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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ P ] / Perhaps another time

Perhaps another time tradutor Português

136 parallel translation
- Continua a dizer isso. Vá ao assunto!
No, perhaps another time.
Não, talvez noutra altura.
Talvez da próxima vez.
Perhaps another time?
Talvez noutra altura?
Perhaps another time we meet again.
Talvez nos vejamos outra vez.
Look, Milo. I think perhaps another time.
Escute, talvez noutra altura...
Thank you, gentleman, perhaps another time.
- Talvez outra hora.
Perhaps another time, there will be a grand ball :
Talvez em outra ocasião haverá um grande baile.
- Please! Perhaps another time.
Talvez noutra altura.
Perhaps another time... when you yourself are free.
Talvez em outra altura... quando estiver livre.
Yes, but perhaps another time.
Sim, mas talvez possa ser noutra altura.
Perhaps another time.
Talvez noutra ocasião.
Perhaps another time.
Talvez noutra altura.
Perhaps another time.
Talvez outra hora.
But perhaps another time? Another place?
Mas, talvez de uma outra vez?
Well, perhaps another time, then.
Fica para a próxima.
Perhaps another time, eh?
Talvez um outro dia, está bem?
Perhaps another time, Colonel.
Talvez noutra altura, coronel.
Another time, perhaps.
Não quer ficar, Coronel?
- Another time, perhaps. - I hope so.
- Outra ocasião, talvez.
Another time perhaps.
Fica para uma próxima ocasião.
If they were able to conceive or dream another time, perhaps they would be able to live in it.
Se pudessem conceber ou sonhar outro tempo talvez poderiam viver nele.
Another time, perhaps.
Noutra altura, talvez.
Another universe, perhaps in another dimension, occupying the same space at the same time.
Outro universo, talvez noutra dimensão, ocupando o mesmo espaço, ao mesmo tempo.
Another time perhaps, when I come again.
Talvez noutra altura, quando cá voltar.
Another time, perhaps, but I have had to cable my wife asking her to wait again.
Noutra altura poderia gostar, mas tenho que telegrafar a minha esposa pedindo que espere outra vez.
We might emerge in some other place and time perhaps in another universe or perhaps somewhere else in our own.
Podíamos emergir em algum outro lugar e tempo, talvez num outro universo, ou talvez em alguma parte do nosso próprio universo.
Perhaps you'll be good enough to tell me about your grandson Snookie another time, Mrs. Purkiss.
Quem sabe você nos contasse sobre o seu neto Snookie. Noutro momento, sra. Purkiss.
Perhaps we can organize this another time?
Talvez noutra altura?
Or perhaps that's a story I'll save for another time.
É uma história que te contarei noutra altura.
Perhaps we'll meet another time.
Talvez encontremo-nos em outra ocasião.
Perhaps they might have another time alone somewhere.
Talvez voltassem a ter algum tempo a sós, algures.
- Another time, perhaps.
- Noutra altura, talvez.
Another time, perhaps.
- Talvez noutra altura.
Perhaps if you could come back another time.
Talvez possa voltar noutra altura.
But... perhaps if I have very good luck, I may in time meet with another Mr. Collins!
Mas, com muita sorte, talvez venha a conhecer outro Sr. Collins.
- Perhaps at another time.
- Falamos disto noutra altura.
Perhaps we should save that until another time, Richard.
Se calhar devíamos deixar isso para outra altura, Richard.
- Another time, perhaps.
Talvez noutra altura.
Perhaps it's time for another little break.
Dás-nos uma extensão?
Perhaps it's time we chose another courier.
Talvez seja a hora de escolhermos outro mensageiro.
Another time, perhaps.
Noutra altura, possivelmente.
Another time perhaps.
Talvez outra hora.
Another time, perhaps.
Outra hora, talvez.
Another time perhaps.
Em outra ocasião, talvez.
Another time, perhaps.
Em outra oportunidade, talvez.
Another time, perhaps.
Em outra hora, talvez.
- Another time, perhaps. - Oui.
- Fica para a próxima, talvez.
Another time, perhaps.
Em outra oportunidade, talvez
Oh, well. Another time, perhaps.
Bom, fica para a próxima, talvez.
Another time, perhaps.
Talvez noutra altura.

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