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Was that necessary tradutor Português

329 parallel translation
Was that necessary?
Isso era necessário?
Really, was that necessary?
Foi mesmo preciso fazer isso?
Dear God, was that necessary?
Deus, isso foi necessário?
- Was that necessary?
Isso foi preciso?
- Was that necessary?
- Aquilo era necessário?
I don't see why that was necessary.
Não vejo a necessidade disso.
.. but we were unwilling to make the necessary sacrifices to back up that opinion. It was impossible to convince a farm-boy in Iowa, or a driver of a London bus,
Era impossível convencer um agricultor no Iowa, ou um condutor de autocarros em Londres, ou um garçom de um café em Paris, que deveria ir para a guerra por causa de barracas de barro na Manchúria.
Would you say that Mr. Friendly made it clear to you... it was absolutely necessary he murder Joey Doyle in order... to maintain his control... on the docks of the waterfront locals!
Diria que o Sr. Friendly deixou claro... que era absolutamente necessário matar o Joey Doyle para... manter o controlo... nas docas dos sindicatos locais?
Eu contei a eles tudo que era preciso.
Your Honour, as far as introducing this weapon is concerned, it's only necessary to prove that it was in the possession of the defendant, and that it was the weapon that killed Harry Merrill.
Meritíssimo, no que diz respeito a esta arma....... apenas precisamos provar que estava na posse da ré e que foi a arma que matou Harry Merrill.
That Doinel chose to write about his grandfather's death was his right We know he doesn't hesitate to sacrifice his relatives if necessary
Que o vosso amigo Doinel tenha escolhido por tema a morte do seu avô, estava no direito dele, embora nós saibamos que ele não hesita em sacrificar os parentes mais próximos quando isso lhe convém...
That gesture was necessary.
Era um gesto necessário.
Was that barbaric execution necessary?
Era necessário uma execução tão cruel?
No autopsy is necessary to know that the animal was terrified, confused.
Não é preciso autópsia para saber que o animal estava aterrado.
" that a personal possession of the victim was necessary
" que um objecto pessoal da vítima é necessário,
Tell me, was it necessary that you kill all of them?
Diz-me, era necessário matares todos?
That was necessary.
Foi necessário.
- There, go swim ashore. - Was that necessary?
- Anda, nada até à margem.
Under observation, he appeared so familiar, obedient, docile and intelligent with humans that conditioning was not considered necessary.
Sob vigilância, ele parecia tão familiar, obediente, dócil e inteligente com os seres humanos que condicionamento foi considerado desnecessário.
She was not necessary to walk for the street and to see "Pour qui, pourquoi" in the walls, or the scythe and the hammer, to know that nobody went to move a finger.
Não era preciso andar pela rua e ver "Pour qui, pourquoi?" nas paredes, ou a foice e o martelo, para saber que ninguém ia mexer um dedo.
If some time was necessary to touch the alarm, the French strategists its troops alleged that they would have that to face the Germans in Belgian or exactly German territory.
Se alguma vez fosse preciso tocar o alarme, os estrategistas franceses alegavam que as suas tropas teriam que enfrentar os alemães em território belga ou mesmo alemão.
I would like to remind my illustrious colleagues of our astonishment when during the first meeting convened by His Majesty, we were told that the only necessary and urgent thing that needed to be done was tracing immediately Maestro Wagner
Queria lembrar aos nobres colegas, o nosso estupor...
Tell me, was it necessary that you kill all of them?
Diz-me, era preciso matá-los a todos?
The sacrifice was necessary for the victory e believed that the last one victory still was unquestionable.
O sacrifício era necessário para a vitória e acreditavam que a derradeira vitória ainda era indiscutível.
He was a more cautious man, combined with the fact that he couldn't aftord the casualties that we could take if it was necessary to take them.
Era mais cauteloso. E não se podia dar ao luxo de ter baixas, e nós podíamos, se fosse necessário.
The locomotives had been destroyed, although they were very necessary, therefore an evacuation was initiated that, in the end, it would save Russia e would modify the course of the war.
As locomotivas foram destruídas, embora fossem muito necessárias, pois iniciava-se uma evacuação que, no fim, salvaria a Rússia e alteraria o curso da guerra.
They went making the proper rules to the measure that was necessary, because it was a new concept total.
Eles iam fazendo as próprias regras Comandante de Esquadrão à medida que era necessário, porque era um conceito totalmente novo.
We knew that he was one necessary work, but I do not know if we gave in them it counts of that it was important.
