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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ K ] / Killian

Killian tradutor Português

456 parallel translation
Flight Lt. Killian, meet your passenger for tonight, Admiral Victor Henry.
Tenente Killian, procure o passageiro desta noite, o Almirante Victor Henry.
Sorry, Mr. Killian.
Desculpe, Mr. Killian.
Hello, this is Killian.
ola, esta é a Killian.
Damon Killian!
Damon Killian!
Hey, Killian!
Hey, Killian!
Forget it, Killian.
Forget it, Killian.
Damn that Killian!
Maldito sejas, Killian!
I told Killian I'd be back.
I told Killian I'd be back.
Damon Killian's wardrobe by Chez Antoine,
Damon Killian's wardrobe by Chez Antoine,
What about Father Killian?
Então e o Padre Killian?
- KiIIian?
- Killian?
Mr KiIIian can provide it.
Mr. Killian arranja-o.
Steven Killian, English citizen, barman on the ferry.
Stephan Kilian, inglês. Assistente no ferry.
His name.. .. is Jerry Killian.
Chama-se Jerry Killian.
Mr. Killian!
Sr. Killian!
I'll bet that's Jerry Killian.
Aposto que este senhor é o Jerry Killian!
Can you remember, was Mr. Killian here?
Lembra-se se o Sr. Killian estava cá?
Thank you for your help, Mr. Killian.
Obrigado pela sua ajuda, Sr. Killian.
Just the... other day, that silly midwife Killian -... told me the widow had told her a big secret.
Ainda no outro dia, a tonta da parteira Killian disse-me que a viúva lhe contara um grande segredo.
They happened to us the fact that he / she had a house in Killian Parkway.
Tinham-nos informado que ele tinha uma casa nova em Killian Parkway.
Director Killian?
Director Killian?
This is Killian.
Daqui fala Killian.
Your friend, Agent Killian, has been reassigned.
O vosso amigo, o agente Killian, foi readmitido.
Killian out.
Killian desliga.
Skywalker, have you heard from Admiral Killian?
Skywalker, já tiveste notícias do Almirante Killian?
Now, having lost contact with Admiral Killian when his doomed starship crashed, the Jedi search for survivors with the aid of a Republic rescue ship.
Agora, tendo perdido o contacto com o Almirante Killian quando a sua nave se despenhou, os Jedi procuram por sobreviventes com a ajuda da nave de salvamento da República.
We'll contact you as soon as our search for Admiral Killian is complete.
Iremos contactá-lo assim que a busca pelo Almirante Killian esteja completa.
Let's hope Admiral Killian and the command crew are still in one piece.
Esperemos que o Almirante Killian e a tripulação de comando continuem inteiros.
Admiral Killian and then at least three navigational officers.
O Almirante Killian e... pelo menos três oficiais de navegação.
We need to get to the bridge to find Admiral Killian.
Precisamos de chegar à ponte para encontrar o Almirante Killian.
But I don't see Admiral Killian or Commander Ponds.
Mas não encontro o Almirante Killian nem o Comandante Ponds.
I'm afraid Admiral Killian and Commander Ponds are lost.
Receio que o Almirante Killian e o Comandante Ponds estejam perdidos.
This is Hugh Killian.
Ele é Hugh Killian.
No problem, Mr. Killian.
Não há problemas, Sr. Killian.
Actually... ( yells ) :
Na verdade... Janet, ligue para o Hugh Killian.
Janet, get Hugh Killian on the phone. JANET : Right away.
É para já.
I mean, Hugh Killian is a top boss in the Irish mob, and that certainly sounds like he helped fix Wahl's trial.
Se o Killian é um chefe da máfia, isso certamente faz parecer que ajudou a manipular o julgamento.
How's Hugh Killian?
Como vai o Hugh Killian?
JAREK : Hugh Killian?
Hugh Killian?
Hugh Killian?
- Hugh Killian?
Killian and Gibbons- - the Un-holy Grail.
Killian e Gibbons, o Profano Graal.
KILLIAN : Hey, Larry.
- Olá, Larry.
Take his stuff. KILLIAN : Dump it on some street in crack-town.
Apanha as coisas dele, atira-as numa ruela.
Gibbons met Killian today.
O Gibbons encontrou o Killian hoje.
Killian killed the juror, made it look like a robbery, yeah?
O Killian matou o jurado e fez parecer um roubo, certo?
Okay, we've got Killian on murder. That's a lock.
Temos o Killian por homicídio, isso é de certeza.
The least Killian could have done was given us a heads up that whack was going down.
O mínimo que o Killian podia fazer é avisar que matava o homem.
Go to Killian with some merchandise, get the whole thing on a wire.
Chegar ao Killian com a mercadoria, - gravar tudo com uma escuta.
Superintendent. We need to talk to you about Hugh Killian.
Superintendente, temos de conversar sobre o Hugh Killian.

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