I went to sleep tradutor Português
226 parallel translation
I went to sleep, Miles, and it happened.
Dormi e aconteceu. Becky...
I was always allowed to have five minutes to talk before I went to sleep.
Era-me sempre permitido ter cinco minutos para falar antes de ir dormir.
I had a bad dream and woke up... but then I went to sleep again.
Tive um pesadelo e acordei e depois voltei a adormecer.
I went to sleep, and when I woke up, I found myself wandering around :
Dormi, e quando despertei, estava a perambular por aí.
I went to sleep, too.
Adormeci, também.
I used to think that the best part would start as soon as I went to sleep.
Costumava pensar que a melhor parte começaria... logo que eu adormecesse.
I even whipped myself before I went to sleep.
Até me vergastei antes de dormir.
I went to sleep for three thousand years looking forward to seeing how they would live their lives.
Fui dormir durante 300 anos... com esperança de ver como eles viveriam as suas vidas.
And one night I went to sleep dreaming all these sweet dreams, and I woke up coughing into the face of a fireman.
E uma noite eu fui dormir a sonhar os sonhos mais doces, e quando acordei, dei de caras com um bombeiro.
I went to sleep.
E eu adormeci.
Sometime after Letterman. That's when I went to sleep.
Depois de dar o Letterman, foi quando adormeci.
I went to sleep.
Eu adormeci...
I used to hear it at my aunts house before I went to sleep.
Eu costumava ouvi-la na casa das minhas tias. Antes de ir dormir.
When Doyle took me from my daughter... I went to sleep.
Quando o Doyle me separou da minha filha... eu adormeci.
Mr. Breslin, sir, don't think because you haven't heard from me for a while that I went to sleep.
"Mr. Breslin, lá por já algum tempo não ter notícias minhas, " não julgue que eu adormeci.
And I took them, and I went to sleep.
Tomei e dormi.
Do you know that every night before I went to sleep I used to pray that you would take your lithium and just act normal?
Tens muita coisa minha. Eu vejo isso. Sabias que todas as noites, antes de dormir eu rezava para que tomasses o lítio e agisses normalmente?
You know, I went to sleep-away camp so long ago that it was the Stone Age.
Sabem que eu comecei a ir a estes campos há tanto tempo, que ainda foi na idade da pedra.
Got to weigh half a pound, and it was squarely- - I mean squarely- - on the bedside table when I went to sleep.
Caiu girando no chão. Mas estava bem no meio da mesa quando fui dormir.
When I was little, she used to describe her village to me, every night before I went to sleep, in gross detail.
Quando era pequena, descrevia-me a sua aldeia natal todas as noites, antes de dormir, pormenorizadamente.
I do know he always went heavily armed, and he never went to sleep without covering the floor around his bed with newspapers so that nobody could come silently into his room.
Sei que andava sempre bem armado, e nunca ia dormir... sem cobrir o chão à volta de cama dele, com jornais... para que ninguém entrasse silenciosamente no quarto dele.
If you could tell me the exact minute you went to sleep, and the exact minute that you woke up, then tell me if you woke up in between, and how long you stayed awake each time you woke up, then I could tell you exactly...
Se souberes dizer-me o minuto exacto em que adormeceste e o minuto exacto em que acordaste, quanto tempo estiveste acordada entre isso e quanto tempo estiveste levantada, posso dizer-te exactamente...
I nearly went to sleep.
Quase adormecia.
I went home only to sleep.
Só voltei a casa para dormir.
And I went to bed that night, Friday night, and I didn't get an hour's sleep at all.
E quando eu fui pra cama naquela sexta, eu não consegui dormir.
I waited for you all night and you went to sleep at home.
Esperei por si a noite toda e não você não apareceu.
I heard the church bells at midnight... as I started to drift off to sleep... and my car alarm went off for absolutely no reason.
Eu escutei as badaladas da igreja a meia noite... enquanto eu estava pegando no sono... e o alarme do despertador sem razão alguma.