Sabíamos que era um trabalho necessário, mas não sei se nos dávamos conta de que era importante.
Therefore it was necessary that the construction of submarines if it became a priority in the plan of German armament.
Por isso era necessário que a construção de submarinos se tornasse uma prioridade no plano de armamento alemão.
And I made them see what a burden it was that copper production was stopped when we needed currency.... when we didn't have the necessary financing to be able to fulfil our essential financial commitments
Mostrei-lhes claramente como era grave parar a produção do cobre. Precisamos de divisas, do financiamento necessário, talvez não possamos cumprir alguns compromissos essenciais.
( 748 )'I'm sorry it was necessary to do that.'
Lamento ter sido necessário fazê-lo.
They saw they could live without many things they'd considered necessary until then that these things were not essential that the essential thing was their human dignity.
se pareciam muito com os militantes que havia conhecido na Indochina. E me dei conta de que as questões que tinham que ser resolvidas... as questões que haviam chamado minha atenção, só podiam ser resolvidas por estas mesmas pessoas.
Was it really necessary to print that?
Era mesmo necessário ter publicado isso?
That's why even with the largest telescope in the world it was necessary to take very long time exposures often lasting all night and sometimes requiring several successive nights.
E é por isso que mesmo com o maior telescópio no mundo, era necessário fazerem-se exposições muito longas, que muitas vezes duravam toda a noite, e por vezes requeriam várias noites sucessivas.
And you have the effrontery to tell me that this slaughter was necessary?
E tem o descaramento de me dizer que este massacre era necessário?
Do you really think that was necessary?
Acha mesmo que isto é necessário?
To make looking that the Valerie Saintclair went to have there by chance, it was necessary that the body it was found there.
Para fazer parecer que a Valerie Saintclair foi ter lá por acaso, era necessário que o corpo fosse encontrado ali.
It was not necessary to do that.
Não era preciso fazer isso.
Was that really necessary?
Era mesmo necessário?
Whatever is necessary. That I should trust you. He was generous.
O que fosse necessário para que confiasse que ele era generoso, que essa é a sua natureza.
That there was insufficient data at this time and that continued observation was necessary for a diagnosis.
Que não tinham informação suficiente ainda e que observação continua era necessária para um diagnóstico.
That won't be necessary. That's what I was sent to...
Foi isso que me pediram que te dissesse.
I knew it, but it was necessary that you knew it!
Eu já sabia, mas tu, tinhas que mo provar.
I told her I didn't think that it was necessary.
Disse-lhe que achava que não era necessário.
Will, was that really necessary?
Will, havia necessidade de fazer isso?
I wish I could say that his death was necessary, but it wasn't.
Gostaria de poder dizer que a morte dele foi necessária, mas não foi.
Was that really necessary?
Foi mesmo necessário?
"Yes, I am Daniel," and there starts out, "pleased to meet you," and there starts out what could turn into... well, as long as her name is Esther, if shes called Alice she keeps going, it doesnt register either, however much you say Esther to her....... once, one was coming, I said, "Esther" she turned around and said, "My name is José Luis," and nothing started out because I dont go for that sort, that sort of neither that guy nor any other guy, I mean, it isnt my thing, my parents brought me up in a certain manner and I have seen my way to responding to that education, honoring, honoring it, let us say, I was educated in the freedom to be able to think whatever I feel like, but yes, things were done in a certain manner ; it was also necessary to respect others, because each person could do what he or she wanted with her life, right?
"sim, eu sou Daniel", e começa, eh? , "muito prazer", e começa o que pode chegar a ser... bom, sempre e quando se chame Esther, se chama Alicia segue caminhando, tampouco percebe, por mais que lhe diga Esther....... uma vez vinha caminhando uma, lhe disse "Esther" se deu volta e me disse "eu me chamo José Luis", e não começou nada porque não me dou com esse tipo de, esse tipo de nem esse tipo nem nenhum tipo, quero dizer, não é o meu, meus padres me educaram de uma maneira e eu sempre soube responder a essa educação, honrando, honrando-a, digamos, me educaram com libertade de poder pensar em qualquer coisa,... .. mas se, as coisas eram de outra forma ; também tinhaa que respeitar os outros, porque cada um podía fazer de sua vida o que tivesse vontade, não?
- Was that really necessary?
- Aquilo era mesmo necessário?
I don't really think that was necessary.
Não era necessário.
That was really necessary?
Isso era realmente necessário?

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