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Was that so hard tradutor Português

400 parallel translation
Was that so hard to do?
Era difícil?
Now, my love, was that so hard?
Vejamos, meu amor, foi assim tão difícil?
Now, my love, was that so hard?
Então, meu amor, foi assim tão difícil?
There, was that so hard? Neal.
Lamentamos tanto que tenhas ido embora, querido.
Now, was that so hard?
Foi assim tão difícil?
Was that so hard?
Foi assim tão difícil?
And we heard that the soldiers were only dressed in their original summer uniform, and winter, we knew winter was very hard, so we hoped they would get it.
Mulher de Soldado Soubemos que os soldados vestiam as fardas de Verão e que o Inverno era rigoroso e esperávamos que recebessem aquilo.
The blow was so sudden that I found it hard to collect my thoughts.
O golpe foi tão súbito que tive dificuldade em organizar as ideias.
I wanted to show by my marriage that though he was led astray, as I believe by that innate kindliness and courtesy of his which made it so hard for him to rebuff the advances of a woman, I nevertheless regard him as a man to whom I can happily entrust the remainder of my life.
Queria mostrar, com o meu casamento, que, embora tenha sido traído pela sua bondade e cortesia, que o impediam de repelir os avanços de uma mulher, o considerava um homem a quem podia confiar o que resta da minha vida.
In the morning, it was blowing so hard that the boats would not be going out.
De manhã, o vento soprava tão | forte, que os barcos não saíram.
That was why Shadow was there and that was why he'd fought so hard.
O Sombra estava ali e tinha lutado com tanta bravura por causa daquilo,
That wasn't so hard, was it.
I train you guys so hard that I wish someday... We can do some big business Who was born to be a bandit?
Vão treinar dia e noite, até ficarem fortes... vamos conquistar grandes coisas juntos e prometo-vos um grande futuro e vão deixar de ser bandidos mas ninguém, vai desobedecer ao general?
You beat him so hard that he was bent and lame
Bateram-lhe tanto..
They were, indeed, so horrible that it was hard to believe they could be true.
Eram tão horríveis que custava a crer que pudessem ser verdadeiros.
It was hard for Mark to believe that anyone so beautiful, so desirable, could be so deadly.
Por quê? Eu a amo. Sempre tentei lhe dar tudo.
That was for setting fire to my factory, so it was a bit hard!
Que foi por atear fogo a minha fábrica, por isso foi um pouco difícil!
Keeps them up to snuff, as my old papa used to say. Anyway, that meeting was this morning at 11 : 30, and just before it I came up here to have a wash and I poked my nose in here and I saw Kenneth hard at it, so I... I just didn't disturb him.
De qualquer modo, a reunião foi, esta manhã, às 11 : 30, mas antes eu passei aqui, e vi que o Sr. Kenneth estava ocupado, portanto eu não o quis incomodar
I tried so hard to pretend that it was.
Fiz um grande esforço para pensar que era.
Yeah, the earth was really gas. And the sun formed, and it was so hot... That the earth just formed into one hard ball.
- A terra era só gás e depois formou-se o sol e era tão quente, que a terra se transformou numa bola grande e dura.
That wasn't so hard, now was it, bubby?
Não foi assim tão dificil.
That wasn't so hard, was it?
Não foi assim tão dificil, pois não?
Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?
Isso não é tão difícil, não é?
What was so interesting was that he loved it so much, it was hard to get it out of his grasp.
O que foi tão interessante foi que Ele gostava tanto disso, Era difícil tirá-lo do alcance dele.
Marshall had followed me home from school that day and told me that the next day at recess, he was gonna beat me up so hard I'd be carrying my head around in my lunchbox.
E este senhor aqui disse uma coisa que fazia muito sentido.
There, that wasn't so hard, was it?
Afinal não custou muito, pois não?
It's just that Neil was so obsessed with his work it's hard to imagine him taking time-out to get married.
É que o Neil estava obcecado com este trabalho. Ele queria dar um tempo para se casar.
- Remember when Mick said when he was fighting sometimes, he'd fight so hard that he was thinking that he broke something inside?
