Eat some tradutor Português
1,082 parallel translation
Eat some more
Comam mais
Eat some
Coma alguns
You wanna eat some? I am making coffee.
- Estou a acabar de fazer café.
If we'll be in your way, we can eat some peanut butter in the kitchen.
Se estamos a atrapalhar, podemos comer manteiga de amendoim na cozinha.
! - We'll eat some pasta...
- Podemos ir comer massa...
Eat some sugar.
Come um bocado de açúcar.
Eat some cake, soak up the booze.
Comer bolo, e beber até cair.
I'm gonna eat some sugar.
Vou comer um bocado de açúcar.
Come on.Eat some banana bread.
- Come um pouco de bolo de banana.
You eat some razor blades or glass in something they give you...
Podias ter engolido lâminas da barba, ou vidro ou algo que te dessem...
If you get hungry, you eat some weeds, some tree bark!
Se tiveres fome, comes ervas, casca de árvores!
- Like to eat some beautiful food?
- Querem comer uma comida óptima?
We tried to eat some breakfast, but we couldn't.
Tentámos tomar o pequeno-almoço, mas foi impossível.
Well, tonight, I'm going to go home, kiss my little girl, make love to my wife, get up in the morning, eat some oat bran, maybe lock up some more bad guys.
Hoje, vou para casa dar um beijo à minha filha e fazer amor com a minha mulher. Pela manhã, como uns cereais e talvez prenda uns mauzões.
- Vai à cozinha, e come pão seco.
Leaves of four, eat some more.
Com quatro folhas, come mais um bocado.
Would you like some old ketchup to eat?
Queres um pouco de ketchup antigo?
Lookin'for some juicy, tender young Christian to eat, I don't wonder,
Procurando por algum jovem cristão suculento para devorar.
Some men walk on hot coals, some eat glass... some climb Mount Everest, others drink milk.
Alguns homens caminham em cima de pedras a arder, outros comem vidro, outros sobem ao Monte Evereste, e outros bebem leite.
And I guess there're probably some Southerners... who eat pork and collards, sleep all day and beat their slaves all night.
E acho que também deve haver uns sulistas... que comem porco e ratos, dormem de dia e batem nos escravos à noite.
L mean, I'd rather burn in at 200 miles an hour and have some laughs... than to eat it in a car accident.
Eu preferia morrer a 320 km à hora a divertir-me do que morrer num acidente de carro.
I mean let's go some place and get something to eat.
Vamos a algum lado comer qualquer coisa.
Listen... you look like you don't eat enough to keep a bird alive. Have some real food.
Get some peasants to eat the grass.
Arranja uns campónios para comerem a relva.
some won't eat red meat ; some sugar, some won't eat fried foods... thanks, they were delicious!
Algumas pessoas não comem carne vermelha, outras não comem açúcar, outros não comem fritos ou com químicos. Obrigado, estavam deliciosos.
And there's some girls who's babies are not gonna eat tonight because... their dates are too frightened to come down here.
E há miúdas que não vão ter comida para os filhos esta noite porque os clientes têm medo de cá vir.
We had some friends over on the day, and so the ham was most welcome... to provide them with something to eat.
Nesse dia, recebemos uns amigos e o fiambre veio mesmo a calhar, pois forneceu-lhes algo para comer.
You see, kid, as the Good Book says some days the bear eats you. Others, you eat it.
Sabes, miúdo, como o Bom Livro diz há dias em que o urso nos come e outros em que é comido por nós.
You let me keep this painting, do some sweeping up around my shaping shack... and I'll give you a place to sleep, somethin'to eat, and you can have your case back.
Dás-me essa pintura, varres a oficina, e dou-te um lugar para ficares, comida e o teu estojo de volta.
Eat some more of these... because you said you enjoy them very, very much. Yeah, right here. Thank you.
Can I eat here some place?
Onde posso comer qualquer coisa?
i suspect that this meat that i am trying to eat passed the winning post at longchamps some time ago- - probably in last place.
Desconfio que esta carne que estou a tentar comer passou a meta em Longchamps há já algum tempo. Provavelmente em último lugar.
Let's eat again some other day.
Comemos noutro dia.
Well, Ken. I'm going to ask you some questions..... while I eat my chips.
Vou fazer-te umas perguntas, Ken, enquanto como as batatas.
Want some of that shit you eat?
Queres comer aquela porcaria que gostas?
The small ones just take some meat. The big ones eat the whole thing.
As pequenas comem apenas um pouco, mas as grandes comem tudo?
Oh, um, Dad, could we have some money to go out to dinner? Kids, today's Thursday. You know we don't eat till Friday.
Bud, enquanto a Kelly estiver a fazer a festa, vais ficar no teu quarto e só podes sair para jantar, o que significa que ficas no quarto.
And to give me some time to realize who the fez and I eat.
E dar-me algum tempo para perceber quem o fez e como.
Show a little mercy, some people are trying to eat.
Tem um bocadinho de compaixão, há quem esteja a comer.
I'll get you some fresh clothes and something to eat, too.
Trago-te roupas lavadas e também qualquer coisa para comeres.
Some of them don't even eat.
Alguns nem têm de comer.
And if, by some chance, I were to become available, I would rather eat Orion wing-slugs than deal with a toad-faced troll like you.
E se por algum motivo, eu ficar disponível, preferia comer asas de babosa de Orión antes do que ter qualquer relação com um troglodita como você.
Some people eat when they get nervous.
Algumas pessoas comem quando estão nervosas.
Would you like some coffee or tea or something to eat before you -?
Querem tomar um café, um chá ou comer alguma coisa antes de...?
Day before yesterday, I had to eat a fucking rat raw... and some berries that tasted... tasted like they'd been thrown up once already.
Anteontem, tive de comer um rato cru. E umas bagas que sabiam... sabiam a vomitado.
I'm sure this contains some tidbits to eat.
Isto deve conter coisas para comer.
Some fund-raiser at the Tower. All the chicken wings you can eat.
Todas as asas de galinha que conseguir comer.
But this time, as soon as you eat, I get some heat.
Mas, desta vez, assim que comeres, eu molho o pincel.
Well, Peg, I saw on 60 Minutes last week where some people found with food actually cook it up and eat it.
Bem, vi no 60 Minutes da semana passada que certas pessoas cozinhavam e comiam a comida.
Buy some foods to eat, you beggars
Comprem comida, mendigos.
I hate to eat and run, but I have some work down at the lab.
Detesto comer e sair, mas tenho trabalho no laboratório.
eat something 105
something went wrong 81
something 1990
some shit 16
some 940
somehow 1093
sometimes 3655
someone 794
someday 639
somebody 1065
something went wrong 81
something 1990
some shit 16
some 940
somehow 1093
sometimes 3655
someone 794
someday 639
somebody 1065
sometime 130
somewhere 622
somerset 28
someplace 20
something came up 177
something happened 421
something like that 1529
something's happening 161
something on your mind 83
something's not right 271
somewhere 622
somerset 28
someplace 20
something came up 177
something happened 421
something like that 1529
something's happening 161
something on your mind 83
something's not right 271