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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ M ] / Maybe you should

Maybe you should tradutor Português

7,475 parallel translation
Maybe you should.
Talvez devesses.
I know that you're really swamped right now, but maybe you should talk to JT.
Eu sei que estás ocupada agora, mas... talvez devesses falar com o J.T.
Well, maybe you should use it going over your testimony.
Bem, talvez o devas usar para rever o teu testemunho.
Maybe you should've stuck around and finished training me yourself.
Talvez devesses ter ficado e acabado de me treinar.
Karen, maybe you should wait outside.
Karen, talvez devias de esperar lá fora.
Maybe you should drop the Woodward and Bernstein, try writing a story about that.
Devias de deixar de ler Woodward e Bernstein, e tentar escrever uma história sobre isso.
You know... maybe you should take your own advice.
Sabes devias seguir o teu próprio conselho.
Maybe you should move.
Se calhar, devia mudar-se.
Maybe you should move down to Louisiana, help me start my fishing business!
Devia ir para o Louisiana, ajudar-me a montar um negócio de pesca!
Maybe you should take a little nibble off mine.
Devias dar uma trinca na minha.
Well, maybe you should work on your, like, presentation, because it comes off a little rough around the edges.
Talvez devesse melhorar a sua apresentação, porque fá-la parecer um pouco rude.
If you don't want to be here, then maybe you should go home.
Se não queres ficar aqui, então, é melhor ires para casa.
Maybe you should just hold off for a few minutes.
Talvez seja melhor esperar alguns minutos.
Maybe you should write a book, G.
Talvez devesses escrever um livro, G.
Maybe you should order in tonight.
Talvez devam pedir comida para casa.
~ Maybe you should've made more friends.
Ninguém me defendeu. Talvez devesses fazer mais amigos.
Maybe you should've asked that before you took on the case.
Devias ter perguntado antes de aceitares o caso.
Maybe you should have left the gun with him. Let him do it.
Devias ter deixado a arma com ele e ele que se matasse.
Well, maybe you should have.
Devias ter levado!
Maybe you should have thought about that before you stabbed yourself and blamed it on Ava.
Talvez devesses ter pensado isso, antes de te teres esfaqueado e culpado a Ava.
Emma, maybe you should take your friend to see one of those grief counselors.
Emma... talvez devias levar a tua amiga para ver um desses conselheiros de luto.
Maybe you should go to Boston, and if he turns up here, we'll get word to you.
Talvez devas ir a Boston e, se ele aparecer aqui, nós avisamos.
Maybe you should take a break. No.
Talvez devesses fazer uma pausa.
Yeah, maybe you should have done the interview.
Devias tê-lo interrogado tu.
Maybe you should get going.
Talvez seja melhor ires.
Maybe you should try and make it work.
Devias tentar entender-te com ele.
Maybe you should too.
Também devia descansar.
Well, maybe you should take some responsibility.
Talvez devas assumir alguma responsabilidade. Ela merece melhor.
Well, maybe you should do some checking of your own.
Talvez deva investigar por conta própria.
You don't think maybe you should start calling me Elsie?
Não acha que já é hora de me chamar Elsie?
Maybe you should, too.
Talvez você devesse, também.
Maybe you should too.
E acho que devias fazer o mesmo.
Maybe you should tell me, sir.
Talvez me devesse dizer, senhor.
Maybe you should've stolen a blueprints from that sociopath mother of yours, since she runs the place.
Talvez devesses ter roubado plantas daquela sociopata da tua mãe visto que ela gere aquilo.
Well, maybe you should ask her.
Talvez devesses falar tu com ela.
Maybe you should rethink this entrance.
Talvez devesses repensar esta entrada.
Then maybe you should've started with the fair offer instead of trying to bully the miners into submission.
Então, talvez devesse ter começado com uma oferta justa... ao invés de tentar subjugar os mineiros.
Maybe you should ask Lanza to join us?
Talvez devesse chamar o Lanza para se juntar a nós.
Then maybe you should remind her.
Então, talvez deva relembrá-la.
Well, maybe you and Vincent should talk first, - you know?
Talvez devesses falar com o Vincent primeiro, sabes?
Maybe we should go say hello, you know?
Talvez devêssemos ir dizer Olá, você sabe?
I should take you there sometime. I don't know, maybe show you around the old haunts.
Devia levar-te lá um dia, mostrar-te os velhos poisos.
You know, I was thinking that maybe we should wait.
Sabe, eu estava pensando que talvez nós devêssemos esperar.
Maybe you should.
Talvez devesse.
Or maybe Audrey should start with an apology for that "sweep the leg" assault you pulled on Will?
Ou talvez a Audrey devesse começar com um pedido de desculpas ao Will por aquele ataque com rasteira?
Maybe I should tease you about the wheelchair.
Talvez te provoque com a cadeira de rodas.
Maybe he should come home and find you dead.
Talvez ele devesse chegar a casa, e encontrar-te morta.
Maybe he should come home and find you dead.
Talvez ele devesse chegar a casa e encontrar-te morto.
No, you know, maybe we should just let this couple go ahead of us.
Não, sabes, talvez devêssemos permitir que este casal vá antes de nós.
Nandi. After we evacuate, I was thinking that maybe I should take you and Amahle somewhere safer.
Nandi, quando a evacuação estiver terminada tinha pensado levar-te a ti e à Amahle para um lugar seguro.
Anything else you feel like you should tell me? Like maybe why you screwed Cookie last night?
Porque foste para a cama com a Cookie ontem?

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