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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ I ] / I went

I went tradutor Português

35,540 parallel translation
- Dot, remember... remember when I got grounded when my mom realized that I went to see Simon's band?
Dot, lembras-te de quando fiquei de castigo quando a minha mãe soube que tinha ido ver a banda do Simon?
I went to your wedding.
Fui ao teu casamento.
I went to see a warlock in Park Slope. Her name's Iris Rouse and she...
Fui ter com uma feiticeira em Park Slope.
When I was a boy, I went to church every Sunday.
Em criança, ia à igreja todos os domingos.
When I returned, I went to see her and found the aftermath of a massacre.
Quando voltei, fui vê-la e encontrei o resultado de um massacre.
I went to Sunday school.
- O que foi? Andei na catequese.
This season on "The Flash"... I went back in time and created an alternate timeline, a whole new existence.
Anteriormente em The Flash voltei no tempo e criei uma linha temporal alternativa,
I went the Judge Advocate ex parte and got you released on bail.
- Por causa desse arquivo, fui à Justiça Militar e consegui a tua liberdade sob fiança. - Espera, o quê?
My roommate and I went a little crazy the other day.
Eu e a minha colega de quarto excedemo-nos, no outro dia.
I went there Sunday.
Fui lá no domingo.
You were snoozing away, and I went over to his room to watch Ride Along 2.
Estavas a dormir. Fui ao quarto dele ver Polícias em Grandes Apuros.
I--I went to go fill out a lease application.
Fui preencher um formulário de aluguer.
I went to see her.
Fui vê-la.
I went out with a couple of friends - and got a little carried away.
Saí com uns amigos e entusiasmei-me.
I went back to the boat basin and I found this outside the Jade Wolf. It's Maia's.
Eu fui à doca e encontrei isto.
That I went down on the donnager.
Que desapareci na Donnager.
And, um, I went online and... tried to find the new address, since, you know, she wouldn't give it to me.
Fui à internet, e tentei descobrir a nova morada, porque ela não ma dá.
We'd broken up a bunch, and we got back together and he was still seeing her and... and I went through... every photograph, every e-mail, and I made him get rid of all of them.
Separámo-nos muitas vezes, voltámos a ficar juntos, e ele não parava de a ver. E percorri todas as fotos, todos os emails e fi-lo livrar-se de tudo.
I went there.
Fui lá.
I went to bed every night in a world full of magic where anything was possible.
Adormecia todas as noites num mundo de magia em que tudo era possível.
I went to war once.
Fui à guerra, uma vez.
I went after him to try to get him to wake you up...
Apareceu no STAR Labs, tentei fazer-te acordar...
No, I went.
Não, já fui.
I went to the future.
Fui ao futuro.
I took some of that money, and I went on a blues cruise.
Peguei em algum daquele dinheiro e fui num cruzeiro de blues.
I went to the bar right after she left.
Fui para o bar logo a seguir a ela sair.
I just have to tell her that my band went on tour, and I'll be right back on Camille.
Digo-lhe que a minha banda esteve em digressão e volto a procurar a Camille.
She's been sober ever since that bender she went on after Dad died, but I found a bottle of vodka in her bedroom, and there hadn't been alcohol in the house for years.
Ela tem estado sóbria desde que o meu pai morreu, mas encontrei vodca e não havia álcool nesta casa há anos.
I heard you went to see Jace.
Foste ver o Jace. Ele está bem?
And we went through so much to get her back, but I just...
Passámos por muita coisa para a recuperar, mas não sei.
After everything that I went through with Mom...
- Não. Depois do que eu passei com a mãe...
I mean, you should have seen her face when Clary went off on her.
Devias tê-la visto quando a Clary gritou com ela.
- Shh! - Oh, I know what went wrong.
Eu sei o que correu mal.
I thought that went pretty good.
Acho que correu bem.
I was gonna ask how it went with the new Canary, but I can tell by that... look on your face.
Ia perguntar como foi com a nova Canário, mas posso ver pela tua cara.
I actually went and bought her cookbooks.
Fui comprar livros de receitas dela.
In fact, I asked her if she went easy on me, and she said she did because of something you said to her.
Na verdade, perguntei-lhe se ela foi calma comigo, ela disse que sim, devido a alguma coisa que lhe disseste.
The bastard was wearing Kevlar, but I think one of my shots went into his shoulder with a 9-mil slug.
O cretino estava a usar colete, mas penso que atirei e lhe acertei no ombro com uma 9 mm.
Yeah. And if any of my guys went off the reservation like that, I'd know it.
Se fosse algum dos meus, eu sabia.
I know it's none of my business, but after what you guys just went through, maybe you should give Simon some time. No.
Não me diz respeito, mas após tudo o que passaram, talvez devas dar um tempo ao Simon.
I didn't know where you went.
Não sabia onde tinhas ido.
To keep others from going through what she went through? Because I can't imagine a more noble endeavor.
Porque eu não consigo imaginar um mais nobre esforço.
At first, I thought maybe she needed money, but then... as time went on, I began to think maybe she's planning to kill herself.
Primeiro pensei que precisava de dinheiro mas com o passar do tempo, penso que ela se quer suicidar.
I don't know if he trusts me after everything that went down.
Não sei se confia em mim, depois de tudo o que se passou.
That's not how the story went at all, Mom. I wasn't angry. I don't know what you're talking about.
A história não foi assim, mãe, não fiquei zangada, não sei do que falas.
Yeah, I actually went to that class.
- Eu na verdade fui à essa aula.
I was hoping a redo on the coffee, seeing as how the last one went off the rails. - Yeah.
Podíamos sair para tomar café novamente, já que na última vez não foi como esperado.
It sure would be a lot easier if I just knew exactly how that night went.
Seria mais fácil se soubesse o que é que aconteceu naquela noite.
- You went back in time, and saved her. - I...
- Eu...
Jesse, I can't believe you went after Savitar by yourself.
Jesse, não acredito que foste sozinha atrás do Savitar.
You know, I think your protégé went toe-to-toe with Savitar.
Acho que o teu protegido ficou cara a cara com o Savitar.

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