Minutes before tradutor Português
1,665 parallel translation
Well, my advice is give CTU a few more minutes before we call the Russians.
Aconselho-o a dar mais uns minutos à UAT antes de telefonar aos russos.
Minutes before his capture, Toyman took the life of young Katy Alpert.
Minutos antes da sua captura, o Toyman tomou a vida da jovem Katy Alpert.
Our mother died ten minutes before his father.
A nossa mãe morreu 10 minutos antes do pai dele.
You got 30 minutes before you have to come out.
Têm 30 minutos até terem de sair.
We've still got four minutes before the energy dips too low - and we can't make the jump.
Ainda temos 4 minutos antes do nível de energia ficar muito baixo e não pudermos dar o salto.
Okay, guys. Ten minutes before school.
Malta, dez minutos para começar as aulas.
The location of the drug release shows she ingested the poison 15,20 minutes before she died.
A posição das amostras da libertação da droga indicam... que ingeriu o veneno 15 a 20 minutos antes de morrer.
* Crowd understands * Keith and I are always so busy that he suggested that we meet here for ten minutes before I should start for coffee, and for some together-time. Is it not sweet?
Bem, os meus pais eram maus para mim. O Keith e eu estamos sempre tão ocupados que ele sugeriu que nos encontrássemos aqui 10 minutos antes de eu começar o café e para algum tempo juntos.
A clerk showed us to a waiting room where we could get ready for a few minutes before the ceremony.
Um oficial de justiça acompanhou-nos até à sala de espera, onde nos podíamos preparar, durante uns minutos, para a cerimónia.
You gonna look at it for five more minutes before concluding it's also definitely a leg?
Vais ficar a olhar mais antes de concluíres que é uma perna?
It'll be about ten minutes before I can make up a new batch.
Levo uns dez minutos a fazer uma nova dose.
I'm gonna say we got about two minutes before the cops come here.
Temos dois minutos antes dos policiais entrarem.
Listen, I, uh, got a few more minutes before my lunch is over.
Ouve, tenho alguns minutos antes da minha hora de almoço acabar.
Wait five minutes before you turn around, and don't even think about going back into that theater.
Espera cinco minutos antes de te voltares. E nem penses em voltar àquele teatro.
I grew up in a dead, beige suburb, just counting the minutes before I could move to New York and design clothes, and I wanted to live in a place where I could dare to be lucky and live out loud.
Cresci num subúrbio, ansiosa por vir desenhar roupa para Nova Iorque e queria viver num sítio onde podia atrever-me a ter sorte e correr riscos.
And I love the fact that I can, you know, roll out of bed 10 minutes before my call time.
E adoro o facto de poder acordar dez minutos antes de entrar.
Mommy's gonna let you play for 10 minutes before you go to school.
A mamã vai deixar-te jogar 10 minutos antes de ires para a escola.
It is about 20 minutes before they come to look.
Tens cerca de 20 minutos antes que te venham buscar.
I have 10 minutes before I'm sequestered for the State of the Union.
Tenho 10 minutos antes de ser sequestrado para o Estado da União.
You got to wait a couple minutes before dumping off a whole new load.
Tens de esperar uns minutos antes de descarregar outra vez.
Because waiting 20 minutes before the concert maybe isn't the best way to let a girl down.
Porque vinte minutos antes de um concerto, talvez não seja a melhor maneira de dispensar uma miúda.
You got five minutes before the border patrol gets here, Wilson.
Têm cinco minutos antes da Imigração chegar, Wilson.
You were supposed to wait 15 minutes before you paged me.
Supunha-se que esperarias 15 minutos antes de me chamar.
I got about two minutes before I'm in a full blown hallucination.
Tenho dois minutos antes de começar a alucinar.
All right, we've got just under 10 minutes before this whole station blows up.
Muito bem, temos 10 minutos até que a estação inteira exploda.
I've got a good 42 minutes before I have to perform an emergency endotracheal intubation.
Bem, eu ainda tenho uns 42 minutos antes de fazer entubação endotraqueal de emergência.
You have... oh, just a few minutes before we join you.
Tens... apenas uns minutos antes que nos juntemos a ti.
Looks like he was born 5 minutes before monkeys.
Parece que nasceu cinco minutos antes do macaco.
It's far a long minutes before.
Deve ser por isso que nunca nos tínhamos encontrado antes.
I got five minutes before my next patient. Why don't you just give me the headlines?
Tenho 5 minutos antes do meu próximo paciente, então porque não me conta as novidades?
The cameras were disconnected at a few minutes before 8 : 00 this morning.
As câmaras foram desligadas uns minutos antes das 8h00 da manhã.
I figure we got about ten minutes before they track me down... ( vehicle approaches ) or less.