You know, I can remember when my daddy used to take all of our valuable possessions and he'd put'em out in the street every night before he went to sleep.
Lembro-me do meu pai por suas posses mais valiosas na rua cada noite antes de dormir.
I can't believe Carlton went to sleep.
Não acredito que o Carlton foi dormir.
I had him with me till he was 30. Then he went to sleep and didn't wake up.
Tive-o comigo até ele fazer os trinta, e um dia adormeceu e não voltou a acordar.
excuse me, but... didn't get to sleep and for that I went to the river... were there that I saw them.
Desculpe-me, mas... Não conseguia dormir e por isso fui até ao rio... Foi aí que os vi.
I went home to try to get some sleep.
Fui para casa tentar dormir um bocado.
# I went to sleep # You enjoying'yourself up there?
Estás te a divertir?
- I'd say she went home to sleep.
- Diria que foi para casa dormir.
I never really went to sleep.
Nunca me cheguei a ir deitar.
So I came back after you went to sleep.
Então eu voltei depois de teres ido dormir.
I put them to sleep, and my mother came over, and then I went out with Leo.
Meti-os na cama e a minha mãe chegou e depois sai com o Leo.
Well I've been here two hours and Mrs. Hartle woke up just long enough to tell me why foreigners are ruining this country and then she went back to sleep.
Bem, já estou aqui à duas horas e a Sra. Hardell acordou, só para me dizer que os estrangeiros estão a arruinar com o país... e depois voltou a dormir.
Don't worry, I waited until he went to sleep, and then I broke a key off in his door to lock him in.
Não te rales, esperei que fosse dormir e parti uma chave na fechadura do quarto.
I never went to sleep.
Não cheguei a ir dormir.
Actually, I went to bed early for a change, but I had a nightmare and I could not get back to sleep.
Na verdade, fui dormir cedo para variar. Mas tive um pesadelo e não consegui voltar a dormir.
Wasn't until years later I found out the poor prick went home every night and cried himself to sleep.
Só anos mais tarde é que soube que o pobre voltava todas as noites para casa e chorava até adormecer.
Then I'm mean'cause I won't let them sleep in a tree house and then they went to bed yelling and screaming.
Depois, sou mau, porque não os deixo dormir numa casa na árvore e, depois, foram para a acama aos gritos.
I got back home at ten and went to bed, but I couldn't sleep.
Por isso voltei a casa pelas 22 : 00. Tentei dormir, meti-me na cama, mas não consegui.
I went to the back and went to sleep.
Depois fui dormir.
I never went to sleep, really.
Eu não cheguei a ir dormir.
But the thing I remember most was that for the entire week before my wedding... I'd wait till my mother went to sleep, and I'd sneak out of bed... and I'd put on my wedding dress and my tiara and my gloves... and I would stare at myself in the mirror and think... how very safe I felt... how very right and wise and honored.
Mas do que me lembro mais foi de toda a semana antes de me casar, esperava que a minha mãe fosse dormir, para eu sair da cama... e vestir o vestido de noiva, pôr a tiara e as luvas... e ficava a olhar para mim no espelho a pensar... como me sentia segura,
I left her on my bed to sleep it off. And I went downstairs to crash on the sofa.
Deixei-a na cama a curar a bebedeira e fui dormir no sofá do rés-do-chão.
And I never even went to sleep.
E nem sequer estava a dormir.
Last night I neglected to meditate before I went to sleep.
Ontem à noite, não meditei antes de dormir.
I did and went back to sleep.
Abri-a e voltei a dormir.
i went for a walk 44
i went shopping 18
i went 167
i went to the bathroom 21
i went home 97
i went over there 16
i went to college 32
i went to 26
i went to harvard 21
i went inside 19
i went shopping 18
i went 167
i went to the bathroom 21
i went home 97
i went over there 16
i went to college 32
i went to 26
i went to harvard 21
i went inside 19