rare, they lose their status.
"Un diamant, c'est pour tous" sous-entend qu'il y a des diamants partout, signifiant qu'ils ne sont pas rares, et si c'est le cas, ils perdent de leur prestige.
- Please, they are everywhere.
- S'il vous plaît, il a ses mouchards partout.
The longtime neighborhood residents... are tired of hearing gunshots and seeing graffiti everywhere they look.
Ceux qui vivent ici depuis longtemps en ont assez d'entendre des coups de feu, de voir des graffitis partout où ils regardent.
You see, the males are territorial, but when they smell a female in heat they come running from everywhere.
Les mâles sont territoriaux, mais une femelle en chaleur les fait accourir de toutes parts.
Yeah, you know, downloading stories are everywhere, and they all say... exactly the same thing.
Les histoires de téléchargement sont partout et disent toutes la même chose
Everywhere you turn, there they are.
Où que vous vous tourniez, ils sont là.
I believe all Americans, and all people everywhere no matter who they are or how they live deserve research to improve their lives.
Je crois que les Américains, et tous les peuples, quelle que soit leur façon de vivre, méritent une recherche qui améliore la qualité de vie.
There are people everywhere who think they got dealt a bad hand, Einar.
Partout, il y a des gens qui se sentent lésés.
In this country, people say they're not racist. But when there are Arabs, blacks and South Americans everywhere... everybody'll be fucked up. So it's best if no-one knows I've got a Chinaman cooking.
Personne ne se dit raciste dans ce pays, mais quand on sera inondé d'Arabes, de Noirs et de latinos, ils feront une drôle de gueule.
We'd like to dedicate this song to anyone who's far away, wherever they are and wherever they're headed. Everywhere.
L'Espagne sans toi, ce sera pas pareil.
And there are oranges everywhere. You don't have to queue, they just drop from the trees.
Ya des oranges partout, on fait pas la queue, elles tombent des arbres.
they are coming 72
they are 1447
they aren't 58
they are my friends 21
they are cute 16
they are beautiful 39
they are delicious 17
they are my family 17
they are here 88
they are good 26
they are 1447
they aren't 58
they are my friends 21
they are cute 16
they are beautiful 39
they are delicious 17
they are my family 17
they are here 88
they are good 26
they are dead 31
they are fine 18
they are the same 17
they are mine 34
they are not 95
they are yours 18
they are gone 47
they are real 22
they are there 18
they are now 30
they are fine 18
they are the same 17
they are mine 34
they are not 95
they are yours 18
they are gone 47
they are real 22
they are there 18
they are now 30
everywhere 595
everywhere you go 35
everywhere i go 42
everywhere i look 39
everywhere you look 25
everywhere we go 16
everywhere i went 16
they can't see you 17
they come 53
they have 241
everywhere you go 35
everywhere i go 42
everywhere i look 39
everywhere you look 25
everywhere we go 16
everywhere i went 16
they can't see you 17
they come 53
they have 241
they said 545
they don't 727
they can't 247
they did 777
they do 1025
they told me 111
they don't like me 19
they don't work 32
they don't exist 52
they don't give a shit 20
they don't 727
they can't 247
they did 777
they do 1025
they told me 111
they don't like me 19
they don't work 32
they don't exist 52
they don't give a shit 20