I went in tradutor Português
4,492 parallel translation
You stay here, tell them I went in.
- Fica aqui e avisa-os que entrei.
- Donna, I went in there as a paralegal trying to negotiate with Louis Litt, and I left with the money to become a lawyer, and for the first time in my life, I felt like I could actually be one.
- Donna, eu fui até lá como uma assistente jurídica tentar negociar com o Louis Litt, e saí de lá com o dinheiro para me tornar uma advogada, e pela primeira vez na minha vida, senti que realmente poderia tornar-me uma.
I went in there to get Karine. To bury her proper.
Para enterrá-la devidamente.
And here's that beautiful Sunday in the park that you and I went to, and we have a wonderful Sunday.
E aqui está aquele bonito domingo no parque a que fomos...
I didn't see him myself, but I knew from the look in grandfather's eyes just before he went, the angel bore a most terrible face.
que o rosto do anjo era assustador.
I was born in Paris, I went to Talavera when I was 10, but I've lived in Madrid for 20 years.
Nasci em Paris, fui para Talavera aos dez. Mas vivi 20 anos em Madrid.
Kono and I went through the letters he wrote to his daughter while he was in prison.
A Kono e eu analisamos as cartas que ele escreveu à filha, quando estava na prisão.
And when she did, I swear the room went cold, as if a cloud had passed in front of the sun.
E quando o fez, juro que o quarto ficou frio, como se uma nuvem tivesse passado em frente do sol.
After what we all went through I'm gonna make some major changes in my life...
Depois do que nós passamos eu vou fazer umas grandes mudanças na minha vida,
I had a patient in here. Do you know where he went?
Havia aqui um paciente.
And when that went south, I did too... in terms of juice.
E quando ela correu mal, eu fui atrás... em questão de poder.
You're here with Gracie, Matt's on the run somewhere, the girls are busy with their own families, and I went from being the busiest woman in the world, raising you guys, cooking, cleaning, couponing, PTA-ing, to having absolutely nothing but time on my hands.
Estás aqui com a Gracie, o Matt a viajar algures, as meninas ocupadas com as famílias delas, e eu deixei de ser a mulher mais ocupada do mundo, a criar-vos, a cozinhar, a limpar,
You remember when your mom and I went out and left Ben in charge for the first time?
Lembras-te quando a tua mãe e eu saímos... e deixámos o Ben a tomar conta de vós?
Well, I went to see him in his room.
Fui vê-lo ao quarto dele.
I mean, the first night we got here, he came in, he went in the studio, he recorded one of his songs.
Quero dizer, na primeira noite em que chegamos aqui, ele chegou, foi ao estúdio e gravou uma das suas canções.
It's just that after everything you went through in Paris with Miranda, I didn't feel like rubbing salt in the wound.
É que depois de tudo que que passaste em Paris, com a Miranda, não me apeteceu estar a "esfregar sal na ferida".
Anyway, sort of the worst part of it is... please keep in mind that you love me when I tell you this, but before everything went down,
Seja como for, a parte pior é que... E, por favor, lembra-te que me amas quando te disser isto.
And, Max, I can't believe you went out with that hair in public.
E, Max, eu não acredito que saíste com esse cabelo em público.
I said she went in the Vault.
Disse que ela entrou no Cofre.
I wrote it down, in case something went wrong.
- Eu anotei-o, caso algo desse errado.
So I snuck in, and I went to go see the girls band, Twisted Sister.
Então eu esgueirei-me e fui ver a banda das miúdas, os Twisted Sister.
And he throws up in a waste paper basket and the place went crazy. "Buddha, Buddha." And I'm thinking,
E ele vomita num caixote do lixo e foi uma loucura.
I didn't know any of that existed in the city, I never went to New York to have anything to do with the music scene there. To make a long story short,
Nem sabia que isso existia na cidade, nunca tinha ido a Nova Iorque, para saber o que se passava na cena musical de lá.
I went over to the side of the stage to see if anybody- - just in case anybody wanted to fight me. So I went over and there was no.
Eu fui até ao lado do palco para ver se alguém... só para ver se alguém queria lutar comigo.
And off I went to get in my first class seat and sip my first class champagne.
PHIL CARSON EX-VICE PRESIDENTE, ATLANTIC - EUROPA E lá fui eu para a minha cadeira de primeira classe, beber o meu champanhe de primeira classe.
Carlos, I went over it again last night and the only thing that makes sense is that Liber8 is fishing for something specific in those safety deposit boxes.
Carlos, fiquei a pensar ontem à noite e a única coisa que faz sentido é que a Liber8 está a procurar uma coisa específica naqueles cofres.
I want you to pull drone footage in Crystal City... near the townhouse where Conner Black went the night before the abduction.
