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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ Y ] / You've seen them

You've seen them tradutor Francês

444 parallel translation
And you should've seen them open their eyes at this.
Et tu aurais dû les voir en train de regarder ça.
You've never seen them before?
You've probably seen plenty of them.
Vous avez dû en voir de nombreux.
- See one island, you've seen them all.
- Toutes les îles se ressemblent.
I've seen them, sir, thanks to you and your friends.
Je les ai vus, grâce à vous et vos amis.
You've seen hundreds of them.
Vous en avez vu des centaines.
I've seen them get in a rut like you before, but they always come back.
J'en ai vu d'autres comme vous tout lâcher. Ils sont tous revenus.
Now that you've seen them, we'll let them have a look at you.
Vous les avez vus, c'est à eux de vous voir.
You should've seen them cops pass me on the stairs. They don't know nothing.
J'ai croisé les flics dans l'escalier.
I've seen them, I tell you.
Je les ai vus faire.
After all, I've only seen them once since I came to work for you, Miss Fiske.
Après tout, je ne les ai pas vues depuis un mois que je travaille ici
Have you seen those new P.T.s? They've got everything on them but a waffle iron.
Vous avez vu les nouveaux torpilleurs?
You've seen them before.
Tu les as déjà vus.
( Announcer ) You've seen them in such pictures as Love Me Forever,
Vous les avez vus dans "Amour éternel",
( Announcer ) You've heard their records, you've seen them in pictures, here they are in person - the Andrews Sisters!
Vous connaissez leurs disques et leurs films, les voici en personne : Les sœurs Andrew!
- You mean you've seen them before?
- Vous les avez déjà vus?
I've seen one. If you've seen one, you've seen them all.
Les océans sont tous les mêmes.
Some people you don't forget, even if you've only seen them once.
Il y a des gens qu'on n'oublie pas.
I've seen many a sign, but that's the daddy of them all. - I gotta hand it to you.
J'ai jamais vu enseigne plus chouette!
To take the children home after you've seen them.
Pour ramener les enfants à la maison Après que vous les ayez vus
You two can tell them back home what we've seen much better than I could.
Parce que je suis le plus vieux. vous pourrez raconter tout ce que vous avez vu ici beaucoup mieux que moi.
Don't suppose you've seen them?
Vous les auriez pas vus?
Well, surely you've seen them in Nassau.
Vous les avez vus, à Nassau.
If it's about missing tents, and this ain't one of them, remember, you've seen me.
Si c'est à cause des tentes...
- I've never seen them on you!
- Je ne l'ai jamais vue sur toi!
You've seen them.
Vous les avez vues.
If you've seen one, you've seen them all.
Quand on a vu un film, on les a tous vus!
You've seen one, you've seen them all.
Quand on en a vu un, on les a tous vus!
"If you've seen one, you've seen them all."
"Quand on en a vu un, on les a tous vus."
You see one club, you've seen them all.
Quand on a vu un club, on les a tous vus.
You've seen them.
Tu les as vus.
But even in them old things, you're about the best-Iooking gal I've ever seen.
Mais même avec ces vieilles fripes tu es d'une rare beauté.
- You've never seen them before?
- Tu les connais? - Ceux deux-là?
- You've seen them?
- Vous en avez vu?
- How long since you've seen them? - Never.
Depuis quand les as-tu vues?
I've seen what you can do to a jury. Twist them.
J'ai vu comment vous pouvez embobiner un jury.
I've seen you out with them as you shouldn't.
Je t'ai vu faire des trucs pas corrects.
My father used to say about women, when you've seen one, you've seen them all.
"Quand on en a vu une, on les a toutes vues".
Most of the open spaces. - You've seen them?
- Tu les as vues?
You better look at them... and then you can tell me whether or not you've seen them before.
Regardez-les et dites-moi si vous les avez déjà vues.
You've probably seen them dozens of times.
Vous avez vu ça des douzaines de fois.
You've seen them.
Vous les avez vues?
But now that I've seen how much you've grown, I think we better exchange them for a couple of bolts of dress goods.
Mais tu es devenue une vraie jeune femme, alors nous les échangerons contre de belles toilettes.
When you've seen one Stradivarius, you've seen them all.
Quand on a vu un Stradivarius, on les a tous vus.
If you've seen one gorilla, you've seen them all.
Quand on a vu un gorille, on les a tous vus.
- Thank you. That's okay. I've seen them.
Bon, laissons ça.
No, by God, but you've seen them kill... violently and hideously.
Non, mais tu les as vus tuer de manière violente et hideuse.
I'm sure you've seen them, Commander. You know, with the hands and feet.
Vous voyez sûrement ce que c'est, avec les mains et les pieds?
I've never seen them. You think they're real, Donkai?
Bonze Donkai, il existe vraiment, ce vaisseau?
You can be useful to us in only one way now. Go back to America. Tell them what you've seen here.
La seule façon de nous être utile, c'est de rentrer en Amérique et de tout leur raconter.
I told you the truth when I said there were demons here, there are men who've seen them.
Je ne vous ai pas menti quand j'ai parlé de démons. Des hommes les ont vus.

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