- Lembras-te quando o Mick disse quando ele às vezes estava no ringue, lutava com tanta genica que pensava que partia qualquer coisa cá dentro?
It did not believe in anything and it was so hard and insulting, that I lost the control.
Não acreditou em nada e foi tão dura e insultuosa, que perdi o controlo.
Well, that wasn't so hard, was it?
Bem, não foi muito difícil, foi?
Besides, what he was doin'with the oars didn't look that hard, so we just headed downriver, and we saw this.
E remar não pareceu muito difícil... por isso viemos rio abaixo. E depois vimos isto.
Oh, that makes me feel good because, you know, they work so hard, and all they really needed was to be treated with a little human dignity.
Isso faz-me sentir feliz. Porque, eles trabalham bastante. E só precisam de ser tratados com um pouco de dignidade humana.
Well, I may go a little bit easy on the old hickory dickory stick... but that's just because my dad was so hard on me when I was a boy.
Se calhar dou muito brando com as reguadas, mas isso é por o meu pai ter sido muito duro comigo.
That wasn't so hard, was it?
Não foi assim tão difícil, pois não?
To which he said I was nuts, and that all he meant was that with us having a new baby, it just seemed like a crazy time to move to sub-zero weather and a city full of strangers, and that I should think of you guys... and of his parents, and how moving so far away would be so hard on everyone.
Ele disse que eu estava louca e que só queria dizer que com o bebé é uma loucura mudar para uma cidade mais fria, cheia de estranhos, e que eu devia pensar em vós, pessoal, e para os pais dele, e quão chocante a distância seria tão difícil para todos.
That wasn't so hard, was it?
Não foi tão difícil, pois não?
That's why it was so hard to find.
Por isso era difícil de encontrar.
- That wasn't so hard, was it?
- Não foi assim tão difícil, ou foi?
He was so in love with my sister... that it didn't matter that She'd given him a hard time.
Estava tão apaixonado pela minha irmã que não se importava que ela o tivesse tratado tão mal.
Well, the so-called hard cunt shites it puts down his drink, turns and gets the fuck out of there, and after that well, the game was mine.
O dito valentão acagaça-se todo ; pousa o copo, dá meia-volta e pernas para que vos quero. E depois daquilo...
Begbie was hard. But not so hard that he didn't shite it off 20 years in Saughton.
E por teso que o Begbie fosse, com vinte anos em Shaughton não se brinca.
Was that so hard?
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And that's hard because I was so close to having that.
E é difícil porque estava muito perto de ter isso.
At first, it was hard to get used to the changes, but it happened so often that after a while, I almost stopped noticing.
No princípio, foi duro de acostumar às mudanças, mas acontecia tão frequentemente que depois de um tempo, eu quase parei de notar.
And his heart was so hard that his servants begged the gods to intervene.
E o seu coração era tão frio, que os seus criados pediram a intervenção divina.
She'd lock herself upstairs for days, and she was always coming down on me, saying I didn't deserve to have it so easy and that I didn't know how hard it was to be her and
Fechava-se lá em cima durante dias, e vinha sempre descarregar em mim, dizendo que não o merecia ter tão facilmente e que eu não sabia o tão difícil que era ser ela,
That's why it was so hard to cut you.
Por isso custou-me muito eliminar-te.
It was hard to imagine that anyone so beautiful... could ever be lonely.
Era difícil imaginar que alguém tão bonito pudesse alguma vez sentir-se sozinho.
That wasn't so hard, was it?
- Vês? Não foi assim tão difícil, pois não?
There. That wasn't so hard, was it, honey?
Pronto, não foi muito difícil, pois não, querida?
There's just something that I wanted to, uh, tell you... which is sort of hard to say... so I wanted to just tell you now that I was gonna tell you... so that- - so that, uh, you know, tomorrow you'd hold me to it.
Porque há uma coisa que te quero dizer e que não vai ser nada fácil. Portanto quis que soubesses já que te quero dizer uma coisa, para amanhã me obrigares a dizer-ta.

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