Quero que arranje as imagens dos "drone" em Crystal City. Próximo da casa a que o Connor Black foi na noite anterior ao rapto.
A Internet diz para pôr o telemóvel no arroz, para sugar a água.
Mmm. Santa Fe originally, then I spent some time in Austin, went up to Cambridge, Mass, before I found down here.
Sou de Santa Fé, passei uns tempos em Austin,
When I went over this in the car, uh, it didn't sound so "marry me and sire my children."
Quando pensei nisso no carro, não pareceu tão "casa comigo e vamos ter filhos".
I went to Vegas in November for three days and I didn't tell anybody.
Em novembro, fui a Las Vegas três dias e não avisei ninguém.
I mean, I don't even know why the hell we went up there in the first place.
Quer dizer, eu nem sequer sei porque diabo é que lá fomos, para começar.
'Having selected the correct cream, 'I went to apply it in the changing room.'
'Tendo escolhido o creme correto,'fui aplicá-lo nos vestiários.
'With daylight coming, I locked up,'left the keys to the circuit under the mat'and went in search of breakfast.
'Com a luz do dia a aparecer, tranquei tudo'deixei as chaves do circuito debaixo do tapete'e fui à procura do pequeno almoço.
And so I went the Georgetown University and took a master's degree in Middle East studies.
Então fui para a Universidade de Georgetown tirar um mestrado focado no Médio Oriente.
Even though I was in the war, went the OCD never go away.
Embora tenha estado na guerra, a obsessão compulsiva não desaparece.
♪ fashioned by fate could suffer so hard ♪ I went to sit in the car and cool off, and I fell asleep, and my phone died, and I never should have left.
Fui sentar-me no carro para descansar, caí no sono, a bateria acabou.
Oh, hey, uh, you know, I don't know if you're the guy to talk to about this, but when I went to my trailer this morning, there was a hairy naked guy in it.
Ei, sabe, não sei se é a pessoa para falar sobre isto, mas... quando fui para a minha roulotte esta manhã, estava lá um tipo nu e peludo.
I went back seven days and downloaded all in-progress and service calls in close proximity to the Chinatown quad. We got three calls on suspicious vehicles.
Voltei sete dias e baixei todas as chamadas em andamento e serviço nas proximidades de Chinatown.
For the first time in my life I could hear that it wasn't just sounds, it went beyond that.
Pela primeira vez na vida, consegui sentir que não eram apenas sons. Era mais que isso.
I want to know what went on in here this morning.
Quero saber o que se passou aqui esta manhã.
I went to prison, got my life together in there, took over the garage when I got out.
Fui preso, e passei parte da vida lá, assumi aqui quando saí.
I went back to the house last Saturday to see if we could reconcile and... a man I don't know answered the door in my pajamas.
Fui a casa no Sábado passado para ver se podíamos reconciliar e... Um homem que não conheço abriu-me a porta como o meu pijama vestido.
I did. He went out in a blaze of glory, huh?
Ouviste alguma coisa sobre o Jeff Gamble, hoje?
From the day the machine went online, part of me knew that I would never be able to sever myself from it... and that anyone I ever cared about was in danger.
Desde o dia em que a Máquina ficou online, parte de mim sabia que eu não ia ser capaz de me separar dela, e que todos os que gosto iam estar em perigo.
I was hoping we could use your safe house, John, seeing as we went to all the trouble of saving them in the first place.
Esperava que pudéssemos usar o seu abrigo, John, por saber que tivemos trabalho para os salvar.
He can get pretty loud in the box, but, uh, I never saw anybody coming out looking worse than when he went in.
Ele pode parecer óptimo, mas, nunca vi ninguém pior do que ele, no início.
Well, I'm not going there either,'cause if I went for it, it'd be in strict violation of bro code.
- Eu também não posso ir por ái, pois se fosse, estaria a violar gravemente o código entre irmãos.
I went to see the girlfriend again to confirm that Tomlin's wife did in fact call her as she claimed. Wait a minute.
Fui ver a namorada dele outra vez para confirmar que a mulher do Tomlin, realmente, lhe ligou.
I got hit in the hip and went down.
Fui atingida no quadril e caí.
Ouvi falar do processo judicial da Josephine, e descobri que ela estava na cidade, então, fui falar com ela.
i went inside 19
i went for a walk 44
i went shopping 18
i went 167
i went to the bathroom 21
i went home 97
i went over there 16
i went to college 32
i went to 26
i went to harvard 21
i went for a walk 44
i went shopping 18
i went 167
i went to the bathroom 21
i went home 97
i went over there 16
i went to college 32
i went to 26
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i went to see her 17
i went to sleep 16
i went to bed 25
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