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You called the cops tradutor Francês

161 parallel translation
You called the cops. No.
T'as appelé les flics!
You called the cops. You're tryin'to stall me.
Tu gagnes du temps.
You called the cops on me?
Tu as appelé les flics?
You called the cops.
- C'est toi qui as appelé les flics.
- Have you called the cops?
- Vous avez appelé les flics?
You called the cops.
Vous avez appelé les flics.
You called the cops you fuckin', fucked up bitch!
T'as appelé les flics, espèce de salope!
DOC : You called the cops.
- Tu as appelé les flics.
You called the cops?
Vous avez appelé les flics?
- Ma'am, we're trying to help. - You called the cops?
- On est là pour vous aider.
- You called the cops?
- Tu as appelé la police?
- avant d'appeler les flics... - Pourquoi j'aurais fait ça?
- You called the cops.
- T'as appelé les flics?
Red, the last time we had a party, you called the cops and had them tow everyone's car.
La dernière fois, tu as dit aux flics d'embarquer toutes les voitures.
- You called the cops.
- Tu as appelé les flics.
- So you called the cops on her.
- Donc vous avez appelé les flics.
You called the cops?
T'as appelé les flics?
– You called the cops.
– Tu as appelé la Police.
If you had been in the clear, you would have called the cops the minute I walked in.
Vous auriez appelé les flics à mon arrivée.
- Sure, or would you rather I called the cops and tell them you killed the man and stole his money.
Merci? Je dis aux flics que tu l'as tué?
I didn't call you. I called the cops.
Moi, j'ai appelé les gendarmes.
I called the cops for you.
J'ai appelé les flics pour vous.
I gotta tell you... I almost called the cops when I saw you today.
Faut que je te dise... j'ai failli appeler les flics quand je t'ai vu aujourd'hui.
You should have called the cops on me.
Tu aurais dû appeler les flics.
Hell, yeah. Who do you think called the cops?
- Qui vous a appelés, à votre avis?
Ever.'cause everyone in this town has called me crazy... ever since I told the cops you were sucked into a board game.
Tout le monde me croit folle depuis cette histoire de jeu.
I called the cops. Said I found you outside, in the garbage.
So you don't think she called the cops?
Vous ne croyez pas qu'elle ait appelé les flics.
- That's it. - And you called the cops?
Et vous appelez les flics?
- You could've called the cops.
- Vous avez appelé les flics?
You're not gonna make it out of here alive. Somebody called the cops. You know they're gonna come.
Vous n'en sortirez pas vivants Quelqu'un aura prévenu les flics.
- Were you the ones who called the cops?
- C'est vous qui avez appelé les flics?
She called the cops on you.
Elle a même dû appeler les flics.
So they called the cops on you over a pack of gum?
Ils ont appelé les flics pour du chewing-gum?
You know why I haven't called the cops?
Pourquoi n'ai-je pas appelé la police?
You know, the cashier called the cops.
Le caissier a appelé la police.
Right, I think if you were in trouble, you would've called the cops and not me.
Si vous êtes en danger, vous devriez appeler la police, pas moi.
Called the cops. You know, and busted everyone...
Elle a appelé les flics, tu sais ils ont coincés tout le monde
Aren't you the one who called the cops at Carl Ryder's party?
C'est pas toi qui a appelé les flic a la fete de Kyle Rogers?
You know, most guys would have walked away. Or, er... maybe called the cops later, after it was too late.
Plein de types auraient fui, ou auraient appelé les flics.
Why didn't you call me when this first happened? I called the cops.
- Pourquoi tu ne m'as pas appelé?
I was trying to hold you off me... while I called the cops.
J'essayais de te tenir à distance pendant que j'appelais la police.
You came up with a story to tell the cops, and then called 911.
Vous avez inventé un bobard pour la police. Vous avez appelé les secours.
She called the cops on you.
Elle a appelé les flics à cause de toi.
You found Robert Wood before we did and instead of calling the cops, you called Dallas to see how he wanted to handle it.
Tu as trouvé Robert Wood avant nous, et au lieu d'appeler les flics, tu as demandé à Dallas ce qu'il voulait faire.
The night Felix got killed, did you see the guy who called the cops?
A la mort de Felix, tu sais qui a appelé les flics?
They called the cops, you know.
On a appelé la police.
And if you were acting on principle, you would have called the cops when you thought House was killing the guy.
Alors, il fallait appeler les flics pour dénoncer House.
But then again, you were the one who called the cops on me.
Mais en même temps, c'est toi qui m'as collé les flics aux basques.
I - I take it you've, uh, called the cops, and they're out there?
Je sais que t'as appelé les flics et qu'ils sont dehors.
- It's why I called you before the cops.
- Je vous ai appelée, pas la police.

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