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Absolutely positive tradutor Português

101 parallel translation
That's right. Are you absolutely positive the woman you saw in the hotel lobby was this defendant?
Você tem a certeza absoluta que a mulher que viu no lobby do hotel foi esta acusada?
- I'm absolutely positive.
- Completamente.
- I'm absolutely positive.
Por favor, ajude-me.
- Absolutely positive.
- Sim, absolutamente.
You absolutely positive you weren't... running after somebody else's automobile?
Tens mesmo a certeza que não estavas... correndo atrás de um carro de outra pessoa?
- Absolutely positive?
- De certeza?
Michael, are you absolutely positive that this Goliath was equipped with the Molecular Bonded Shell?
Michael, tens a certeza absoluta de que esse tal Golias está equipado com o escudo protector molecular?
I'm absolutely positive no one has come out.
Tenho a certeza absoluta que ninguém saiu.
- You have to be absolutely positive, sir.
- Tem de ter certeza absoluta, senhor.
I am absolutely positive. Who could forget that face? I saw it through the screen.
Tenho a certeza absoluta, quem poderia esquecer aquela cara?
You're absolutely positive?
A certeza absoluta?
I'm absolutely positive.
Tenho a certeza absoluta.
At the base, I seen people go into an ordinary room with an ordinary bunch of doctors, and come out absolutely positive they were probed by aliens.
Na base, vi gente a entrar numa sala normal com uma série de médicos normais, e sair completamente convencida que tinha sido examinada por extraterrestres.
I'm absolutely positive me, my copilot and those two kids were abducted.
Tenho a certeza de que eu, o meu co-piloto, e aqueles dois miúdos fomos raptados.
Absolutely positive you can avoid it?
De certeza que consegues?
Are you absolutely positive you haven't brought any of this disease back here with you?
Tem a certeza absoluta que não trouxeram essa doença de volta convosco?
Gloria, are you absolutely positive about the diagnosis?
Gloria, tens a certeza absoluta quanto ao diagnóstico?
Absolutely positive.
Certeza absoluta.
I am absolutely positive it's Mr. Klein.
- Tenho a certeza absoluta.
So he was absolutely positive, 100 %, that it was not touched at all in any way, form, shape whatsoever.
Então, aí, ele tinha 100 % de certeza, de que não tinha sido mexido ou tocado.
- Absolutely positive.
- Absoluta.
Okay, so... you're absolutely positive that my hairnet has to be pink?
Muito bem, então... tens a certeza absoluta que a minha rede de cabelo tem de ser cor-de-rosa?
You don't commit to a relative unless you're absolutely positive that they have a pulse.
Não cometer a um familiar excepto se tiveres a certeza absoluta de lhes tomar o pulso.
Madame Lorrimer, please to forgive me, but are you absolutely positive that you did not plan this murder beforehand?
Mme. Lorrimer, perdoe-me, mas tem a certeza que este homicídio não foi premeditado?
We're absolutely positive, aren't we, that there's no... unidentified objects?
Tem a certeza que não há objectos não identificados.
I'm asking, are you absolutely positive Howard Epps killed that girl?
Tem a certeza absoluta de que o Howard Epps matou a rapariga?
Yeah. I am absolutely positive.
Tenho a certeza absoluta.
Are you absolutely positive about that?
Tem certeza absoluta disso?
Welcome to "Absolutely Positive,"
Bem-vindo ao "Absolutly Positive" ( Absolutamente Certo ).
- Absolutely positive!
-... Absolutamente Certos!
Welcome back to "Absolutely Positive."
Bem-vindos de novo ao "Absolutly Positive"
The show is called "Absolutely Positive" for a reason.
O programa chama-se "Absolutly Positive" por alguma razão.
- Are you absolutely positive?
- Tens mesmo a certeza?
Only when I'm absolutely positive we're going to die.
Só quando for absolutamente certo que vamos morrer.
Yes, but are you absolutely positive?
Sim, mas você tem a certeza absoluta?
I am positive. Absolutely positive.
É verdadeiro, absolutamente verdadeiro
Are you absolutely positive nobody was outside her house?
Tem a certeza absoluta de que não estava lá ninguém?
Well, I didn't see anyone. But I can't say that I'm absolutely positive.
Eu não vi ninguém, mas não posso dizer que tenho a certeza absoluta.
Are you absolutely positive that you haven't had sex yet with Taylor?
Tens a certeza absoluta que ainda não foste para a cama com a Taylor?
You're absolutely positive?
Tens a certeza absoluta?
The defendant. "-" Are you absolutely positive... "the man you saw that night... " the man you saw that night... is sitting right here? "
"Tem a certeza absoluta de que o homem que viu naquela noite está aqui sentado?"
About three things I was absolutely positive.
Em três coisas eu estava absolutamente segura.
I wasn't absolutely positive, whom I was speaking to.
Não tinha a certeza da pessoa com quem estava a falar.
You're absolutely positive that it was a girl?
Tens a certeza absoluta que era uma rapariga?
So you're absolutely positive, 100 %, that Emily is the very same woman walking toward us right now?
Então, tens a certeza absoluta, a 100 %, de que a Emily é a mulher que caminha para nós agora?
Are you absolutely positive?
Tens a certeza absoluta?
– Yes, absolutely... positive.
Sim, absolutamente positivo.
Yeah, you're absolutely H-positive skin type.
A sua pele é do tipo H-positivo.
Absolutely positive.
- Sem dúvida.
At least, the positive side... harper's absolutely unflinchingly certain
Pelo menos, o lado positivo... Harper está absolutamente certo que tem uma resposta.
This is the absolutely last time that Lisa will die, and we already have a positive I. D on the body, so we don't need you to see her again. I'm sorry.
E já temos uma identificação positiva do corpo, não precisamos que volte a vê-la.

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