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Put the bag down tradutor Português

59 parallel translation
Put the bag down and put your hands on your head.
Ponha a pasta no chão e coloque as mãos na cabeça!
put the bag down, monica.
"Condições Habitacionais Injustas"
Okay, put the bag down.
Larga o saco.
Put the bag down.
Pousa o saco.
Put the bag down.
Pousa a bolsa.
- Put the bag down.
Ora, vá lá, largue a mala.
Put the bag down!
Pouse o saco.
Put the bag down, it's empty.
Larga o saco, está vazio.
Put the bag down, get your hands away!
Pousa-a no chão, afasta as tuas mãos!
Just walk into the Travel section, put the bag down and walk out.
Vá para a secção de Viagens, pouse o saco e saia.
Put the bag down, pay the man.
Poisa o saco, paga ao homem.
Put the bag down, now!
Ponha o saco no chão. Já!
Put the bag down.
Largue a mala.
Put the bag down!
Pousa o saco!
Put the bag down.
Pouse o saco.
Don't come any closer! Chad, put the bag down.
Chad, pouse o saco.
- Put the bag down, Earl.
- Pousa o saco, Earl.
How about you put the bag down...
Que tal pousar a saca...
Put the bag down.
Mete o saco no chão.
Put the bag down!
Põe no chão!
- Put the bag down!
- Coloque a mochila no chão!
- Put the bag down.
- Ponha a mochila no chão.
Put the bag down!
Ponha a mochila no chão. Vire-se!
As soon as you see him, put the bag down and walk away.
Assim que o vir, ponha a mala no chão e venha embora.
Well, you put the bag down... and you leave, now. You don't want to know.
Nem queiras saber.
Put the bag down and step away from the body.
Larguem o saco e afastem-se do corpo.
- Put the bag down! Put the bag down! - Put the bag down!
Largue o saco.
Please put down the bag You can't walk around with a plastic bag in here
Por favor guarda a bolsa, não podes andar com isso aqui.
Just put down the bag, Doc.
Pousa o saco, Doc.
Put down the bag.
Pousa o saco.
Go ahead. Put down the bag.
Pousa a mala.
You put down a plastic bag from the pantry so that he'd remain dry.
Por baixo colocou um saco plástico... para que ficasse seco.
- Hey, put the pastry bag down.
- Põe a pasta para baixo.
The only place where I've put my bag down was out there, in the corredor.
O único sitio onde pousei a mala foi no corredor.
So we waited for the bloke to put his bag down to pay for his ticket.
Então, esperámos que o sujeito pousasse a mala para pagar o bilhete.
You get this down, we'll put you on the speed bag.
Muito bem. Quando entenderes isto, pomos-te no saco rápido.
She came down to the baggage and took it and put it in a black bag.
Ela foi ao armario e colocou-a numa mochila preta.
Take the bag off your shoulder and put it down.
Tire o saco do ombro e coloque-o no chão.
Put the bag and the gun down!
Largue o saco e pouse a arma!
Put the bag right over the notebook, turn it upside down, dump the pen out, make sure it lands on the notebook and stays there.
Põe a mala perto do caderno, vira-o do avesso, pousa a caneta, certifica-te que aterra em cima do caderno e que fique aí.
So put the bag down.
Então, pousa a mala.
How many cds did you put down there? Walter spilled the bag.
Quantos cartões colocaste ali?
- Put the gun down, paranoid bag.
Ela nos viu. - Abaixa esta arma, seu paranóico.
The kind who hunted your friend down and strapped him to a board... and put a plastic bag on his head... and crushed his skull with a fire extinguisher.
Sou do tipo que perseguiu o seu amigo, o atou a uma maca, lhe pôs um saco de plástico na cabeça e lhe esmagou o crânio com um extintor.
Get down on the floor, nobody move, put the money in the bag or I'll blow your head off...
"Deitados no chão! Ninguém se mexe! ponham o dinheiro no saco ou eu rebento-vos a cabeça"!
We then put him in a black body bag... and took him to the top of the village. And strapped him down to the front of one of the Strykers... and we took him back to the- - to the FOB.
Depois pusemo-lo num saco preto para cadáveres e levámo-lo lá acima à aldeia, atámo-lo à dianteira de um dos Strykers e levámo-lo para a base do posto avançado.
Put down the bag.
Largue o saco.
Put down the bag and place your hands on your head.
Largue o saco e ponha as mãos na cabeça.
Put the bag down.
- Ponha a mochila no chão.
Put down the bag and the laptop.
Baixe o saco e o portátil.
Quiet the fuck down and put the stuff in the bag.
Cala-te e põe as coisas dentro da mochila.

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