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Read it tradutor Português

10,450 parallel translation
I asked you not to read it because I wanted to explain it before.
Pedi-te que não o lesses porque queria explicá-lo antes.
Perfect Storm, I read it in 48 hours, and War was incredible.
A Tempestade Perfeita, li-o em 48 horas, e o Guerra é incrível.
- Have you read it?
- Leu-o? - Não.
I'd love to read it when you want an opinion.
Adorava lê-lo, se quiser.
He won't let me read it.
Não me deixa ler.
You should read it.
- É bom. Devias lê-lo.
Just promise me you'll read it before you make any decisions about the house.
Promete-me só que o vais ler antes de tomares uma decisão sobre a casa.
- Did you read it?
- Leste-o?
I wanna read it.
Quero lê-lo.
And I read it.
E eu li aquilo.
I can't read it, but it's a book about Azra.
Não consigo ler, mas é um livro sobre Azra.
- I read it at college.
- Lia-a na faculdade.
Well, couldn't he have read it first?
Ele não o pode ter lido antes? Não.
Rachel can read it.
A Rachel consegue lê-lo.
Yeah, I was just your age when I read it.
Sim, devia ter a tua idade quando o li.
I read it in a book.
Li num livro.
Read it for yourself.
Lê tu mesmo.
Should I read it to you?
Queres que leia?
Jackie read it.
- A Jackie leu-a.
I mean, I tried to get the letter back from Jackie, but she'd already read it.
Tentei ter a carta de volta, mas ela já a tinha lido.
This morning you were practically laughing when you read it.
Está manhã tu praticamente te riste quando a leste.
It's not "carjack." We read it wrong.
Não é um roubo de um carro, lemos mal.
Take your time. Read it over.
Leva o teu tempo, lê tudo.
And I, uh... I picked out a poem from that Rumi guy that you like, so maybe Sophia can read it.
E eu escolhi um poema do tal Rumi de quem gostas.
Have you read it?
- Leste-la?
Can you read it?
Consegue decifrar?
I read it for the articles.
Leio-a pelos artigos.
I tried to read your first book. I couldn't find it anywhere.
Tentei ler o seu primeiro livro.
Have you read it?
Já o leu?
I can't read it without crying.
Não consigo lê-lo sem chorar.
She hasn't read it.
- Ela não a leu.
She's read parts of it.
- Leu partes.
Anybody read it?
- Alguém o leu?
It was the first time I was to read to him, and I was...
Era a primeira vez que ia ler para ele, e estava...
The thing that absolutely got me and stayed with me forever was the very first thing I read when you open the course pack, and it said...
O que mais me impressionou e não consegui mais esquecer, foi a primeira coisa que li quando abri o plano do curso.
It was always talked about, the people who were OT could read your mind, and they could move objects at will, and they could... they were cause over matter, energy, space, and time,
Diziam sempre que quem era TO conseguia ler a mente, conseguia mover objetos com a mente e podiam...
Sophie, I think your mummy would really like to read to you tonight. I want you to do it.
Sophie, acho que a mamã gostaria de ler para ti hoje à noite.
Can you read it yet?
Já o consegues ler?
And I didn't think much about it until the next day when I read in the paper about the girl.
Não pensei muito nisso, até ter lido sobre a rapariga.
How hard would it be to make it look like he read the e-mail from Canada?
Quão difícil seria fazer parecer que ele leu o e-mail do Canadá?
- Now correct the date, - _ move it out of spam, and change it to "read."
SEGUNDA-FEIRA, 15 DE MAIO, 2014 retira-o da pasta de spam, e altera para "Lido".
He officially read the e-mail the day he got it.
Ele, oficialmente, leu o e-mail no dia que o recebeu.
And only Rachel can read it?
E só a Rachel pode lê-lo?
She's the only one who can read it!
Só ela a pode ler.
I read about it...
Eu li sobre isso...
She said her grandfather got it for her and he'd read to her from it and scare the hell out of her.
Ela dizia que o avô dela lhe deu, e quando ele o lia, ela ficava sempre assustada.
But I've read about it.
- Mas li sobre isso.
I respect it's his brother. I-I read his medical report.
Respeito que é o irmão dele.
I read a magazine article and it called you "The Future of Empire."
Li um artigo que te considerava o futuro da Empire.
You needed it because you were having so much trouble learning how to read.
- Para te dar confiança. Precisavas muito porque estavas a ter problemas em aprender a ler.
- It's a car magazine. It's got a review of the new Corvette I want to read.
Há um artigo do novo Corvette que quero ler.

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