Was that okay tradutor Português
2,358 parallel translation
Was that okay?
Foi bom?
Okay, what was that?
- Quietos, pessoal.
Okay, so Eddie was eliminated, but he knew that if Odette was out of the running, he'd be asked to return and take her slot.
Está bem, então o Eddie foi eliminado, mas sabia que se a Odette ficasse fora, voltava e ficava com o seu lugar.
And I didn't want Alicia to know it was me, so I put her jacket over her, so that she'd be okay.
E eu não queria que a Alicia soubesse que tinha sido eu, por isso, coloquei-lhe o casaco por cima, para que ela ficasse bem.
I know that we decided to never see each other again so I just want you to know that if last night was a one-night thing for you, then I'm okay with that.
Sei que decidimos nunca mais voltarmos a ver-nos. Só quero que saibas que, se a noite passada foi uma vez sem exemplo para ti, por mim não há problema.
So I came in to see if Dexter was okay, and I saw that guy on the floor.
Entrei para ver se o Dexter estava bem e vi aquele tipo no chão.
Okay? I was the reason he was at that bridge!
Por minha causa é que ele estava na ponte!
Oh, but when you thought that he was trying to ride your motorcycle, it was okay.
Mas quando achavas que ele queria andar na tua moda, já estava tudo bem.
Okay. I just... I needed a guy's opinion on the whole casual sex thing, and he was acting like he was above it all, which I thought was disingenuous, given the fact that without even knowing your name, he invited you to Fiji, so I just said the word "Fiji."
Eu precisava da opinião de um homem sobre sexo casual, e ele estava agindo como se não gostasse, o que pensei que era mentira, já que sem saber o seu nome, ele a convidou para Fiji.
Okay, then what should we call it when you slit that guy's throat while he was sleeping?
Então vamos chamar de quê quando cortás-te a garganta daquele gajo enquanto dormia?
That was not our fault, okay?
A culpa não foi nossa.
Earlier when I said I was okay with that open procedure, I wasn't.
Há pouco, quando disse que concordava com aquela cirurgia aberta, não era verdade.
Okay, we both know that was Class-A narcotics and psychotic jealousy joining forces to... to tell the truth.
Ambos sabemos que isso foram as drogas pesadas e a inveja psicótica unindo forças para... dizer a verdade.
Okay, let me talk to Ellis and tell him that this was entirely my mistake.
Certo, me deixe falar com Ellis e dizer a ele que isto foi um erro meu.
I didn't know that it was smallpox. Okay?
Eu não sabia que era varíola.
Okay, that was blunt.
Essa foi forte.
Okay, what was that little prom photo moment with the hands?
Muito bem, que momento de foto de baile de finalistas foi aquele?
Okay, bye. Well, that was interesting.
Bem, foi interessante.
Okay, so then you'd pretty much know everything there is to know about this contraption that the professor was working on.
Então, sabe tudo sobre a maquineta em que o professor estava a trabalhar.
Okay, but the Lynette that I knew was never happy with a life of... sewing buttons.
Está bem, mas a Lynette que conheci nunca estava contente com uma vida a coser botões.
Okay, kicking him off that ledge was... Personal.
E empurrá-lo do telhado foi... pessoal.
So I was coming to tell you that Lauren called, and she wanted to know if you were okay.
Eu vinha dizer-te que a Lauren ligou, queria saber se estavas bem.
Okay, that was wise.
Está bem, isso foi sábio.
6 months ago that she signed up in preparation for the new album and started posting this really awesome little sound bites where she was talking about the new album and that just made my day and then I was just, okay, I have to take the day off and ten
6 meses atrás que ela se inscreveu em preparação para o novo álbum e começou a postar isso realmente impressionantes pequenos sound bites onde ela estava falando sobre o novo álbum e que só fez o meu dia e então eu estava apenas, tudo bem, eu tenho que tirar o dia e dez
Okay, not tonight, but in days to come, you'll look back and think that this moment was funny.
Muito bem. Não esta noite, mas no futuro, olharão para trás e acharão que este momento foi engraçado.
Because I thought she was with someone, but- - Okay, well, how do you know that she's not?
Não disse nada porque pensei... que ela estava com alguém, mas...
Okay, so that was one of Wendy's fellow waitresses from Philly.
