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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ I ] / I told him that

I told him that tradutor Português

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I told him that Nate kicked the shit out of me, yes.
Disse que o Nate me encheu de porrada.
I told him that I was smoking to calm my nerves.
Disse-lhe que estava a fumar para acalmar os nervos.
I know, I tried to convince him otherwise. I told him that wives just get in the way, but...
Tentei tirar-lhe isso da cabeça, disse-lhe que as esposas só atrapalham,
I told him that you're not involved with anything illegal.
Eu disse a ele que você não está envolvido em nada ilegal.
You know, when I told him that I was gonna get rid of the FBI once and for all, he said thank you.
Quando lhe disse que ia livrar-me do FBI, uma vez por todas, ele agradeceu.
- I told him that I would help him in any way I could.
Disse-lhe que ajudaria como pudesse.
I told him that I was gonna need a little time to think and that this ring would help me think.
Disse-lhe que ia precisar de tempo para pensar e que este anel ia ajudar-me a fazê-lo.
I-I told him that I had to, you know, wait and think about it.
Disse-lhe que tinha de esperar e pensar no assunto.
Lux, he ran into a burning building because I told him that you were in there.
Lux, ele entrou num edifício em chamas porque lhe disse que estavas lá.
I told him that we should wait for backup, but he wouldn't listen to me.
Disse-lhe para esperar por apoio. Mas não me ouviu.
He just wanted to see his daughter, and I told him that he couldn't.
Só queria ver sua filha, e disse-lhe que não podia.
- I told him that.
- Eu disse-lhe isso.
I told him that Mommy didn't have a husband but wanted you so very, very much that she couldn't wait another day.
Disse que a mãe dele não tinha marido, Mas o queria demais que não aguentava mais outro dia.
How would you like it if I told him that you have a ball that feels like two balls?
Como é que te sentias se eu lhe dissesse, que tens uma bola que parece duas?
I told him that I recognized him.
Disse-lhe que o reconheci.
I told him that we'd meet at the cyber cafe.
Disse-lhe que nos encontraríamos no cyber café.
I told him that you'd kick him in his big fat head and embarrass him in front of everyone if he didn't stop acting like a dick.
Que tu ias dar-lhe uma tareia e ele ia passar uma vergonha à frente de toda a gente, se não deixasse de ser parvo.
Detective Sanchez, I said, "do not fight with Sarge." I told him that.
Detective Sanchez, disse para não brigar. Eu disse isso a ele.
I told Josh, if it helps, that I would show him our bank accounts.
Já disse ao Josh que se ajudar, mostro as minhas contas bancárias.
'Cause he told me that nobody would ever find out. I was just supposed to help him deal the drugs... and then I would get a cut after I got rid of the body.
Porque foi ele que me disse que ninguém descobriria, que o ajudaria a negociar as drogas, e ganharia a minha parte, depois de me livrar do corpo.
That reminds me... I killed my brother... With this joke I told him last night.
Isso faz-me lembrar... que eu matei o meu irmão... com esta piada que lhe contei ontem à noite.
I don't know. I feel like my head's gonna pop off because I haven't told him and I want to and I hate that.
Sinto que a minha cabeça vai rebentar porque ainda não lhe contei e quero contar e detesto isto.
Well, I'd have put this strawberry in that guy's mouth... taken him up to my room, put a gun between his ribs... and told him to shut up and sit tight, or I'd arrest him for solicitation.
Bem, teria posto morangos na boca do individuo, levava-o para o meu quarto, apontava uma arma às suas costas, e dir-lhe-ia para se calar e estivesse sossegado, porque senão prendia-o por atentado às normas.
I told the doctor that I'd meet him at your father's house.
Disse ao doutor que me encontrava com ele em casa do teu pai.
That's why i told him not to take it.
Eu sabia! Foi por isso que lhe disse para não o aceitar.
Since I told him and a few other people in class that we'd give'em the answers to Lipsky's multiple-choice.
