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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ M ] / Maybe you did

Maybe you did tradutor Português

1,068 parallel translation
Well, maybe you did this time.
Bem, talvez tenhas deixado desta vez.
Maybe you did... maybe you didn't.
Talvez sim talvez não.
Maybe... you tried suicide, maybe you did something...
Talvez... tenhas tentado suicídio, Talvez tenhas feito algo de... terrível.
Maybe you did get them mixed up.
Você pode ter confundido. Ei!
Maybe you did once but not now.
Talvez tenhas pertencido... ... mas agora já não.
Maybe I killed more babies than you did, you fuck.
Se calhar matei mais bebés que tu, merdoso!
Maybe Matty did need you.
Talvez a Matty tivesse precisado da tua ajuda.
But did you ever stop to think that maybe you're not ideally suited for police work?
Mas já pensaste que o trabalho de polícia não é coisa para ti?
You'll hunt him down. You three will conduct an investigation until you find somebody who maybe did this.
Vocês 3 vão proceder a uma investigação até acharem alguém que tenha feito isto.
- Divertiu-se com ele?
Maybe growing up where you did has made you a little touchy... but I think you've blown this thing out of proportion.
Talvez o sítio onde cresceste te tenha tornado um pouco sensível, mas acho que exageraste em relação a tudo isto.
Maybe you know who did it.
Talvez saibas quem foi.
Talvez penses que não ficas bem com óculos.
Maybe I did waste them. Fuck you. I never see you now.
Quero agradecer ao júri e a todos os que ajudaram.
Look, did it occur to you that maybe Prometheus set off that bomb from the fire escape across the parking lot?
Escuta, ocorreu-te que talvez o Prometheus começou aquela bomba, na escada de incêndio do lote de estacionamento?
If my brother keeps following you around, maybe it'd be nice if you did talk to him. Then he'd know what girls are like.
Se o meu irmão continuar a seguir-te... seria bom se falasses com ele para ele saber como são as raparigas.
If one of them wanted to fence cargo, did you steer him to Tommy who maybe steered him away from Jimmy Scanlon?
Se um deles queria vender contrabando, mandava-os para o Tommy, que os afastava do Jimmy Scanlon.
You mean maybe I did it.
Acha que fui eu?
Maybe you did.
Talvez, o tenha feito.
Frasier... you know, what we almost did, I think it would have been real special, but... I think maybe it's better that we just remain good friends.
Frasier, sabes, o que estivemos quase a fazer, eu acho que seria realmente muito especial, mas eu acho que será melhor continuarmos a ser bons amigos.
Cliff, did it ever occur to you that maybe the fellows were...?
Cliff, alguma vez te ocorreu que talvez o pessoal estava...?
Did it ever occur to you, Meredith, that maybe I set you up?
Meredith, alguma vez te ocorreu que eu possa ter-te tramado?
You know, Bill, maybe if we did something for somebody else, it'd have a way of coming back around for us.
Sabes, Bill, talvez se nós fizéssemos alguma coisa boa por alguém... seria uma forma de voltar para nós.
... did it ever occur to you that maybe we're doing the only thing we're any good at?
Já pensaste que talvez estejamos a fazer a única coisa em que somos bons?
Three of them at least was in on it, maybe four. Did you hear them talk?
Ouviu-os falar?
No, you didn't. / Oh, Maggie, by the way, I called Jason Priestly for you. / Yeah, but he doesn't date women taller than him, so maybe if you unscrewed your head... You did?
Talvez só quando estiver com a prima Marsha, porque dará cabo dela, e as martas não terão morrido em vão.
Sir, did you ever stop to think that maybe it was doing this that caused the previous caretakers to go insane and murder their families?
Já parou para pensar que talvez tenha sido por isto que os outros caseiros enlouqueceram e assassinaram suas famílias?
What the military did to you was wrong, but maybe your testimony can help.
O que lhe fizeram foi errado. Mas talvez o seu testemunho ajude.
Your letters are beautiful... but you are so cut off, lost maybe... get your ideals beaten out of you, did you?
Suas cartas säo lindas... mas você é täo indeciso, perdido, talvez. Seus ideais lhe foram tirados, näo?
- Boris, did you ever think maybe you're the reason the other geese fly south?
Já consideraste que podes ser tu a razão dos gansos emigrarem?
And if you'll think about our little problem along them lines... and you'll forgive me for sayin'it... maybe he did not deserve to be fired.
Se vir a questão por este prisma... permita que lhe diga... que talvez não o devesse ter despedido.
Did it ever occur to you maybe he didn't even do the shit?
Já te ocorreu que pode não ter sido ele?
Did you go nuts, maybe?
Enlouqueceste, Leo?
Did you ever think maybe it is not the airplane?
Alguma vez pensou que talvez não seja o avião?
Maybe if you did, you wouldn't have that little problem we mustn't talk about.
Se admitisse não teria esse problemazinho de que não podemos falar.
At any point in your life did you ever think, like, "Maybe I'd like to have a child"?
Em nenhum momento da vida pensaste, "Talvez fosse bom ter um filho"?
Anyway, if you're not too busy maybe we should try and find the guy who did this.
Seja como for, se não estiveres muito ocupado... ... talvez possamos tentar descobrir quem fez isto.
Did it ever occur to you that maybe the sheriff is not acting in your best interests out there?
Já alguma vez lhe passou pela cabeça que o sheriff talvez não esteja a actuar no seu melhor interesse?
Did you ever think that maybe your wife was right?
Alguma vez lhe ocorreu pensar que sua esposa podia ter razão?
Maybe we should've robbed your house. Did you ever think of that?
Já pensaste em irmos assaltar a tua casa?
At lunch... maybe did you have anything to drink at lunch?
Ao almoço... bebeu alguma coisa ao almoço?
Well, maybe it worked better than you think it did.
Bem, talvez funcione melhor do que pensas.
Maybe someday you can tell me what I did wrong, because right now I'm feeling way too stupid to understand.
Um dia, diz-me onde errei, porque agora sinto-me demasiado idiota para entender.
[SIGHS] Did it ever occur to you that maybe you're juggling so many guys at one time that you don't know where you stand with any of them?
Já pensaste que tens tantos homens ao mesmo tempo que nem sabes como estás?
- Maybe. - Did you twist it?
Maybe that's because those above you did the hard work of arriving at that decision.
Talvez porque os que estão acima de si se esforçaram para chegar a essa decisão.
Did you know the ancient Egyptians worshiped the scarab beetle and maybe erected the pyramids to honor them, which may be symbolic dung heaps?
Sabias que os egípcios da antiguidade veneravam o escaravelho e erigiram pirâmides em honra deles, que podem ser montes de esterco simbólicos?
Did you ever stop to think that maybe if you eased up on your people a little...,... let them celebrate Solstice...,... perhaps the times might ease up, too?
Alguma vez paraste para pensar que talvez se não fosses tão duro com o teu povo e os deixasses festejar o Solstício talvez os tempos não fossem tão difíceis?
- You know, Frank... I think maybe what we did wasn't right.
- Sabe, Frank eu penso que talvez o que nós fizemos fosse certo.
You blabbed, you stole, you plotted, you saw too much, maybe you did too little.
Viram demais e fizeram muito pouco.
Maybe if you did look for work, you wouldn ´ t have to steal.
Talvez se procurasses por emprego, não tivesses que roubar.

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