Suponho que temos cerca de dez minutos, antes deles me descobrirem... ou menos.
- Ten minutes before the explosion...
- Dez minutos antes da explosão...
"... morning DJ Grant Mazzy speaking incoherently just minutes before that station's signal was... "
"Grant Mazzy foi ouvido a falar incoerentemente minutos antes..."
If we wanna meet Fayed's deadline and have these prisoners in the air before the end of the hour, we have to have them on buses and the road within the next 10 minutes.
Se quisermos os presos no ar dentro do prazo dado, temos de os meter nos autocarros e na estrada nos próximos dez minutos.
You know, I guess it's a pipe dream now, but for five minutes there, I really did consider "lawyer" as one of the dozen careers that I could go into before I joined the service.
Agora, não passa de um sonho, mas, por cinco minutos, ponderei a advocacia como uma das dúzias de carreiras que poderia seguir antes de me alistar.
People, before I disappear for 20 minutes,
I've watched you for 5 minutes. I feel I've never seen you before.
Observei-te durante 5 minutos, sinto como se fosse a primeira vez.
Because now, I don't have to spend twenty minutes in the morning before I go to work at the bank scraping soap particles and residue off Morrie's and my clothes.
Porque, agora, não tenho de perder vinte minutos de manhã, antes de ir para o trabalho, no banco, a tirar partículas de sabão e resíduos das roupas do Morrie e das minhas.
And before you decide which one of us you want to kiss, you should know that about five minutes ago, earl ate poo right outside.
E antes que decidas qual de nós beijar, deverias saber que à 5 minutos atrás, o Earl comeu cocô lá fora.
We have four minutes to bring him back before brain death.
Temos quatro minutos para o trazer de volta antes da morte cerebral.
Five minutes before the I murran leather and työnnän it... Murran leather knuckles to come through the gloves.
Chegou a altura de cumprir a minha promessa a Gentatsu. Adeus, espero que tenhas um futuro mais feliz. Se precisares de ajuda, por favor contacta o Sr. Himura.
Ug i need ten minutes and a tranquilizer before I can deal with one of your crises.
Preciso de 10 minutos e um tranquilizante, antes de poder lidar com uma das tuas crises.
At the most you have ten minutes with the truck being static before the office puts in a call to see what's going on.
Vocês têm no máximo dez minutos com o camião parado... antes que o escritório telefone para saber o que está acontecer.
Okay, about 3 : 45 night security gets there, and before they switch over, everyone goes around back for about five minutes -
- Está quase. Cerca das 3 : 45, o segurança nocturno chega lá e antes de trocarem, vão todos para as traseiras durante 5 minutos, acho que deve ser para se actualizarem.
You bring that girl out of the club five minutes early, and we'll grab her before the other security team gets here.
Tu sais do clube com a rapariga 5 minutos mais cedo, e nós apanhamo-la antes da outra equipa de segurança chegar cá.
I have 12 minutes to make it to Turf Lodge... before they think I stopped to copy that.
Tenho 12 minutos para me pôr em Turf Lodge, antes que pensem que parei para copiar isso.
And spend ten minutes in the tanning bed before we go to Nick's party.
Então passa dez minutos no solário antes da festa do Nick.
And if everything seems okay, I'll call you before 10 minutes and say "okay".
Se tudo estiver certo, vou chamá-la em 10 minutos e dizer, "ok".
I'd say we have 20, maybe 30 minutes, tops before the window of opportunity closes.
Diria que temos 20, talvez 30 minutos, no máximo, antes que se acabe esta oportunidade.
He fell for four minutes and 36 seconds, reaching 714mph before opening his parachute five kilometres above the Earth.
Esteve em queda livre durante quatro minutos e 36 segundos, a 1100 quilómetros por hora antes de abrir o paraquedas, a cinco quilómetros da Terra.
before 1084
before i die 32
before i forget 163
before i knew it 62
before you go 323
before you leave 71
before you die 34
before you know it 193
before i met you 48
before i leave 41
before i die 32
before i forget 163
before i knew it 62
before you go 323
before you leave 71
before you die 34
before you know it 193
before i met you 48
before i leave 41
before you start 24
before your time 20
before i go 103
before we begin 97
before it is too late 16
before we get started 62
before you were born 34
before it's too late 194
before we start 86
before you came 20
before your time 20
before i go 103
before we begin 97
before it is too late 16
before we get started 62
before you were born 34
before it's too late 194
before we start 86
before you came 20
before that 401
before you 99
before we go 60
before we go any further 58
before you do 63
before i do 21
before we met 21
before i 37
before he died 107
before what 97
before you 99
before we go 60
before we go any further 58
before you do 63
before i do 21
before we met 21
before i 37
before he died 107
before what 97