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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ H ] / He liked it

He liked it tradutor Português

380 parallel translation
Guess he liked it.
Acho que gostou.
He got to smelling around, and I guess he liked it.
Ele cheirou, e acho que gostou.
Lou was with me when I picked it out. He liked it.
O Lou estava junto quando eu escolhi este.
It sounds like he liked it.
Olha, parece que gostou.
He liked it much better than hay.
Preferia-o ao feno.
One day, i played a composition of his and he liked it, the next day this.
Aos que ama, os transforma. Interpretei uma de suas composições.
Oh, yes, as a matter of fact he did. Well, he liked it, didn't he?
Felicitou-me por minha interpretação.
He liked it. Oh, David, that's wonderful!
Mas quer que vá a Chicago apresentá-lo numa convenção.
He liked it, and that's how I got to be fashion editor. - Hello, Jim.
Gostou, e foi assim que me tornei editora de moda.
He liked it.
Ele gostou.
Oh, sure, I could tell he liked it.
Gostou, é?
- I'm glad he liked it.
- Ainda bem que ele gostou.
He liked it, that close! So, what's the difference?
E qual, é a diferença?
Um. ford had never had anybody stand up to him the way Hepburn stood up to him and he liked it.
Ford nunca conheceu alguém que bateu de frente como Hepburn, e ele gostou disso.
He used to work with us and he liked it.
Estava acostumado a trabalhar conosco, e gostava.
He liked it!
- Of course, and he liked it too. Good.
- Tal como me disse, e ele gostou muito.
He liked it?
- Ele gostava? - Não, detestava.
What would have happened if he liked it?
O que aconteceria se ele tivesse gostado?
And he liked it so much he started doing it for a living.
E gostou tanto que começou a ganhar a vida com isso.
- Of course he liked it.
- Claro que gostou.
- He told you he liked it?
- Disse-te que gostou?
- He liked it.
- Gostou.
Wait, ALF, before you make a mess, the truth is he liked it.
Espera, Alf, antes que sujes tudo.
If someone liked someone a great deal and he didn't have any kin, that would sort of make him a kin almost, wouldn't it?
Se alguém gostasse muito de alguém... e esse alguém não tivesse parentes, essa pessoa era quase um parente...
Oh, it's just possible, you know, he may have liked my approach.
Isto é muito raro. E depois que passou?
He'd have liked it.
Havia de gostar.
He kissed me goodnight, I liked it.
Deu-me um beijo de boa noite, e eu gostei.
He never liked it out here.
Nunca gostou disto aqui.
He just read the paper and liked it, and that was that.
Ele apenas leu o trabalho e gostou, e foi só isso.
I heard what He said last night and I liked it.
Ouvi o que ele disse a noite passada... e gostei.
_ I liked it where he changed his pants.
Eu gostei da parte em que ele muda de calças!
And then, when I couldn't do it alone, I thought there was no one I wouldn't go with, if I liked him, and he could offer me that.
Quando vi que não conseguia sozina, pensei que iria com qualquer um, se gostasse dele, e se ele me proporcionasse isso.
I've always felt that he used it because he wasn't sure he liked some of the dialogue.
Sempre pensei que ele usava porque não tinha certeza se gostava dos diálogos.
What he liked was looking for them, even if it meant a full day's hike.
O que ele gostava de fazer era procurá-los, mesmo que tivesse de andar o dia todo.
I would have liked it better that way. But he pulled on me.
Eu preferia assim... mas Les atirou contra mim.
I liked it here, but I guess he didn't. After three months, he fed me the classic line "I'm going out for some matches."
Depois de três meses, ele disse-me a frase clássica, "Vou comprar cigarros."
Well, my friend, the guy over there, he let me in one day, and I hit the beef here and liked it, and since I've become a challenger, the owner don't mind that I come in.
Bem, o meu amigo, o tipo ali atrás, deixou-me entrar um dia e eu esmurrei a carne e gostei... e, desde que me tornei candidato, o dono não se importa que eu entre.
Although he liked Portugal, it has not arrived.
Onde estão os outros? Gordon está fora e...
He despised him, but he hid it'cause everyone liked CJ.
Desprezava-o, mas sem o mostrar, pois todos gostavam do CJ.
But he couldn't see it, well he liked her too much
Mas ele não conseguia ver. Ele gostava demasiado dela.
Your father liked this one less. That's why he didn't give it to you.
O seu pai não gostava tanto, por isso não a ofereceu a si.
He actually liked having it around.
Ele até gostava de o ter cá.
"Anything he liked, I'll like, except if it's fiction."
" Tudo o que ele gostou, eu vou gostar, desde que não seja ficção.
It's them smooth-legged girls in them dental-floss bikinis... that's what he liked!
Eram as miúdas de fio dental. Era disso que ele gostava.
It was like his dick was flapping in the wing... and he liked to see if he could get an erection.
Ficava de arma em punho... á espera que as pessoas reagissem.
The guy had a little dick, but he liked to flap it out there.
Era uma arma fraca, mas gostava de empunhá-la.
He could never abide carnation. It was a color he never liked.
Encarnado é uma cor da qual ele jamais gostou.
It was at a level I could understand, and I liked his ideas... that he voiced to us.
Foi algo que conseguia compreender, e gostei das ideias... que nos transmitiu.
He actually kind of liked it because he didn't have to shave for a month.
Até gostou, porque não precisou de fazer a barba durante um mês.
Oh, Homer, Mr. Burns just said he liked it... once.
Homer, o Sr. Burns só disse uma vez que gostava delas.

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