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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ M ] / Mrs taylor

Mrs taylor tradutor Português

155 parallel translation
- How's Mrs Taylor? - She's fine.
- Como está a Sra. Taylor?
- How about you, Mrs. Taylor?
- você quer outra, Sra. Taylor?
- Now, sit down, Mrs. Taylor.
- Sente-se, Mrs...
Uh, but, Mrs. Taylor, why did you leave Pittsburgh?
Mrs. Taylor, por que deixou Pittsburgh?
Now, Mrs. Taylor, this is a post of some confidence.
Este cargo requer confiança.
Uh, very well, Mrs. Taylor.
Muito bem, Mrs. Taylor.
You have your social security card, Mrs. Taylor?
- Tem o cartão da Segurança Social?
I believe she's found the work exacting enough.
Considera o emprego muito exigente. Muito bom dia, Mrs. Taylor.
Good day, Mrs. Taylor. Miss Clabon, will you call Personnel and have them send the forms up?
- Pede os papéis ao Dep.
Mrs. Taylor, are you hurt?
Mrs. Taylor, magoou-se?
Mrs. Taylor!
Mrs. Taylor?
Mrs. Taylor?
Mrs. Taylor?
I've just had a call from Mr. Rutland, Mrs. Taylor.
Acabo de receber uma chamada de Mr. Rutland.
Come in, Mrs. Taylor.
Entre, Mrs. Taylor.
Are you interested in pre-Columbian art, Mrs. Taylor?
Interessa-se por arte pré-Colombiana?
Before I was drafted into Rutland's, Mrs. Taylor, I had notions of being a zoologist.
Antes de entrar para a Rutland's, tinha ideia de ser zoólogo.
Why don't you sit down, Mrs. Taylor?
Por que não se senta?
The building is grounded, Mrs. Taylor.
O edifício tem pára-raios.
Did you have a tough childhood, Mrs. Taylor?
- Teve uma infância difícil?
I've never been married. Mrs. Taylor was an old friend of my mother's.
Mrs. Taylor era amiga da minha mãe.
What insurance money?
- Que dinheiro do seguro? - De Mrs. Taylor.
- Mrs. Taylor's. She died.
- Ela morreu.
- Oh, Mrs. Taylor died.
- Morreu... Que pena!
My mother died when I was 10, and Mrs. Taylor took care of me out there.
A minha mãe morreu quando eu tinha 10 anos. Mrs. Taylor criou-me.
I just went to school and took care of Mrs. Taylor until she died.
Estudei e tomei conta de Mrs. Taylor até ela morrer.
- Mrs. Shaw-Taylor wants to see you.
A sra. Shaw-Taylor quer vê-la.
Mrs. Taylor, to catch these men we need your help.
Sra. Taylor? Para apanhar estes homens, precisamos da sua ajuda.
Mrs. Taylor, as soon as you feel up to it, I'd like you to take a look at this questionnaire.
Sra. Taylor, quando se sentir em condições, gostaria que preenchesse este questionário.
Mrs. Taylor.
Sra. Taylor.
Those people are crooks, Mrs. Taylor.
Essa gente é criminosa, Sra. Taylor.
Mr. And Mrs. Taylor were extremely kind.
Mr. e Mrs. Taylor foram extremamente amáveis.
And Mrs Krask kind of implied it's between me and Chrissy Taylor.
E a Sra. Krask deu a entender que seria eu ou a Chrissy Taylor.
You are dear Mrs Weston now.
Taylor, agora é a Sra. Weston.
Good night, Mrs Weston, Mr Weston.
Taylor. - Boa noite, Sra. E Sr. Weston.
I believe Mrs. Lieberman has spoken to Jack Taylor and can back up everything he said.
Creio que a Sra. Lieberman falou com o Jack Taylor e confirma tudo o que ele disser.
Ah! Mrs. Taylor.
Sra. Taylor.
Give my best to Mrs. Taylor.
Cumprimentos à Sra. Taylor.
- Mrs. Taylor, we have your location.
- Sabemos onde está.
We're almost through, Mrs. Taylor.
Logo acabamos, Sra. Taylor.
- Sure, Mrs. Taylor.
- Agora mesmo.
Mrs. Taylor passing this kind of information, even to a spouse is unethical.
Sra. Taylor revelar isto até a um cônjuge vai contra a ética.
To what do I owe the pleasure, Mrs. Taylor?
A que devo a sua visita?
I know what you're worth, Mrs. Taylor and that kind of money is always a motive.
Conheco o valor da sua fortuna. Isso é sempre um motivo.
Dear Mr. And Mrs. Taylor... I regret to inform you that your daughter was killed in the line of duty.
Caros Sr. e Sra. Taylor, lamento informar que a vossa filha faleceu no cumprimento do seu dever.
Dear Mr. And Mrs. Taylor, as Jane's commanding officer... it's with deepest regret that I inform you of her death.
Caros Sr. e Sra. Taylor, na qualidade de comandante da Jane, é com profundo pesar que vos informo da sua morte.
Mr. And Mrs. Taylor... by the time you get this, Starfleet will have already told you about Jane.
Sr. e Sra. Taylor, quando receberem isto, Frota Estelar já vos terá informado do que aconteceu à Jane.
I understand Mrs. Taylor is like Fort Knox when it comes to her private life but journalism isn't sitting back, waiting for someone to hand you the truth.
Sei que Mrs. Taylor é como uma fortaleza no que respeita a vida privada mas jornalismo não é só ficar à espera que alguém traga a verdade.
Mrs. Taylor, I was wondering if we could set a time for your Torch interview.
Mrs. Taylor, queria saber se podemos marcar uma entrevista para o Torch.
Mrs. Taylor, 1 0 minutes.
Mrs. Taylor, dez minutos.
Everything except for Mrs. Taylor herself.
Tudo, menos a própria Mrs. Taylor.
Hi, Mrs. Taylor.
Olá, Mrs. Taylor.

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