We were ambushed tradutor Português
114 parallel translation
We were ambushed by your men while on a scouting mission
Caímos numa emboscada de seus homens
We were ambushed.
Fomos emboscados.
You sent word and we were ambushed.
E apanharam-nos numa emboscada.
"We were ambushed by the Elder gang."
Sofreram uma emboscada do bando dos Elder.
We were ambushed by the Elder gang.
Sofremos uma emboscada do bando dos Elder! Vamos embora daqui!
We were ambushed by bandoleros up in Crow's Canyon, with results as follows :
Fomos emboscados por bandoleros em Crows Canyon, resultante em :
And all of a sudden we were ambushed. I mean, VC all over the place.
De repente estávamos encurralados por Vietnamitas.
By the way, we were ambushed by a platoon of Romans.
Ah! ía-me esquecendo, cruzámos com uma patrulha de romanos.
We were ambushed by two Gauls.
Cruzámo-nos com dois gauleses.
We were ambushed, Cousin.
Sofremos uma emboscada, primo.
Estávamos juntos. Fizeram-nos uma emboscada na estrada principal.
- We were ambushed by Lows.
- Fomos emboscados pelos nós inferiores.
He forced us across two and a half days of rough terrain to this unguarded bank where we were ambushed.
Nos fez cavalgar dois dias e meio por esse deserto para chegar ao banco e nos emboscarem.
One day, in the mountains surrounding the Sahving Valley, we were ambushed by Cardassians.
Um dia, nas montanhas que rodeiam o Vale Sahving, fomos emboscados por cardassianos.
several hours after we entered the nebula, we were ambushed by KIingons.
Várias horas após entrarmos na nebulosa, fomos emboscados pelos klingons.
We were ambushed. There was a lot of shooters.
Foi uma emboscada.
We were ambushed before we had the chance.
Fomos emboscados antes que tivessemos a chance.
- We were ambushed, sir.
- Fomos emboscados, sir.
We were ambushed.
- Fomos emboscados.
We were ambushed
Caímos numa emboscada.
We were ambushed... but the survivors have spend the past year and a half on the mothership.
Fomos emboscados... Os que sobreviveram, passaram os últimos 18 meses na nave mãe.
We were attempting to resupply, but we were ambushed by four Prowlers using strike and retreat tactics.
- Tentávamos reabastecer... quando fomos emboscados por 4 prowlers com tácticas de ataque e recuo.
So, essentially, we were ambushed on the way back to the gate.
Basicamente, fomos emboscados no caminho de volta ao portal.
We were ambushed at the rings.
Fomos apanhados numa emboscada nos anéis.
We were ambushed?
Fomos emboscados.
We were ambushed, and we fought back.
Fomos emboscados e retaliámos.
The system where we were ambushed?
O sistema onde fomos emboscados?
we were ambushed by nietzscheans. before you go all "trance" on us, this is not an ambush.
Fomos emboscados pelos Nietzscheans, antes de todos serem "entrançados" connosco,
Speed... we were ambushed, and it happens.
- Foi uma emboscada, acontece.
It would have been nice to have a vanquishing potion when we were ambushed, a potion that you were supposed to make, by the way.
Teria sido simpático ter uma poção destruidora quando nos fizeram uma emboscada, poção essa que vocês tinham de fazer.
We were ambushed by the cops. Got it.
Fomos emboscados pela Polícia.
- Rodney. - I'm sorry, but there is no disputing the fact that it was a code we provided the Genii that was used to lure us to that planet where we were ambushed.
- Sinto muito, mas não há discussão no fato que foi o código que fornecemos aos Genii... que foi usado para nos atrair àquele planeta que em que fomos emboscados.
We were ambushed at the rendezvous.
Fomos emboscados no ponto de encontro.
We were ambushed at the rendezvous.
Fomos emboscados.
We were ambushed too.
Nós éramos ambushed demasiado.
It all went down pretty fast, I mean... we were ambushed before we got out of the helicopter.
Tudo aconteceu muito rápido, digo... Fomos emboscados antes de descer do helicóptero.
We were ambushed, not you. Your...
Nós fomos emboscados, não você.
Yeah, we were ambushed in the middle of the night by some gun men.
É, fomos apanhados no meio da noite por uns atiradores.
General Hua, as soon as you left, we were ambushed!
General Hua, Assim que tu partiste, nós fomos emboscados!
We were ambushed at the airport.
Sofremos uma emboscada no aeroporto.
In fact, we were ambushed.
Nós fomos emboscados.
On our way out of the New World, we were ambushed by a baneling army.
- Quando estávamos a sair do Novo Mundo, fomos atacados por um exército de banelings.
We were approximately 100 metres from the village when five of the savages ambushed us.
Cinco dos selvagens emboscaram-nos.
The looey said we got a couple guys that were still in bad shape after we got ambushed.
O tenente disse que tinhamos alguns rapazes que ainda estavam em mau estado depois de termos sido emboscados.
The Nietzscheans ambushed us and we were frozen in time.
Na emboscada Nietzschean. Antes de ficarmos congelados no tempo
We'd been ambushed... taken all by surprise, and there were casualties.
Caímos numa emboscada, fomos apanhados de surpresa e sofremos algumas baixas.
There were no men. We ambushed you.
Não foram homens, fomos nós.
"Always," lucas - - that's what we were supposed to have until you showed up in L.A.Three years ago and ambushed me.
"Sempre," Lucas... Era o que nós devíamos ter tido até teres aparecido em L.A. há três anos e me surpreenderes.
One day in Iraq, our convoy was ambushed. A couple of our guys were killed. We had no rules of engagement and we had seen the village they fell back to, so we just...
Um dia o nosso comboio foi emboscado.
We were in an open quarantine zone got ambushed by some Crotes on the way out.
Estivemos em plena área de quarentena, e fomos alvo de uma emboscada pelos croats à saída.
Why the hell were we ambushed?
Deixa-me fazer-te uma pergunta.
we were here 38
we were 914
we weren't 120
we were there 68
we were together 65
we were close 44
we were just friends 20
we were talking 74
we were friends 142
we were young 47
we were 914
we weren't 120
we were there 68
we were together 65
we were close 44
we were just friends 20
we were talking 74
we were friends 142
we were young 47