Maybe i will tradutor Português
1,186 parallel translation
- Maybe I will.
Talvez eu vá.
Maybe I will stay for lunch.
Talvez fique para almoçar.
Okay, Sister, maybe I will.
Certo, irmã, talvez faça isso.
Maybe I will!
Talvez fique!
A-And maybe I will become a writer and maybe I won't.
Talvez eu venha a ser escritora ou talvez não.
Well, maybe I will.
Talvez aceite!
Maybe I will.
- Talvez faça isso.
Well, maybe I will.
Talvez faça isso.
Maybe I will take that ride.
Acho que vou aceitar essa boleia.
- Why don't you go to her? - Maybe I will.
Talvez vá!
Maybe I will tell you somewhen.
Talvez alguma hora te conte.
W-W-Well, maybe I will.
Talvez eu resolva.
Maybe I will maybe I won't.
Talvez sim talvez não.
Maybe I will.
Maybe I will.
Talvez o faça.
Well, maybe I will take it up with Consumer Affairs!
Talvez vá à Associação de Defesa do Consumidor!
Maybe I will go down to Kruger and talk to her.
Por acaso, pica... Talvez vá à Kruger falar com ela.
Maybe I will, idiot.
- Talvez o faça, idiota.
Maybe I will if we get married but not now, you get it?
Talvez faça se nos casássemos. Mas não agora, entende?
But if we're just "goofing around", maybe I will go out with him.
Mas, se estamos "só a brincar", talvez saia mesmo com ele.
Maybe I will too.
Talvez eu saia também.
Okay, maybe I will.
Está bem, talvez convide.
Maybe I will too.
Talvez eu também descubra.
And maybe I will hire a new lunch lady.
E talvez eu contra-te uma cozinheira nova.
Sorry. - Maybe this will put us in the mood - - I got the answer!
Talvez isto nos direccione para a resposta certa.
And maybe I never will.
Talvez nunca lho diga.
- Tom. I never told anybody, any of my people about you and Jackie Brown, the real truth of it, and maybe I never will.
Tom, não contei a ninguém sobre si e o Jackie Brown.
Maybe Perry will never notice if I just don't give it to him.
Talvez Perry nem sequer note se eu não lhe der isto.
Maybe one day, I will.
Talvez um dia eu experimente.
Maybe if I go back to sleep for a few days, some good mail will build up.
Talvez se eu dormir por uns dias pode chegar melhor correio.
And we're going along, like I said... west on Sherman Way... and this is called On The Lookout... that's the name of this show... on the lookout for a young stud... who maybe will get in the back seat here... and get it on with Rollergirl.
E vamos andando, como disse, oeste na Sherman Way... e isto é chamado "À espreita." Este é o nome do programa. À espreita de um jovem garanhão... quem, talvez, vai entrar no banco de trás aqui... e fazê-lo com a Rollergirl.
Maybe someday I will.
Talvez experimente um dia.
Maybe I fuckin'will.
Acho que é o que farei.
Maybe Kidston will kill you before I return.
Talvez o Kidston te mate, antes de eu voltar.
I have my friends here... and maybe your mother will buy a Iot of Tupperware.
Tenho cá as minhas amigas e talvez ela compre muitos Tupperware.
I think maybe this will make the difference.
Acho que isto pode fazer diferença.
Maybe no one will miss you but I have a little daughter who loves her daddy.
Talvez ninguém dê pela vossa falta, mas eu tenho uma fila pequena, que adora o pai dela..
Maybe the feelings I had for you will come back.
Talvez os sentimentos que eu tive por você voltem.
Maybe, if I am lucky, he will not have me executed.
Talvez, se tiver sorte, não mandará me executarem.
Look, I don't wanna be a hard-on about this, and I know it wasn't your fault, but I just thought it was fair to tell you that Gilbert and I will be submitting this to the league and asking them to set aside the round. I don't know, maybe forteit it to us.
Não quero ser chato e sei que não tiveste culpa, mas achei melhor dizer-te que o Gilbert e eu vamos pedir ã liga para anular a ronda e para nos atribuir a vitória.
Maybe someday I will see what I look like through your eyes Captain Love.
Talvez um dia veja aquilo que pareço ser através dos seus olhos capitão Love.
"Maybe too beautiful for me, but I will tell her how I feel."
"Talvez bonita demais para mim, mas vou-lhe dizer o que sinto."
I will have medals on my chest, maybe even a band playing...
Terei medalhas no peito, talvez até uma banda a tocar.
Maybe the spell will work if I kiss her.
Talvez o feitiço funcione se eu der um beijo nela.
Maybe if I start doing Christmassy things, people will start to remember. That didn't work with Bobunk.
Talvez se eu começar a fazer coisas de Natal, as pessoas comecem a lembrar-se.
- Maybe he won't, but I will.
Ele talvez não, mas eu sim.
If I had weeks, or even days, maybe I could come up with an alternative, but time is of the essence and Moset's idea will work.
Se tivéssemos semanas, inclusive dias, poderíamos ter uma alternativa. Mas o tempo esta acabando e a idéia de Moset funcionará.
But maybe I will.
Talvez use.
I mean, maybe if I'm lucky enough, someone else will decide and choose and do things for me.
Talvez, se tiver sorte, alguém decida e escolha e faça as coisas por mim.
The kind that look at the spinning sombrero ride and think... that there's maybe some amusement to be had there... and the kind that look at it and think, "Where will I throw up atter?"
Aquelas que acham divertido dar uma volta no sombrero e aquelas que olham para aquilo e pensam : "Onde vou vomitar depois?"
Will you stop it? Maybe if you weren't strangling me, I'd be fine.
Seria melhor se não me estrangulasses.
maybe it's better this way 17
maybe i do 116
maybe i don't 50
maybe i won't 28
maybe i am 188
maybe it won't 17
maybe it's me 32
maybe i did 99
maybe it's for the best 67
maybe it isn't 28
maybe i do 116
maybe i don't 50
maybe i won't 28
maybe i am 188
maybe it won't 17
maybe it's me 32
maybe i did 99
maybe it's for the best 67
maybe it isn't 28