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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ M ] / Maybe you should have

Maybe you should have tradutor Português

586 parallel translation
Maybe you should have dropped this one.
- Se calhar devias ter atirado este.
Maybe you should have stayed where you was.
Talvez devesse ter ficado onde estava.
Maybe you should have been gift-wrapped.
Também me saíste uma bela prenda!
Maybe you should have let Mother make her own choice.
Talvez devesse ter deixado a mãe escolher.
Maybe you should have given him a tip. Yeah.
Devias ter-lhe dado gorjeta.
Maybe you should have something with your water.
Talvez devesse tomar alguma coisa com a água.
Maybe you should have told him you were out of town.
Talvez lhe devesse ter dito que não estava na cidade.
Maybe you should have let him qualify in his own car.
Talvez devesses deixar ele se qualificar no carro dele.
Maybe you should have thought of that before.
Debistes ter pensado nisso antes.
Maybe you should have used soap.
Se calhar devias ter usado sabão.
Well, you know, maybe you should have thought about that, Jesse, before you plopped your colored butt down on a stool over there at Miz Patty's.
Sabe, talvez você precise pensar nisso, Jesse, antes de colocar esse seu traseiro preto na cadeira da Patty.
Maybe you should have spoken up a little bit.
Talvez devesse ter falado um pouco mais alto.
Well, maybe you should have thought about that sooner.
Pois devia ter pensado antes.
Maybe you should have told me what you were.
Deveria ter me dito o que era.
Maybe you should have some tea.
Porque não tomas um chá.
Maybe you should have some Slavic meat after all.
Afinal talvez devas comer um pouco de carne Eslava.
- Maybe you should have that Martini.
Talvez tu devas beber um martíni.
Maybe you should have more men with you.
Talvez devesses levar mais homens contigo.
- Maybe you should have.
- Talvez o devesses ter feito.
Maybe you should have low self-esteem.
Talvez devesse ter baixa auto-estima.
Somethin'maybe you should have thought about doing.
Uma coisa que você também devia ter feito?
Maybe I should have charged you more.
Talvez lhe devesse ter cobrado mais.
Maybe I wasn't around a lot of times I should have been but I guarantee you that I'm gonna spend all the time I have off duty making it up to you.
Eu não estava lá quando devia mas garanto-te que vou passar todo o meu tempo livre a compensar-te.
I guess maybe I should have called you earlier.
Acho que deveria ter telefonado mais cedo.
Maybe I should have spent more time with you.
Talvez eu devesse ter passado mais tempo contigo.
You should have taken that regular job at the "Komet" then maybe I wouldn't have to work at the club.
Devias ter aceitado aquele emprego fixo no "Komet", assim talvez eu não tivesse de trabalhar no clube.
"I should have talked to you before writing, but maybe it's better this way".
"Devia ter-te dito antes de escrever, mas acho melhor assim".
If you thought I was such an angel, maybe you should never have bothered with me.
Se achavas que eu era um anjo, não devias ter tentado andar comigo.
You don't want to get married with the nagging thought "Maybe I should have. " After all he wasn't such an ogre.
Não queres casar com o pensamento persistente "Talvez devesse ter-lhe dado."
Maybe I should call the cops, have them meet you there.
Se calhar, é melhor pedir á Polícia que vá lá ter contigo.
You think maybe I was rollin'dice when I should have been rollin'you?
Tu achas que eu estava a lançar dados na roleta quando eu deveria estar a rolar contigo?
If you still have any doubts, maybe we should up the stakes.
Se ainda tens dúvidas, talvez devêssemos subir a aposta.
Maybe I rode you a little harder than I should have.
Talvez tenha sido demasiado duro contigo.
But then again, knowing you, maybe I should have.
Mas, conhecendo-te, devia estar a espera.
You know, I don't know, I was thinking maybe I should have- -
Estive a pensar... Talvez eu devesse...
Maybe I should have you killed.
Talvez o tivesses morto.
I didn't want to have to tell you this... but maybe you should know.
Eu não queria, ter que lhe dizer isto... mas, talvez devesse saber.
Maybe you should know those rumors have reached the ear of the president.
Esses boatos chegaram aos ouvidos do presidente.
That maybe we should have a strategy now, you know?
Devíamos começar a pensar numa estratégia.
You should have Dr. Feldman look at you. Maybe you have tumours.
E devias pedir ao Dr. Feldman para ver se tens tumores.
Woody, maybe i should have warned you about her.
Woody, eu deveria ter-te alertado sobre ela.
If you have sensitive kids, maybe you should tuck them into bed instead of writing us angry letters.
Portanto se tiver filhos sensíveis, talvez deva deitá-los um pouco mais cedo esta noite, em vez de nos escrever reclamações amanhã.
Maybe I should have offered you the partnership.
Talvez eu deveria ter-lhe oferecido a parceria.
I have a low opinion of the guy, but if it's that important to you, maybe you know something I don't. Maybe I should reconsider. I really like to drive.
Mas, se é tão importante para si... talvez eu deva reconsiderar.
Maybe you should have told him.
Não tenho de dizer isso.
Do you think they're going, "Maybe we should give those two guys who have no experience and no idea, more money"?
Julgas que eles estão a dizer : "Podíamos dar àqueles dois, que não têm qualquer experiência, e não fazem qualquer ideia, mais dinheiro!"
Maybe I should have just sent you to Camp Funnypants.
Talvez devesse ter-te enviado para um campo de comediantes.
Maybe she should have come in here and faced you man-to-man.
Talvez ela devesse ter vindo aqui e tê-lo confrontado directamente.
When I think of the opportunities I passed up because of you two maybe I should have left you a long time ago.
Quando penso nas chances que perdi... por causa das duas... talvez devesse tê-las deixado há muito tempo.
You know, it's times like these I think maybe... I should just get a regular boring job. Settle down with a guy that sells insurance and have two-point-four kids.
Sabes, é em momentos como estes que penso que devia achar um emprego comum, monótono casar com um tipo que venda seguros e ter 2 ou 3 filhos.
Maybe we should start with those who have tattoos, and we'll stone you.
Sim, eu sou.

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