Until i was tradutor Português
3,246 parallel translation
The proverbial orphan until I was adopted by my Uncle Robertos when I was 16.
Fui o típico órfão até ser adotado pelo meu tio Robertas, aos 16 anos.
But anyway, it wasn't until I was 20 years old that I found out my father killed those people during an exorcism.
Mas seja como for, só quando tinha 20 anos é que descobri que o meu pai matou essas pessoas durante um exorcismo.
I didn't have sex with college professors until I was in college.
Eu não fiz sexo com professores da faculdade até entrar na faculdade.
That phone call, she waited until I was in the group, until I could hear, even said "okay"
Essa chamada, ela esperou até que eu estivesse no grupo, até que eu pudesse ouvir, até disse "ok"
I didn't kill until I was 19.
Só matei aos 19 anos.
I know we don't talk about doggy years a lot, but I-I just wish you could have waited to find out how talented you were until I was gone.
Eu sei que não falamos muito dos anos de cão, mas eu apenas queria que tivesses esperado para descobrir o quão talentoso eras até que eu desaparecesse.
I have known this for a long time but I have waited until I was sure to tell you both.
Sabia disto há muito tempo, mas esperei até que tivesse a certeza para contar a ambos.
It was a little close. 95 % of the base has no power, so I, fix it until the backup generator, will have to work in the dark.
Foi por pouco... 95 % da base está sem energia, por isso... enquanto não tivermos a luz de emergência, vamos ter que continuar a trabalhar no escuro.
My job was covert and dangerous, and required me to commit acts that will haunt me until the day I die.
Meu trabalho era secreto e perigoso e requeria que eu cometesse actos que me irão assombrar até ao dia de morrer.
Alak was with me all night, right until I came home for dinner.
O Alak esteve comigo toda a noite, até ter ido para casa jantar.
My parents started me traveling when I was really, really young, and up until the day that I graduated,
Os meus pais, habituaram-me a viajar desde pequeno. Até o dia em que conclui o ensino secundário,
He waited until the baby was born, and then..... then just when I was able to love it,
Ele esperou até que o bebé nascesse e então... então, mesmo quando eu comecei a ser capaz de amá-la,
She was kicking and scratching, but I held my breath and hung on until she passed out!
Ela estava a chutar-me e a arranhar-me, mas aguentei a respiração até ela desmaiar!
I was fucking working until... Maddie!
Eu estava a trabalhar até que...
Oh. I was with a boy and we travelled a lot, until we couldn't go any further.
Estava com um rapaz e viajamos muito, até que não conseguimos ir mais adiante.
The other girls used to do it for me until Sarah said I was a lesbian.
As outras miúdas costumavam fazer isso para mim, até, a Sarah ter dito que eu era lésbica.
He tried to contact me a few times, but I didn't see him until his mind was on the way out.
Ele tentou contactar-me algumas vezes, mas eu não o vi até ele ter a mente limpa.
It was P's job to take us to the debtors, so until I saw the name on the door, I had no idea whose house we were at.
A P é que costumava levar-nos aos devedores, por isso, até ver o nome na porta, não fazia ideia de quem era.
Every time P went to Jerome to collect, I'd pace around restlessly until she was back home again.
Sempre que P ia a casa dele receber, eu ficava em casa ansiosa até ela voltar.
Well, I was thinking maybe y'all would want to get out of town until all this blows over.
Estava a pensar se não queria ir embora da cidade. - Até isto passar.
What would Caleb be doing hanging out in a lesbian bar? I didn't know it was ladies night until I got there.
Só soube que era noite da mulher quando lá cheguei.
Then I stomped on his hand with my boot until every bone was broken.
Então pisei a mão dele com a minha bota, até partir todos os seus dedos.
And then he said that I wasn't a real New Yorker until I had my first makeover, and I was, like, what does that even mean?
E depois ele disse que eu não era uma verdadeira Nova Iorquina, até ter a minha primeira renovação de visual, e eu fiquei tipo, o que significa isso?
It's Glee practice, and everyone is in the choir room. Not until the police go in and give the all-clear! I was late.
É o ensaio do Glee, e estão todos na sala de coro.