Falei com uma empregada de mesa colega da Wendy, de Filadélfia.
Okay, you know that anklet that was turned in to the police?
Sabes aquela pulseira que entregaram na Polícia?
Okay, I know that it was my idea to wait...
Muito bem.
Okay, what she was saying was that...
- Muito bem, o que ela disse foi...
Okay, I appreciate all the effort you're putting into this, but if I didn't know better, I would think that Maya was your girlfriend, not mine.
Agradeço o esforço que estás a investir nisto, mas se não soubesse, diria que a Maya era tua namorada, não minha.
Because Ezra needed to know that she was okay.
Porque o Ezra precisava de saber se ela estava bem.
Okay, but she was with Emily that night, and she never said a word until Emily brought it up.
Mas ela esteve com a Emily naquela noite. E nunca disse uma palavra até a Emily tocar no assunto.
I was so relieved to hear that he was okay.
Fiquei aliviado ao saber que ele estava bem.
Okay, that was really fun, But now we gotta go back to campaigning for Claire.
Foi muito divertido, mas temos de ir ajudar na campanha da Claire.
That was full of threats, but - it's okay to be sad, honey.
A carta não, estava cheia de ameaças, mas... Não faz mal estares triste, querido.
Okay, who wants to explain to me why I had to hear that I was a grandma while I was getting my nails done?
Quem é que me quer explicar porque é que tive de saber que era avó quando estava na manicura?
Okay, I thought it was the guy that I'm seeing, but he's gotten tested, so now I think it was Elijah, - my boyfriend for the last two years of college. - Mm-hmm.
Achava que foi o tipo que estou a sair mas foi testado, agora acho que foi o Elijah, o meu namorado nos últimos 2 anos de faculdade.
Okay, did you really have to tell Rachel that I said she was hot?
Tinha mesmo de dizer à Rachel que eu disse que era bonita?
Okay, look, I helped plan a fund-raiser for the hospital, two years ago, that was before the surgeries.
Ouçam... ajudei a organizar uma angariação de fundos para o hospital, há dois anos.
Okay, I'm not saying that she didn't make a mistake... but the lie, that was because she was scared.
Não estou a dizer que ela não errou, mas a mentira foi por ter medo.
Jax knows that it was you who gave up the club, okay?
O Jax sabe que foste tu que entregaste o clube, ok?
Okay, the lie, that was because she was scared.
Ok, a mentira, foi porque estava com medo.
Okay, that was a touché.
Foi um "touché". - Tudo bem. "Touché".
Okay, that was cool.
Aquilo foi fixe.
Okay, that's the same day that April Reynolds was attacked.
O mesmo dia em que a April Reynolds foi atacada.
- Okay. I'm gonna show you a wood fragment that was extracted from David Jorgensen's hand.
Vou mostrar um fragmento de madeira extraído da mão do David Jorgensen.
Okay, so, I was driving home the other night on that empty stretch of the 59, and this cop pulled me over.
Eu ia para casa na outra noite numa zona vazia da estrada 59 e um polícia mandou-me parar.
Uh, right, okay, on the backswing the blood that collected on the bottle was flung off.
No movimento, o sangue da garrafa foi arremessado.
Okay, so just so you know what you just saw, that was me showing that I cannot be smoted.
Para entenderes o que acabaste de ver... Isto fui eu a mostrar que não posso ser castigada.
- Okay, that one was really close.
Esteve foi bem perto.
was that really necessary 35
was that necessary 32
was that so hard 56
was that a compliment 24
was that a 21
was that it 78
was that 195
was that wrong 21
was that me 23
was that you 135
was that necessary 32
was that so hard 56
was that a compliment 24
was that a 21
was that it 78
was that 195
was that wrong 21
was that me 23
was that you 135
was that a joke 26
was that true 17
was that him 35
was that good 22
was that a lie 17
was that her 20
that okay 32
okay 330588
okay then 423
okay fine 38
was that true 17
was that him 35
was that good 22
was that a lie 17
was that her 20
that okay 32
okay 330588
okay then 423
okay fine 38
okay everyone 17
okay so 17
okay now 42
okay well 32
okay what 33
okay guys 32
okay okay 104
okay okay okay 18
okay look 22
okay so 17
okay now 42
okay well 32
okay what 33
okay guys 32
okay okay 104
okay okay okay 18
okay look 22