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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ P ] / Put that down

Put that down tradutor Português

2,395 parallel translation
We'll just have to put that down to a big... mystery.
Parece-me um grande mistério.
Come on, put that down and swim with me.
- Ah? Anda lá. Larga isso e vem nadar comigo.
Put that down.
Pousa isso.
Put that down, sweetheart.
- Larga isso querida.
Luke, I told you to put that down now.
Luke, eu disse-te para desligares isso, agora!
- I need you to put that down.
- Preciso que pouses isso.
The only way we can do that is if you put that down and let me run some tests.
A única forma de o fazermos é se tu pousares isso e me deixares fazer uns testes.
Put that down!
Coloque-o no chão!
Just put that down.
Abaixa a arma.
Maybe you should put that down.
- Tem que parar. Agora!
If I were you, I'd put that down.
Se fosse a ti, pousava isso.
Hey, I'd put that down if I were you.
Se fosse a ti, baixava isso.
Can you put that down, please?
Ponham isso no chão, por favor.
Can you just put that down?
Pode largar isso, por favor?
I'll put that down.
Vou escrever isto.
Put that down.
Larguem isso.
I think you should put that down, sir.
Acho que devias pousar isso.
No, put that down.
Nem penses ni...
Why would he put down the one thing that's mine? "
Porque tinha de humilhar a única coisa que é minha?
Put that thing down, you fool.
Aponta isso para baixo, maluco.
Here we go. That's right, put it down.
Aqui vão eles, para baixo.
Why don't you put your gun down, or I'll detonate the 19 pounds of cyclonite that I have in the building across the street, turning Agent Avery and his entry team into mist.
Porque não pousas tu a arma ou eu detono os 9 kg de ciclonite que tenho no prédio do outro lado da rua e transformo o Agente Avery e a equipa dele em pó.
The Turners have betrayed us both ; that means that we're all on the same side here, so put your guns down and let us help you hunt down those backstabbing bastards.
Portanto baixem as armas e deixem-nos ajudar-vos a caçar esses estúpidos traidores. São do mais inferior que existe.
Someone should put that nothoss down like the dog that he is.
Alguém devia abater aquele nothoss como o cão que ele é. - Sim.
Whoa, whoa! Lady, put that thing down.
Minha senhora, pouse isso.
Didn't they say that to Secretariat before they put him down?
Não disseram isso ao Secretariat antes de o abaterem?
Brooks is a dog that needs to be taken out back and put down.
O Brooks é um cão. Precisa de ser levado para as traseiras e abatido.
You said that I should put down whatever I thought was appropriate.
Disseste para eu apostar o que achasse conveniente. - Quanto...?
Put down that gun.
Baixe essa arma.
Don't do that, put it down!
- Não o faças! Socorro!
Or, put it another way, if I'm about a metre square, that's ten tons of weight pressing down.
Ou, dito de outra forma, se tenho um metro quadrado de área, serão dez toneladas de peso pressionando para baixo.
He gave us the awesome news that if we put down the $ 10,000 that day, we could purchase a loft for $ 400,000.
Foi ele quem nos disse que, se depositássemos os $ 10.000 naquele dia, poderíamos comprar um apartamento por $ 400.000.
Put that thing down immediately!
Coloque-o no chão!
What if I was to tell you that I'm a man, and I can put my drink down wherever the hell I want?
E se eu te dissesse que sou homem e que ponho a minha bebida onde bem me apetecer?
! Khan, you tell him to put that gun down!
Faça-o baixar a arma!
Put that gun down, you lose.
Se poisa a arma, então perde.
Put down that guitar and stop singing like Taylor Swift.
Larga o viola e pára de cantar como a Taylor Swift.
No, wait, Leena said that when she put the griffin down, it rotated.
- Não, espera, a Leena... disse que quando pousou o grifo começou a entrar em rotação.
I mean, especially when you go through a corner like that at that speed, and... and you're not sure if the rear end's gonna stick or not, and you lose control, and th you put the throttle down, and the car corrects a little bit, and you take it to the limit and you don't lose control, you just grab it.
Especialmente quando se entra numa curva a essa velocidade e não temos a certeza se a traseira vai aguentar ou não, e perdemos o controlo e ainda aceleramos mais, e o carro reequilibra-se um bocadinho e levamo-lo ao limite,
I should have put you down in that alley.
Devia matar-te naquele beco.
I put the old woman in a stateroom to calm her down. Yeah, good luck with that.
Coloquei a velhota numa cabine para a acalmar.
And he is going to put that weapon down first.
E ele vai pôr a arma no chão primeiro.
Put that gun down.
Ponha essa arma no chão.
You're nothing but an animal that needs to be put down.
És um animal que precisa de ser abatido.
It's stuff that was in Lucy's cell before they had to put her down.
Era o que a Lucy tinha na cela quando a abateram.
Please put that gun down.
Por favor, abaixe a arma.
Why did you put me down like that?
Porque me deixaste ficar mal?
Please put that gun down.
Por favor põe a arma no chão.
Twilight, would you put down that book and just listen to me?
não largas esse livro para me ouvir?
Put that gun down.
Larga a arma.
Put that tail down.
- Que rabo é esse?

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