Desde que lhe contei e a algumas pessoas que lhe vamos dar as respostas da prova da Lipsky.
I never told him to do that.
Nunca lhe disse para fazer isso. A sério?
I told him to stay away from us, but he said that he would have me arrested for kidnapping.
Disse-lhe para ficar longe de nós, mas ele disse-me que me prendia por rapto.
There may be things that I haven't told my son but I have never lied to him.
Pode haver coisas que não disse ao meu filho... mas nunca lhe menti.
I told him things about myself that almost no one knows.
Contei-lhe coisas sobre mim que quase ninguém sabe.
I told him you got there after and that we both arrived too late, so you're off the hook.
Falei que chegaste depois de mim, e que chegamos tarde demais para fazer algo. Assim, estás livre.
After that, he told me if I could get him the music box, the video would disappear.
Depois ele disse que se lhe arranjasse a caixa de música... o vídeo desaparecia.
He grabbed my dad and told me that if I didn't draw this place by 5 : 00, he was gonna kill him.
Raptou o meu pai e disse-me que se eu não desenhasse este lugar até às 17 : 00, que o matava.
"I told him I wanted to wait, " that if he loved me, he would respect that I wanted to wait.
" Eu disse-lhe que queria esperar, e se me amasse, respeitava que queria esperar.
I told him to be anything but that.
Disse-lhe para ser tudo menos polícia.
I told him I would nail myself to a cross every year he kept her alive. How did that negotiation go?
Eu disse-Lhe que me crucificaria todos os anos se Ele a mantivesse viva.
I told him after the verdict that I'd be coming after him.
Disse-lhe depois do julgamento que eu ia atrás dele.
Oh, by the way, I told Brian that I'd throw him a party at the house.
Já agora, disse ao Brian que lhe ia fazer uma festa lá em casa.
You know, so I told him you've got a really good sound, and I think that you should market your sound to deaf people, because... Scott!
Sabes, eu disse-lhe que tu tinhas um som muito bom, e acho que deverias vender teu som aos surdos, porque...
That's why I told Orlov to pick him up.
Por isso disse ao Orlov para capturá-lo.
- I know. That's what I told him.
Foi o que eu lhe disse.
- You shouldn't have told him that. - I felt like I should.
- Não lhe devias ter contado.
I brought my friend Mater along on the trip and I told him he needed to act different, that we weren't in Radiator Springs.
Eu trouxe meu amigo Mater comigo na viagem, e disse-lhe que precisava de agir diferente, que não estávamos em Radiator Springs.
I told him I don't train with people that I don't know.
Eu já lhe disse que não treino com quem não conheço.
- That's what I want to talk to you about leave it alone Roberto well I found out that you were in Saminari whit him and... you never told me that you wanted to be a priest don't you think that's weird?
- Era disso que lhe queria falar... Esquece isso, Roberto. Descobri que andaram juntos no Seminário.
Roger Daltrey wrote me a letter saying would I like to come play, and I told him no way, because that's it.
O Roger Daltrey escreveu-me uma carta a convidar para tocar e eu disse-lhe que nem pensar. Porque é tudo.
Well, I told him to find a hospital, because, you know, that isn't normal, is it?
Eu disse para ele ir ao hospital. Porque isso não é normal, pois não?
I went to his apartment a couple of days ago and told him that Pamela would like him to say a few words at the wedding and that wasn't true.
Fui ao apartamento dele há uns dias, e disse-lhe que a Pamela gostava que ele dissesse algumas palavras no casamento, e isso é mentira.
Oh that's what I told him.
Foi o que Ihe disse a ele.
You know, when I suggested to Michael spend a few days with you... He told me that you had forgotten him. You do not even answer your letters.
Sabe quando sugeri a Michael para passar alguns dias consigo ele disse-me que o tinha esquecido nem respondeu às suas cartas.
I told you that the Don should not go to the club and you brought him here.
Eu disse-lhe que Don não deveria vir ao clube e trouxe-o aqui.

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