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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ I ] / I saw her

I saw her tradutor Português

4,502 parallel translation
I don't, like, keep track of her, but I saw her.
Eu nao, como, manter o controle dela, mas eu a vi.
I saw her in my nightmare last night.
Eu a vi em meu pesadelo na noite passada.
I saw her.
Eu vi-a.
"'Twas first light when I saw her face upon the heath,
" Alvorecia quando vi o seu rosto sobre o brejo
Maria, Kuka's sister, she's here, I saw her.
A Maria, a irmã do Kuka, está aqui eu vi-a.
I saw her in the airport that day.
Eu vi-a no aeroporto naquele dia.
Yes, yes, I saw her flying towards the dust depot.
Sim, sim, eu vi-a a voar para o depósito de pó.
" I saw her body.
" Eu vi o corpo dela.
- She is in there. I saw her. - Shut up.
- Ela está aí, eu vi-a.
So one day I saw her watching me too.
Um dia vi-a a observar-me também.
Yeah, I saw her looking at me.
Sim, eu vi-a olhando para mim.
My intent was to stop there first and unload the slaves in my hold, but when I saw her, I thought better of it.
Tencionava parar lá primeiro e descarregar os escravos que tenho, mas, quando o vi, pensei melhor.
It was the first time I saw her legs.
Foi a primeira vez que lhe vi as pernas.
I counted 78 minutes from when she turned into La Boissiére until I saw her drive past on her way home.
Contei 78 minutos desde que ela virou para a La Boissière, até a ter visto passar a caminho de casa.
I turned. I saw her, Chazz.
Virei-me e vi-a, Chaz.
I saw her take her Booty off, and she was just staring at her hand, like really thinking about it.
Eu vi-a tirar a botinha e ficou a olhar para a mão, como se estivesse a pensar muito.
The first time I saw her, I was standing outside the shelter and she was coming up the road.
A primeira vez que a vi, estava à porta do abrigo e ela apareceu na estrada.
Positive, I saw her.
Absoluta, eu vi-a.
I saw her tonight.
Eu vi-a, hoje à noite.
I saw her in a reflection in a puddle, and she reached out to me, as if she was going to...
Vi-a num reflexo, numa poça de água, e estendeu-me a mão, como ela se fosse...
Ninon did to me... what I saw her do to other women.
A Ninon fez-me... aquilo que a vi fazer a outras mulheres.
I think last time I saw her was in a gifting suite.
Acho que a última vez que a vi Foi numa suite oferecida.
I think she's probably put on six or seven pounds since I saw her last.
Acho que ela engordou 3 ou 4kg desde a última vez que a vi.
The last time I saw her, she was swimming with two of my girls in the Water Gardens.
A última vez que a vi, nadava com duas das minhas miúdas nos Jardins de Água.
She was well last time I saw her, no thanks to her loving husband.
Ela estava bem, a última vez que a vi, não graças ao seu querido marido.
She was well, last time I saw her, no thanks to her loving husband.
Estava bem quando a vi, mas, não graças ao seu amado marido.
I saw her.
Ei vi-a.
I got you. I saw her.
Two guys like you came, they picked her up, that's the last I saw of her.
Dois caras como voce veio, eles busca-la, Essa e a última vez que a vi.
The truth is... I was so busy. I hardly ever saw her though.
A verdade é que estava tão ocupado, que mal a via.
I saw you at her house.
Vi-o em casa dela.
I never saw her.
Nunca a vi. Ela abandonou-te?
Swear I saw him with his hands around her throat, and he was, he was trying to kill.
Juro que o vi com as mãos à volta da garganta dela, e estava, ele estava a tentar matá-la.
I never saw her.
Eu nunca a vi.
I never saw you with a... boyfriend or friends or... I asked around and... I was like, "What's her story?"
Nunca te vi com... namorado ou amigos.
I saw this from over there and noticed how he taunted her as he walked away and went back towards his father.
Eu vi isso dali e vi como ele a provocou enquanto se afastava para ir ter com o pai dele.
I just saw her at the police station while she was making her statement.
Só a vi na esquadra, durante o seu depoimento.
I saw you at the jazz club with her.
Eu vi-te no clube de Jazz com ela.
My best friend, Margaret, she was my chief bridesmaid, we were going to be best friends forever, we always said that, but I hardly saw her after that.
A minha melhor amiga, Margaret, foi a minha madrinha de casamento. Sempre dissemos que seríamos melhores amigas para sempre, mas mal a vi depois disso.
When I was in her trailer I heard a shuffling and then I saw something out of the corner of my eye.
Quando estava na caravana dela, ouvi uns pés a arrastar-se. E depois vi alguma coisa pelo canto do olho.
Well, uh, today I was at the graveyard, you know, up on Shepherd's Hill, where Miss Watson's buried, and I saw this strange man standing at her grave.
Bem, hoje estava no cemitério, sabe, perto de Shepherd's Hill, onde a senhora Watson foi enterrada, e vi um homem estranho parado em frente à sua sepultura.
I just--I got suspicious when I saw that man standing at her graveside.
Eu apenas... fiquei com suspeitas quando vi esse homem parado em frente à sepultura dela.
I saw a suspicious man at her grave and went to the police.
Vi um homem suspeito perto da sepultura dela e fui à polícia.
I saw a TV show about a pregnant woman who fell eight stories, landed flat on her belly, deader than a door nail, but her baby... her baby was just fine.
Eu vi um programa de TV sobre mulheres grávidas que caiu oito andares, e aterrou de bruços, sem dúvida que estava morta, mas o bebé... o bebé estava bem.
I missed her because, for a second, I thought I saw them.
Ela escapou-me, porque, por um instante, pensei que os vi.
Wilton and tager and I heard about her disappearance, And we saw it as an opportunity.
O Wilton, o Tager e eu soubemos do desaparecimento dela, e vimos isso como uma oportunidade.
- I just saw her walk past.
- É a Lois...
But I just saw her there.
Mas eu acabei de vê-la lá.
I never saw her again, not until today.
Nunca mais a vi, até hoje.
I want to think that that was the first time they saw her, Because it makes sense,
Quero pensar que foi a primeira vez que a viram, porque faz sentido.
I saw Mrs. DiLaurentis in the woods and I tried to follow her.
Vi Mrs. DiLaurentis na floresta e tentei segui-la.

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