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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ S ] / She called him

She called him tradutor Português

249 parallel translation
Yes, Doctor. She called him Harvey.
Ela chama-o Harvey.
Well, after she called him and broke a date, he went to bed.
Depois de ela lhe telefonar a desmarcar, foi deitar-se.
Anyway, she called him poppa and he called her momma.
Adiante, ela tratava-o por papá e ele por mamã.
That's what she called him.
- Era como ela lhe chamava.
And she called him over and said...
Chamou o filho e disse-lhe...
And Grandma. She called him T.W.
- Sim, e a minha avó ela chamava-lhe T.W.
Fifty-three times she called him.
Ela ligou-lhe 53 vezes.
You know, he and Sheila have been speaking, or at least she called him.
Ele e a Sheila estiveram a conversar, ela ligou-lhe.
- She called him Rick.
- Ela chamou-lhe Rick.
- That's what she called him.
- Foi o que ela lhe chamou.
- He was. - That's what she called him.
- Chamava-o assim.
She called him after the midwives!
Ela pôs-lhe o nome das parteiras!
- And she called him a drunkyard!
Cabe na cabeça de alguém chamar-lhe bêbedo?
That guy punched Amanda Gross's mother after she called him "low class".
O gajo que deu uma pêra na mãe da Amanda Gross por lhe ter chamado "reles".
- Knightley? Never seen him before and she called him Knightley!
Nunca o viu e o chama de Knightley!
She called him a mad dog.
Ela chamou-lhe um cão raivoso.
- She called him Magnus, right?
- Ela tratava-o por Magnus.
What was it that she called him?
Que lhe chamou ela?
Dipstick, she called him. Ah, what fiendish justice.
Ela chamou-lhe Pavio.
I know, the man that was with her, she called him David.
Eu sei, o homem que estava con ela, ela chamava-o de David.
Before the screaming started she called him a control freak. - And something about her father.
Dependendo de quando desapareceu, essas estatísticas podem ter mudado.
- She called him a racist.
- Ela chamou-lhe racista.
On C-SPAN, she called him a racist?
Ela chamou-lhe racista na televisão nacional?
She called him "The Wizard."
Ela chamava-lhe "O Feiticeiro."
- Yes, sir, she called him.
- Sim, ela é que ligou para ele.
Now, if he called his wife long distance on the day she left, after she arrived in Merritsville, why did she write a card to him saying that she'd arrived in Merritsville?
Se ele ligou à mulher no dia em que ela partiu, depois dela chegar a Merritsville, porque é que ela lhe mandou um postal a dizer que chegou?
She arrived there, found him dead, got panicky, called Dawson and Dawson shifted the body.
Ela chegou lá, encontrou-o morto, ficou em pânico, chamou Dawson e Dawson desfez-se do corpo.
The moment you let her know I was double-crossing them, she called Yussef to warn him.
No momento em que soube que eu sou um agente duplo, ligou para Yussef a avisar.
He's not my father. How once when she was visiting england she met an attractive young lad called Arthur invited him to her room so on.
Como há muitos anos, viajando a Inglaterra conheceu um jovem chamado Artur a quem convidou para o seu quarto e assim...
He's the richest man here. Fond of poetry. So she's called him.
Ele é o homem mais rico aqui da zona e adora poesia.
She only called him because he was late with the alimony.
Ela só lhe ligou porque ele se atrasou com a pensão.
She... She kneed you in the nuts and called him faggot in front of everybody. No.
Deu-lhe uma joelhada nos tomates e chamou-lhe "maricas".
Well, Mr MacGyver said Amy called him last night and said she thought somebody was trying to kill her.
- Então? O Sr. MacGyver disse que a Amy lhe ligou ontem a dizer que alguém andava a tentar matá-la.
"His name was Westley, but she never called him that."
O nome dele era Westley, mas ela nunca o chamava assim.
When Mr. Manulis called her for a date the next week... she told my mother to tell him she couldn't see him anymore.
Na semana seguinte, quando o Sr.Manulis... lhe telefonou para combinar outro encontro... ela disse à minha mãe para lhe... dizer que ela não o podia ver mais.
Mrs. Palmer saw him in a vision. She called this morning to say that Maddy had seen the man twice in the past two days, both times in a vision.
A Sra. Palmer viu-o numa visão e ligou a dizer que a Maddy o viu duas vezes em dois dias.
His teacher called, said she was keeping him after school for detention, said he wrote an obscenity on his paper.
Disse que o deteve na escola, como castigo, disse que escreveu uma obscenidade no teste.
She must have called him John.
Ela deve tê-lo chamado assim.
She called to tell me Neal was going back to California and that he would appreciate me seeing him off.
Ela telefonou para dizer que o Neal decidira regressar à Califórnia. E que ele gostaria que eu viesse à despedida.
His mother called him Zero. She said he'd never amount to nothing. It's too big.
A sua mãe chamou-o de Zero porque disse que nunca chegaria a nada.
I had my cellular phone with me, so when she called Garvin I called Mark Lewyn to give him the upshot of our meeting.
Eu tinha o telemóvel, por isso, quando ela telefonou ao Garvin, eu telefonei ao Mark Lewyn e pu-lo ao corrente da nossa reunião.
Unfortunately, she didn't make it... because when the Lord called her to Him... he didn't even have a job.
Infelizmente, não conseguiu porque quando Jesus a chamou ele nem sequer tinha um emprego.
So he called her... and they had a one-minute conversation... and she let him know... she never wanted to speak to him again.
E ele ligou. Falaram por um minuto... e ela lhe disse... que nunca mais queria falar com ele.
Agonized, he called again, offering her abundant financial compensation... just for a brief chat. But she bade him get off her back and slammed the phone down.
Angustiado, ele ligou de novo, oferecendo generosa compensação nem que fosse por curta conversa, mas ela mandou-o deixá-la em paz e desligou.
She took him to a place called "the show."
Ela levou-o para um local chamado "o espectáculo."
She called on him to join her because her tribe was too small and weak to defend itself from all its enemies.
Pediu-lhe para se juntar à tribo dela porque a tribo era muito pequena e fraca para se defenderem de todos os seus inimigos.
She told him the Essence was taken to Earth Realm to someone called Daahraan.
- Não, mas ele desconfia de ti. - Especulação não prova nada.
I have looked everywhere for him, while the other woman, she called the police.
Eu o procurei em todos lugares, enquanto a outra mulher, chamava a polícia.
When she hadn't heard from him for two weeks, she called.
Após duas semanas sem ter notícias dele, ela ligou-lhe.
She had tentative plans with her boylriend but she never called him.
Só sabemos que ela falou em jantar com o namorado, mas não telefonou.
Miranda called Eric the love of her life until he left her for another woman. Now, she almost never mentioned him.
O Eric era o amor da vida da Miranda, mas, agora, raramente o mencionava.

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