I called earlier tradutor Português
147 parallel translation
I called earlier and they said the visiting room closes at 3.
Liguei antes e disseram-me que as visitas terminam às 15h00.
I called earlier about a room for my patient.
Eu telefonei há pouco sobre um quarto para o meu paciente.
I called earlier today regarding your claim to have an alien.
Liguei-lhe hoje a perguntar por um alegado alienígena?
It's Luke. I called earlier.
- Luke, liguei antes.
I called earlier about getting the yogurt tested?
Telefonei ainda há pouco, por causa do teste ao iogurte.
I called earlier.
Eu liguei antes.
I called earlier.
Eu telefonei.
I called earlier this afternoon.
Liguei esta tarde.
- Hi, I called earlier about the credit card.
- Olá. Liguei por causa do cartão de crédito.
Hi, I'm Sherri, I called earlier.
Telefonei antes.
I'm Adrian Monk. I called earlier.
Foi eu que vos telefonei, Adrian Monk.
I called earlier about the watch that was left here.
Liguei há pouco sobre um relógio que deixei cá.
I called earlier about getting a list... of all the Chalk House students.
Liguei mais cedo para pegar uma lista... de todos os alunos da Casa Chalk.
I called earlier from the spiritual outreach program?
Liguei antes, do Programa de Expansão Espiritual.
I, uh, I called earlier.
Sou o Mark. Telefonei há pouco.
No, actually, I called earlier.
Não, eu liguei para cá.
I called earlier.
Telefonei à bocado.
I called earlier.
Telefonei há pouco.
I called earlier.
Liguei mais cedo.
I guess maybe I should have called you earlier.
Acho que deveria ter telefonado mais cedo.
Oh, I'm sorry, but John called earlier about the rug men.
Lamento, mas o John ligou antes sobre as carpetes.
Say, I called you a little earlier on the house phone, but you seemed to be out someplace.
Há pouco tentei ligar-lhe, mas parece que tinha saído.
It's not Africa. But I believe you were covering up for once, years earlier, when you were in America, having looked after a little white baby called Daisy, whose death, though you could do nothing to prevent it,
Mas creio que escondia seu passado nos EUA quando cuidou de uma bebê branca, chamada Daisy
Police Commissioner Davidson called a news conference earlier this morning to comment on the shooting.
O comissário Davidson celebrou uma conferência de imprensa. / i
A woman called him 2 hours earlier. I took the call before going out on night patrol.
Ligou uma mulher duas horas antes, fui eu a passar-lhe a chamada, antes de sair em patrulhamento nocturno para o porto.
Earlier in the evening when I was here, I was called out to a homicide.
Quando aqui estive, chamaram-me à cena dum crime.
But you called him earlier at the mechanic's, I heard you.
Eu ouvi-te. Não podes negar.
Remember I called you earlier about that chess book?
Eu liguei-te por causa do tal livro...
I'm very worried about him. You should have called me earlier.
Estou muito preocupada!
She had called earlier, and all I needed was for her to call again.
Telefonara-me naquela tarde. Só precisava que voltasse a fazê-lo.
I didn't mention it earlier, but, actually, I prefer to be called Maestro.
Não fiz referência a isso, mais cedo, mas prefiro que me tratem por Maestro.
I wish you'd called earlier.
Devias ter ligado mais cedo.
I called you earlier.
Liguei-te há pouco.
I meant to stop by earlier, but I got called into surgery.
Queria ter ido antes, mas fui chamado para uma operação.
I spoke to him earlier today and I told him that there was a man who called me.
Falei com ele hoje e disse-lhe... que um homem me tinha ligado.
I called the house earlier, but your mom said you were asleep.
Telefonei para tua casa. A tua mãe disse que estavas a dormir.
I may have been overly rude earlier when I called you a pirate.
Posso ter sido muito rude há pouco... quando lhe chamei pirata.
I called them earlier... and I think I just heard a car pull up outside.
Eu liguei-lhes antes e acho que acabei de ouvir um carro parar lá fora.
We called down for Maureen the room-service girl I'd met earlier who wanted the interview for her school paper.
Pedimos a Maureen a rapariga do serviço de quartos que eu tinha conhecido antes que queria uma entrevista para seu jornal escolar.
I actually called earlier.
Para falar a verdade, já tinha chamado.
You know, you should've called me earlier. I'd have come down like a shot.
Devias ter-me ligado antes, eu vinha logo.
It was you who called earlier when I was not?
Foi você que chamou antes, quando eu não estava?
So I heard Jack called you earlier today.
Ouvi dizer que o Jack te telefonou esta tarde.
Like I said earlier, I should have called first.
Como já tinha dito, eu devia ter ligado primeiro.
Gosh, you should've seen me earlier when I called them to break the news.
Devias ter visto quando lhes liguei para lhes dar a notícia.
I called it in earlier, I said I'd be here when my shift is over.
Eu liguei antes a avisar que chegaria aqui depois de terminar o meu trabalho.
I told you when you called earlier.
Eu avisei-te quando me ligaste.
I would've called earlier, but Fred said, "Don't get involved."
Teria telefonado antes, mas o Fred dizia : "Não te metas."
I called the doctor earlier.
I called a colleague of mine earlier tonight.
Ao início da noite telefonei para um colega meu.
Oh, I forgot to tell you. John called earlier.
Esqueci-me de te dizer que John ligou para ti.
i called him 132
i called it 59
i called you 172
i called 270
i called them 49
i called her 89
i called the police 46
i called the cops 33
i called the hospital 16
i called your office 21
i called it 59
i called you 172
i called 270
i called them 49
i called her 89
i called the police 46
i called the cops 33
i called the hospital 16
i called your office 21