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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ T ] / Took him

Took him tradutor Português

6,176 parallel translation
Before he died, I took him to Abbot Rusong.
Antes que morresse, eu o levei ao abade Rusong.
You took him as your lover.
Eram amantes.
Took him over an hour to die.
Demorou mais de uma hora a morrer.
It took him a short while to learn how to deal with it.
Demorou pouco tempo a perceber como lidar com isso.
I took him to the warehouse.
Levei-o a um armazém.
I even took him to a dermatologist.
Até o levei a um dermatologista.
Someone took him.
Alguém o levou. NO PRÓXIMO EPISÓDIO...
I took him away, and I killed him.
Levei-o e matei-o.
It took him 8 years, but after all, it worked pretty well.
Aquilo consumiu-lhe algum tempo, mas acabou por resultar bem.
Anyhoo, I took him right off my visitors list after today.
Depois de hoje, tirei-o da minha lista de visitas.
Yeah, well, I tried putting him out on the curb, but nobody took him.
Pois, bem, eu tentei deixá-lo no passeio, mas ninguém ficou com ele.
But they took him.
Mas levaram-no.
We lost Finn Michael, we think Li-Na's men took him
Perdemos o Finn, Michael. Achamos que os homens a Li-Na o levaram.
'We think Li-Na's men took him.'
Achamos que os homens a Li-Na o levaram.
They took him away right in front of the children...
Eles levaram-no mesmo à frente dos filhos...
At least until they took him out of the city.
Pelo menos até o tirarem da cidade.
When he first got really sick, they took him to the hospital ward.
Quando ele ficou doente, levaram-no para o hospital.
You took him, you sick son of a bitch.
- Levaste-o, seu filho da mãe doente. - Não.
Who the hell took him?
Quem diabos o levou?
And took him into my mouth like... I was taking Holy Communion.
E tomei-o como se estivesse a comungar.
I took him out for a drink.
Levei-o a tomar um copo.
- She took him.
- Ela levou-o.
She took him away with her.
Levou-o, com ela.
If I give him the money, he will know I took it from the client, And he will kill me all the same.
Se eu lhe der o dinheiro, ele vai saber que eu o tiro do cliente, e ele matava-me da mesma maneira.
I tried to hire him for Aviato. But then he took the offer, shopped it around town, and got more dough at a different gig.
Tentei contratá-lo para a Aviato, ele aceitou a proposta, andou a negociá-la e obteve mais massa, noutra cena.
I already took care of him.
Já tratei dele.
I made a joke about him one time, wearing socks with sandals, so he, like, really took that really personal.
Fiz uma piada dele uma vez, sobre usar meias com sandálias, E ele levou mesmo para o lado pessoal.
You said he took it with him.
Disse que ele o tinha levado com ele.
Looks like he took it with him.
Parece que o levou com ele.
Saving you from the Coven took a lot out of him.
Salvar-te do Clã exauriu bastante dele.
And we laughed and then he took out a little ring... and he asked me to marry him and I said yes.
Rimo-nos e ele sacou de um pequeno anel e... E pediu-me para casar com ele e eu disse que sim.
But he left early, took his stuff, and I haven't seen him since.
Mas saiu cedo, levou as coisas dele e não voltei a vê-lo.
I took him from the room.
Tirei-o do quarto.
He took my attempt to kill him personally.
Ele levou a peito a minha tentativa de o assassinar.
Well, how about I raised him alone for two months when she took off?
Bem, que tal ter sido eu a criá-lo sozinho durante os dois meses em que ela foi embora?
I asked him how long he thought it took Stephen Hawking to type a piece of investigative journalism.
Perguntei-lhe se sabia quanto tempo demorou o Stephen Hawking a escrever um fragmento de jornalismo de investigação.
So I told him she died and that I took care of it.
Então, disse-lhe que ela tinha morrido e tratei do assunto.
He's very smart and very handsome, and all the women at the company want desperately to marry him, but he never took an interest in anyone... except me.
É muito inteligente e bonito e todas as mulheres na empresa queriam desesperadamente casar com ele, mas ele nunca se interessou por ninguém... a não ser por mim.
- So you killed him and took the money?
Então, mataste-o e ficaste com o dinheiro?
Because I took the fall for him.
Porque eu assumi a responsabilidade.
Yeah, like when you took Sheldon to Texas and showed him all around NASA. You didn't even think to ask me and Leonard.
Como quando levaste o Sheldon ao Texas e mostraste a NASA toda, e nem pensaste em chamar a mim e ao Leonard.
Apparently they had married without my knowledge or consent, so I had him hanged, and I took her beneath the tree where he was swaying.
Tinham se casado na noite anterior sem meu conhecimento ou consentimento. Então eu o enforquei. E a possuí debaixo da árvore onde ele estaνa balançando.
Oh, he's, uh, gonna drink himself to death, so we took out a life insurance policy on him.
Oh, ele está, uh, vai beber até morrer, portanto nós tirámos o seguro de vida dele.
We took that fortress before Francis Stephen knew what hit him.
Tomámos a fortaleza antes que o Francis Stephen desse por isso.
I believe he took a shine to me when I met him at Brockton.
Acho que gostou de mim, quando nos encontrámos em Brockton.
He took Pineda's body through the yard, making sure that he didn't get footprints in the garage, put him in the car...
Levou o corpo do Pineda pelo jardim, certificou-se que não deixava nenhuma pegada na garagem, colocou-o no carro,
They would've took days off, but not him, no.
Porque ele corre quando... há uns anos atrás, muita gente não o faria. Tirariam dias de folga, mas ele não.
When we took Mr. Gallagher to the ER, they gave him a sedative, seemed to calm him down, but he's clearly a troubled kid.
Nós levámos o Sr. Gallagher até às Urgências, deram-lhe um sedativo, para o acalmar, mas é um rapaz problemático.
Ask him how long ago his one-night stand took off with his car.
Pergunta-lhe há quanto tempo o seu caso de uma noite fugiu com o carro dele.
You know, you look like someone took a cowboy and turned him into a model.
Pareces alguém que pegou num cowboy e transformou-o num modelo.
We're taking him back to the village where the massacre took place.
Levaremos à aldeia onde ocorreu o massacre.

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