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Iri tradutor Português

7 parallel translation
Our baby is growing so fast, it would scare them.
O nosso bebé está a crescer tão depressa, isso iri assustá-los.
The Development Association would be happy...
A Associação de Desenvolvimento iri ficar feliz...
Uh, no. Actually, you can make it out to I.R.I....
Pode passar em nome de IRI, Imperforate Research Incorporated.
Back when Uncle Sam was trying to maintain its iron grip on the budding Internet, or ARPANET as it was known then this hacker, this coder, hacked into the system and laid its secrets bare.
Na época em que os EUA tentava manter a Iri Trip a desenvolver a Internet... ou Arpanet, como era conhecida.
Because he knew that Scott would never forgive you.
Porque ele sabia que o Scott nunca te iri perdoar.
Disappointed by his failure, Kuratov iri- -
Desapontado com o seu fracasso, Kuratov foi possuído pela inveja.
Oh, my God. Iri...

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