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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ I ] / I saw him

I saw him tradutor Português

6,450 parallel translation
I saw him last night at the Vegas Rails.
- Vi-o na noite passada no Vegas Rails.
I saw him first.
Vi-o primeiro. Salvou-me a vida.
I saw him afterwards.
Vi-o depois.
Uh, I saw him.
When I saw him on my security feed sneaking around, taking pictures of him,
Quando o vi na câmara de segurança a esgueira-se e a tirar-lhe fotografias...
Then the next time I saw him, he said it was all good.
Quando o vi de novo, ele disse que estava tudo bem.
That's the last time I saw him.
Foi a última vez que o vi.
If I stand here, I saw him.
Enquanto eu estiver aqui, vejo-o a ele.
The last time I saw him he was going ape crap'cause Mitch and Boyd were scrapping.
Não o vejo desde que se passou com a discussão do Mitch e do Boyd.
Not a bit since I saw him in 1984.
Nem um pouco, desde que o vi em 1984.
That last time I saw him...
A última vez que o vi...
I had a bad feelin'when I saw him hangin'out with them guys.
Tive um mau sentimento quando o vi saindo com esses tipos.
I saw him.
Eu vi-o.
I saw him die with my own eyes.
Vi-o morrer com os meus próprios olhos.
He killed them, he shot them both. Then he tried to kill me, too, because I saw him do it.
Ele matou-os, aos dois, e tentou matar-me também porque eu o vi.
- I saw him arrive.
Vi-o chegar.
But I saw him.
Mas eu vi-o.
I saw him drink it.
Eu vi-o a beber.
" The last I saw him, an Ultron was sitting on him.
" A última vez que o vi, estava um UItron sentado em cima dele.
I should have known it, as soon as I saw him with that goddamn injun.
Já devia ter adivinhado, mal o vi com aquele pele-vermelha.
Yet I saw him meet with one of the instigators of that violence.
No entanto, eu vi-o encontrar-se com um dos instigadores da violência.
Hey, I saw him first!
Eu vi-o primeiro.
No, new jacket. I saw him.
Não, novo casaco.
And then I saw him coming out of Gezza Mott's front gates.
E então eu vi-o a sair dos portões da frente de Gezza Mott.
Wasn't so beautiful last time I saw him.
Não estava tão bonito na última vez que o vi.
I saw him!
Eu o vi!
I saw him!
O vi a ele!
I saw him done it, Teddy.
Eu vi o que ele fez, Teddy.
I saw him.
Eu vi-o a ele.
And when I swam down to check if he was dead I saw him, his kid, strapped in the back.
E quando fui confirmar que estava morto, vi o filho dele preso no banco de trás.
I saw him before Rani did.
Eu o vi antes de Rani.
I once saw him fall down three flights of stairs, get up, and keep eating his hot dog, like nothing happened.
Já o vi cair das escadas, levantar-se e continuar a comer um cachorro, como se nada fosse.
I saw it with him when he left the house.
Vi-o com ele quando saiu de casa.
What I saw when I followed him that night...
O que vi quando o segui naquela noite...
It is a problem. He saw I was worried about him.
Ele viu que estou preocupado com ele.
I just saw him walk inside.
Acabei de vê-lo entrar.
I stopped talking to him, and I thought it was over, but when I saw the second body, the autopsied man,
Parei de falar com ele, pensando que tinha acabado.
Then I circled back to Lawrence's house, saw him leaving on a walk. So I followed and confronted him.
Então voltei para a casa dos Lawrence e vi-o a sair para caminhar, então segui-o e confrontei-o.
Then I saw him.
Depois vi-o.
I just saw him on TV.
Vi-o na televisão.
I saw it grab him, and then I was gone.
Vi-o a agarrá-lo e depois parti.
He did. I saw it. He said they taught him to hit girls.
Disse que o ensinaram a bater em meninas.
So, as soon as I saw the guy raise his gun, I just... well, I stopped and I shot him.
Assim, logo que vi o tipo levantar a arma, eu só... bem, eu parei e eu atirei nele.
- I'm not. I asked him if he saw his parents die.
Perguntei-lhe se viu os pais morrer.
No but I got a cousin in Quincy. She saw him in the street a few years later.
Não, mas tenho uma prima em Quincy que o viu na rua uns anos depois.
You saw him get off the ground, right. I'm pretty sure of it.
Estou segura de que o levantamos do chão.
- I saw him.
- Eu vi-o.
And since I was the last person to talk to him, and the only other person they saw coming and going from his home, I was a really easy suspect.
Como fui o último a falar com ele, e o único que viam a entrar e a sair da casa dele, fui um suspeito muito fácil.
I just saw a side of him that I didn't know before.
Acabo de conhecer um lado dele que não conhecia antes.
I came around the corner and saw poor Stewart Pettyman lying on the ground, his head all twisted to one side, and you... you standing over him.
Cheguei de repente, e vi o pobre Stewart Pettyman deitado no chão, A cabeça dele toda torta virada de lado, e tu, tu parada encima dele.
I barely saw him smile.
Quase nunca o vi sorrir.

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