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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ I ] / I saw him yesterday

I saw him yesterday tradutor Português

76 parallel translation
I saw him yesterday in Flurgendorf Prison.
Vi-o ontem, na Prisão de Flurgendorf.
I saw him yesterday in the woods.
Ontem, vi-o no bosque.
I saw him yesterday on MTV.
Ele não está morto. Vi-o ontem na mtv.
I saw him yesterday at the bank and he told me that you quit the team.
Ontem vi-o no banco e ele disse-me que tu saíste da equipa.
But I saw him yesterday at 7-Eleven.
Mas ontem vi-o numa loja de conveniência.
Yes, I saw him yesterday.
Sim, vi-o ontem.
I saw him yesterday Just for a second at Lex's funeral
Vi-o, ontem. - Só por um segundo, no funeral.
I saw him yesterday.
Falei com ele, ontem.
Yeah, I saw him yesterday.
Sim, eu vi-o ontem.
- I saw him yesterday...
- Eu ontem vi-o.
- I saw him yesterday.
- Vi-o ontem.
I'm a psychiatrist, and I saw him yesterday talking to an empty chair.
Sou psiquiatra e ontem vi-o a falar para uma cadeira vazia.
I saw him yesterday afternoon.
Vi-o ontem à tarde.
I saw him yesterday morning.
Eu vi-o ontem de manhã.
I saw him yesterday at the funeral.
Eu vi-o no funeral ontem.
- I saw him yesterday.
Vi-o ontem.
I saw him yesterday, too, and I think he might be following me.
Também o vi ontem, e acho que pode estar a seguir-me.
Ah, I saw him yesterday evening.
Vi-o ontem à noite.
- I saw him yesterday, he was fine.
- Vi-o ontem no elevador. Estava óptimo.
"I saw him yesterday, or t'other day, " Or then, or then, with such, or such, " and, as you say, there was a'gaming,
Vi-o outro dia, ou ontem, em tal ou tal ocasião, em companhia de fulano ou sicrano, como dizias, estava lá jogando, o surpreendi em libações ou jogando tênis.
I saw him yesterday in the market.
Vi-o ontem, na feira.
I saw him yesterday when he was racing you up and down the street.
Eu vi-o ontem quando estava a correr atrás de ti rua acima e rua abaixo.
I took it. when I saw him yesterday.
Tirei-o quando o fui ver.
I saw him yesterday and...
Vi-o ontem a noite e...
I saw him myself day before yesterday.
Vi-o anteontem.
I've told you a dozen times, I never saw Ockham... until I saw him at the morgue yesterday.
Já lhe disse que não tinha visto o Ockham... - até que o vi no necrotério ontem.
I just saw him yesterday
Eu vi-o ontem.
I saw him and you coming out of Jacobs'place... and then yesterday I asked around about you.
Vi-o a sair consigo do Jacobs'... e, depois, ontem fiz perguntas sobre si.
I saw him yesterday.
Vi-o ontem.
I only saw him yesterday.
- Que prontidão. Vi-o ontem.
I could swear i saw him here yesterday, and the day before and the day before that.
Podia jurar que o vi aqui ontem e anteontem e no dia anterior.
- Nope. No. He seemed perfectly normal yesterday when I saw him talking to the police.
Não, ontem parecia normal quando o vi a falar com a polícia.
I saw him just yesterday.
Eu vi-o apenas ontem.
Yesterday I saw him dead.
Eu ontem vi-o morto.
Yesterday I saw him start a fire with heat from his eyes.
Ontem, vi-o a deflagrar um incêndio com o calor dos olhos.
His friend's name is Charlie Boyd, and I saw him here myself yesterday morning.
- Ele chama-se Charlie Board e vi-o aqui esta manhã.
I saw him the day before yesterday.
Eu vi-o anteontem.
I'm gonna go back to the campus. See if I can talk to anyone who saw him yesterday. Get a different take on it.
Vou voltar ao campus... e ver se encontro alguém que o tenha visto ontem e tenha uma pista.
I just saw him yesterday morning.
Vi-o ontem de manhã.
I saw him leaving here yesterday and he had this jacket on that said DEA.
Eu vi-o a sair ontem e tinha um casaco que dizia DEA.
I just saw him yesterday.
Eu vi-o ontem.
I saw him around noon yesterday.
Vi-o por volta do meio-dia, ontem.
I saw him taking lunch here yesterday.
Vi-o aqui ontem, depois do almoço.
He may not be the picture of sanity, but yesterday when I saw him come through that door, I saw him change.
Pode não ser um exemplo de sanidade mas ontem quando o vi passar por esta porta vi que ele mudou.
Yesterday I heard and saw him.
Na noite passada, eu ouvi-o, eu vi-o!
I just saw him yesterday. "
"Ainda ontem o vi."
Him and maria or him and the blonde I saw him kissing yesterday?
Ele e a Maria ou ele e a loura que o vi beijar ontem?
I saw him yesterday at school, but that's it.
Vi-o ontem na escola, é só isso.
I saw you bringing him in to the conference room yesterday.
Vi-os a trazê-lo para a sala de conferências ontem.
- Yeah, that's'cause I saw him yesterday on the street. - That's right.
- Isso mesmo.
The day before yesterday, I thought I saw him at the corner of the road.
Anteontem, pareceu-me vê-lo ali à esquina.

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