Then what tradutor Português
27,448 parallel translation
So then what are you doing here buying comic books?
Então porque estás aqui a comprar banda desenhada?
I mean, I'm sorry, but if living that long doesn't teach you a little compassion and generosity, then what have you learned?
Se viver tanto tempo não nos ensina compaixão e generosidade, - de que adianta?
Then what is the point?
Então qual é o sentido?
- And then what?
- E depois?
Then what happened?
Então o que aconteceu?
Then what is this?
Então o que é isto?
Then what's it like?
- Então como é?
Then what we do is we just keep it there until the nuclear commission can properly dismantle it.
Então apenas o deixamos lá até a comissão nuclear poder desmantela-lo adequadamente.
Well, then what are you doing?
- O que é que estás a fazer?
And then what happened? You and your partner, Ian Miller, you're-you're looking at a manslaughter charge you never anticipated.
Tu e o teu parceiro, Ian Miller, estavam prestes a enfrentar acusações de homicídio que nunca anteciparam.
And then what happened?
E depois, o que aconteceu?
If we can't move the car, or bring her up unconscious, then what do we do?
Não dá para mover o carro nem ela inconsciente. E agora?
Then what?
E depois?
Then what?
- E depois?
So what are you gonna do then?
Assim o que vais fazer então?
Trick the FBI into bringing the bomb inside, get as many agents and experts around it as possible, and then you know what.
Levar o FBI a trazer bomba para o interior, e apanhar o maior o número de agentes e especialistas possível. E depois sabes o quê.
Why? What's happening then?
O que é que vai acontecer?
What's the shame in the fact that he and I went out, we had the same amount of vodka, he got too drunk to get it up, so he passed out, then I used his credit card to buy $ 100 worth of Chinese and stole his golf clubs?
Qual é a vergonha de eu e ele termos saído e bebido a mesma porção de vodca, ele ter ficado bêbado, desmaiar, eu gastar 100 dólares em take-away com o cartão dele e roubar-lhe os tacos de golfe?
That's what we need, then.
Isso é o que precisamos, assim.
So, from what I've put together, Mayor Hamilton left city hall yesterday afternoon, went to the charity event, and then straight home.
Então, pelo que juntei, o Presidente Hamilton saiu da Câmara ontem à tarde, foi a um evento de caridade, e depois directo para casa.
Who knows what you've done since then?
- O que terás feito entretanto?
He's doing all of this because he thinks it'll force me back to him, and if that's what he wants, then that's what I'm gonna make him think I'm doing.
Ele está a fazer tudo isto porque acha que eu irei voltar para ele. E se é isso que ele quer, vou fazê-lo pensar que é isso que farei.
Well, if that's what you assumed, why even bother saving me, then?
Se era isso que achavas, porque te deste ao trabalho de me salvar?
You know, the thing where you, uh... you try to get me to tell you more about what the residents are thinking, and then I can say that maybe I shouldn't'cause you're the chief, and then you can say, "But you're my husband," and I can say, "I know, baby, but I'm gonna have to invoke church and state."
Aquilo em que me fazes contar o que os residentes pensam, e eu digo que não devo, porque és a Chefe, e tu dizes "mas és meu marido", e eu digo "eu sei, amor, mas vou invocar igreja e estado".
And then sometimes I think I know what you're talking about, but then... my brain is melting.
E às vezes acho que a entendo, mas depois o meu cérebro derrete.
What is it, then?
O que é?
And then what?
E depois?
What's it about then?
O que é então?
And then I started to think, well, what if...
E comecei a pensar, bem, e se...
Look, if you don't like what I'm coming up with, then... take the ring back.
Se não gostas do que estou a propor, então... - fica com o anel.
Well, then, what about an Air Force AWACS plane?
E o avião SAAC do Exército?
What did you say to me then?
O que me disseste na altura?
Let's say Reynolds does become president, what then?
Digamos então que o Reynolds torna-se Presidente, e depois?
I think you need to know what was going on back then.
Acho que precisas saber o que aconteceu.
I've decided that my life is better without mentally ill people around me. Then I'll ask you : What happens after I've rescued you?
What should we do this minute then?
O que faremos neste minuto?
What is your problem? Smell it to see if it smells like dick! You smell it then!
Pra ver se tem cheiro de pinto.
What should I do then? You are a predator and she is your prey.
- Você é o predador e ela a presa.
- What is the hint, then?
Qual o sinal de "Sim"?
Then you heard the shot, ran around the corner to see what's what.
Depois ouviu o tiro e correu para ver o que tinha acontecido.
And then what?
- Então e depois?
Then we work with what we have.
- Usamos o que temos.
Barlow then wrote a manifesto that he called A Declaration Of Independence Of Cyberspace. It was addressed to all politicians, telling them to keep out of this new world. It was going to be incredibly influential, because what Barlow did was give a powerful picture of the internet not as a network controlled by giant corporations, but, instead, as a kind of magical, free place.
Barlow escreveu um manifesto chamado "A Declaração de Independência do Ciberespaço". dizendo-lhes para ficarem longe deste novo mundo. mas como uma espécie de lugar mágico e livre.
Well, the medicine just kind of lets you listen to what needs to go on. And then your doctor, every time you come back, says,
o remédio apenas permite que você escute o que precisa para caminhar.
They were called intelligent agents. They worked by monitoring individuals, gathering vast amounts of data about their past behaviour and then looked for patterns and correlations from which they could predict what they would want in the future.
Eles foram chamados "agentes inteligentes". reunindo grandes quantidades de dados sobre seu comportamento passado e depois procuravam padrões e correlações a partir do qual poderiam prever o que pessoas iriam querer no futuro.
But what he was about to let loose would tear the Arab world apart - and then come back to try to destroy him.
Mas o que ele estava prestes a fazer dividiria todo o mundo árabe - e depois voltaria para destruí-lo.
Public relations companies then came to Libya to do what they called "reframing the narrative".
Empresas de relações públicas foram para a Líbia fazer o que eles chamam de "reformulação da narrativa".
They recorded what they said was his confession and then his killing.
Eles registraram o que disseram ser sua confissão..... e então seu assassinato.
Social media created filters - complex algorithms that looked at what individuals liked - and then fed more of the same back to them.
Mídias sociais criaram filtros : algoritmos complexos que analisam fornecem a elas mais do mesmo.
But the key thing was that Surkov then let it be known that this was what he was doing.
Mas a questão-chave era que Surkov mostrava a todos o que ele estava fazendo.
"-" and then what?
E depois?
then what are you doing here 94
then what's the problem 77
then what happened 229
then what's wrong 25
then what is it 290
then what's the point 33
then what should i do 17
then what's this 25
then what was it 41
then what are you 62
then what's the problem 77
then what happened 229
then what's wrong 25
then what is it 290
then what's the point 33
then what should i do 17
then what's this 25
then what was it 41
then what are you 62