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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ P ] / Put them down

Put them down tradutor Português

470 parallel translation
Just put them down and get out.
Deixe-as ai e desande.
Put them down!
Sam, well, don't put them down there.
Sam, não deixes isso aí.
Put them down, will you?
Pousa isso, está bem?
You can pick them up and put them down anytime.
Pode pegar-lhes quando quiser.
Put them down.
Put them down!
Frances, just put them down for me.
Frances, deita-os por favor.
- Put them down there.
- Ponham-nas aqui.
- Put them down, dummkopf.
- Baixa os braços, burro.
- Put them down and turn your back.
Pouse-a e vire-se outra vez.
Just put them down anywhere.
Pouse isso em qualquer lado.
Put them down and stand up.
Deponham as armas.
I'm spotting to see if there are any camels I can spot and put them down in my book.
Estou a observar para ver se há algum camelo que possa observar e apontar no meu bloco.
Put them down, turkey.
Baixa as mãos, peru.
I didn't say put them down, did I?
Não Ihe disse que as baixasse, pois não?
Put them down!
Put them down!
Abaixem as armas!
Put them down!
Put them down.
Largue isso.
Man, you put them down, is what you did, huh?
Acabou com eles!
Put them down.
Tire as mäos!
Put them down
- Deixa-as na mesa.
Put them down, Mr, Cooger, Bring them back to earth again,
Baixe-os, Sr. Coogan. Traga-os de volta à Terra.
Put them down here.
Ponha aqui.
Put them down.
Vá a cozinha e diga a esse envenenador incompetente que está despedido.
They returned with them in the evening, sleeping on the straw they had put down
Dormiam sobre a palha das águas-furtadas.
Then I took the two cylinders and I put them in the bows of the African Queen, right down near the waterline, so when we rammed you...
Então, pus os dois cilindros nos arcos... da African Queen, próximos a linha d'água. Quando nós, puf, batemos!
You got to learn to strip them down and put them back together, blindfolded.
Têm de aprender a montá-la e desmontá-la de olhos fechados.
Let's have Kiyo come down and we'll put them upstairs.
Vamos pedir a Kiyo que desça e pomo-los lá em cima.
Put them down.
Ponham-nos no chão.
Please ask them to put that down.
Por favor, peça que coloquem no chão.
Don't put down no red carpet for them.
Não penses que os vou receber.
I told Sheriff Lord that he could put them up down by the clay slide.
Eu disse ao Xerife Lord que ele podia instalá-los junto ao escorrega de barro.
It makes me want to sit down on my heels, like this, put my arms around my knees... and hug them tight, as tight as I can,
Sabes o que me apetece fazer? Acocorar-me e abraçar-me pelos joelhos...
Fifteen years ago, you put them in one of those drawers down there.
Há 15 anos atrás, meteste-as numa dessas gavetas aí em baixo.
Don't put them things down!
Não ponham as coisas no chão!
Tell them to put their guns down on the ground.
Diga-lhes para colocarem as armas no chão.
Diverse columns, some of them with ten or twenty a thousand men, they put down the weapons and they marched, without having received orders, headed for the officers, in the direction of the German lines.
Diversas colunas, algumas delas com dez ou vinte mil homens, depunham as armas e marchavam, sem terem recebido ordens, encabeçadas pelos oficiais, na direção das linhas alemãs.
Little Dick tried to take more than the rest, so they put them back down in the hold.
O pequeno Dick tentou tirar mais do que os outros, para eles o porem novamente no porão.
Now tell them to put down their rifles. Help us clear this stuff away!
Diga-lhes para soltarem as armas e ajudarem a tirar isso daqui.
Now, suppose we make a force between ourselves and the planet. We could put down a chain of nuclear charges like mines moored in space..... and make a shockwave between the Moon and the planet..... which might force them apart.
Se conseguíssemos criar uma força entre nós e o planeta, colocávamos uma corrente de cargas nucleares, como minas fixas no espaço.
We could put down a chain of nuclear charges like mines moored in space and make a shockwave between the Moon and the planet which might force them apart. Change their trajectory.
Provocávamos uma onda de choque entre a Lua e o planeta que os levaria a afastar-se, a mudarem de trajectória.
Tell them to put their guns down!
Diga a eles para abaixarem as armas!
Okay, now, I want you very slowly to put down the weapon then on the deck and spread them.
Muito bem. Agora, muito devagar, vais largar essa arma. Depois, vais deitar-te no chão de pernas abertas.
Put them in the sink and wet them down.
Põe-nas no lavatório e molha-as.
Squeeze through, put them back, and get our ass down the shaft.
Passamos para o lado de lá e descemos até ao poço.
If they'd been put back in their boxes, the boxes screwed down properly... as his lordship ordered - nothing would've happened to them.
Sim, não deviam ter dado munição antes da travessia. Se fosse como ordenou sua excelência, nada disso ocorreria, sr.
The eyes, ears, noses and throats of every American are on you, each one of them hoping and praying that you could put that ship down in one piece.
Os americanos têm os olhos, ouvidos, narizes e gargantas postos em vós, cada um rezando e com a esperança que você consiga aterrar essa nave intacta.
- Do you have protective of knees? - No. - Get you a couple, put on them, kneel down in a corner and he / she begins to pray
Arranja umas joelheiras, afivela-as pira-te e começa a rezar.
Put them in my sleeping bag down by my feet.
Meti no saco cama, por baixo dos meus pés.

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