I wasn't gonna waste anyone's time until I knew it was real.
Não ia fazer ninguém perder tempo, antes de a confirmar.
I was in hospital in Saigon until December 13th, with terrible migraines.
Fiquei no hospital de Saigão até 13 de Dezembro, com enxaquecas fortíssimas.
I only had to support him until he was 18 or in school.
Só tive de o sustentar até aos 18 anos ou na escola.
I was raised in an orphanage. So it's almost like your life didn't begin until you met Desmond.
Então, é quase como se a sua vida não tivesse começado até encontrar o Desmond.
That repulsor was about all I had until I can recharge. Of course, now that you're here...
Mantêm os olhos abertos, Capitão.
If it wasn't for Chad's episode, I'd never have known he was missing until this morning.
Se não fosse por aquele episódio do Chad, nunca saberia que estava desaparecido, até de manhã.
When I was young you'd practice until you dropped.
trabalhava muito.
I was at a charity auction, which I chair, until 2 : 00 a.m.
Estava no leilão beneficente, o qual coordeno, até as 2h.
That repulsor was about all I had until I can recharge.
Aquele repulsor era tudo o que eu tinha até recarregar.
"jinnamuru xunte, " which roughly translates as'tear-stealing evil spirit', "which I find ironic since until recently he was the local parish priest." Mm.
Jinnamuru Xunte, que significa'espírito maligno ladrão de lágrimas', o que acho irônico, porque, até há pouco tempo, era o padre da paróquia local. "
I was having... FUN! Up until you...
Eu estava a divertir-me... até tu...
Until now, I thought Vanessa was dead.
Até agora, achava que a Vanessa tinha morrido.
I didn't even know where I was until I woke up.
Não sei, nem me lembrava onde estava.
Sorry, Professor, but she was pitching a fit until I brought her to you.
Desculpe, Professor, mas deu-lhe um ataque até a trazer.
I find it hard to believe that nobody knew until the morning that there was a body in there.
Acho difícil acreditar que só de manhã é que se soube que havia ali um corpo.
He was not to be engaged until I arrived with proper force.
Ele não era para ser confrontado até que eu chegasse com forças suficientes.
I was sober ten months, three days until this.
Estive sóbrio durante dez meses e três dias.
I love having steaks and beer with her and until recently the fact that she was always there for me, the way she looked up to me.
Gosto de comer bifes e beber cervejas com ela. E até recentemente, o facto de ela estar sempre disposta a ajudar-me. A forma como se preocupava comigo.
I was so happy until I read your play, Stewie.
Eu estava tão feliz até ler a tua peça, Stewie.
I was fine being an okay writer, until I discovered I was living in a house with a brilliant one.
Eu estava bem sendo um escritor medíocre até descobrir que vivia numa casa com um escritor brilhante.
I think that was the only time in my life I actually wanted to talk to someone until the sun came up.
Acho que foi o único momento da minha vida onde quis conversar com alguém até o Sol nascer.
You don't think I was counting down the days until you figured it out?
Achas que eu não andava a contar os dias até tu perceberes?
I forgot he was away on business, so I just sat in his flat, until I could face going home.
Mas esqueci-me que ele estava fora em negócios, por isso, fiquei no apartamento dele, até que conseguisse ganhar coragem e ir para casa.
Oye, hombre, I told you not to call me until the shipment was delivered.
Hombre, eu disse-te para não me telefonares até o carregamento não estar entregue.
I was there until after midnight.
Estive lá até depois da meia noite.
Until you thought I was a murderer and you broke into my shed.
Até pensar que eu era um assassino e invadir-me o barracão.
And I realized it was only a matter of time until someone put a price on it.
E percebi que era apenas uma questão de tempo, até que alguém decida um preço.
until i met you 38
until it's too late 16
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i was here 250
i wasn't paying attention 53
until it's too late 16
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i was here 250
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was just wondering 282
i was thinking about you 32
i was born 51
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't 1177
i was just kidding 166
i wasn't born yesterday 35
i wasn't expecting that 35
i was just passing by 33
i was thinking about you 32
i was born 51
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't 1177
i was just kidding 166
i wasn't born yesterday 35
i wasn't expecting that 35
i was just passing by 33