We were young tradutor Português
557 parallel translation
Like you did when we were young, when we used to get up to no good on this settee, when it was still in your grandma's house.
Como estavas quando éramos novos, Quando costumávamos fazer malandrices neste sofá-cama, quando ele ainda estava na casa da tua avó.
Those June nights on the Riviera... when we sat underneath the shimmering skies... moonlight-bathing in the Mediterranean. We were young, gay, reckless.
Aquelas noites de Junho na Riviera, quando nos sentámos sob o céu tremeluzente, a apanhar banhos de luar no Mediterrâneo.
We were young and in love.
Éramos jovens e amávamo-nos.
We played together when we were young.
Brincávamos juntos quando éramos crianças.
Then... when we were young warriors... there became only one herd of buffalo.
Logo... quando éramos jovens guerreiros... converteram-se numa manada de búfalos.
And the life of young people is much faster paced than our lives were when we were young.
E a vida dos jovens é muito mais rápida do que era a nossa, quando éramos jovens.
Now, let me welcome you all to this reunion. An occasion for us all to think back to those extraordinary years, when we were young and had a cause to live for!
A todos dou as boas-vindas a esta reunião, uma ocasião para rememorar aqueles extraordinários anos quando éramos jovens e tínhamos uma razão pelo que viver!
We were young enough back in those days to think about children.
Éramos suficientemente novos para pensar em ter filhos.
Our parents died when we were young.
Os nossos pais morreram quando éramos pequenas.
We were young and carefree, as Musketeers should be.
Nós éramos jovens e despreocupados, como os Mosqueteiros são.
We were young then We were together
We were young then We were together
We were young then
We were young then
I was thinking of when we were young together.
Pensava em vós e em mim e dos velhos tempos, quando éramos jovens.
We were young.
Éramos novos.
We were young and alone among strangers :
Éramos jovens e estávamos sozinhos rodeados de desconhecidos.
Well, we were young.
Bem, nós éramos jovens.
Lembras-te quando éramos novos?
It was made when we were young and our prospects limited.
Foi celebrado quando éramos jovens e as perspectivas eram limitadas.
And we were young.
E éramos jovens.
I like you Ever since we were young lads...
Gosto de ti desde que éramos miúdos...
We all had flings when we were young.
Todos tivemos pândegas quando éramos jovens.
When we were young, he bought a traction machine to stretch us.
Quando éramos novos, ele comprou uma máquina de tracção para nos esticar.
You and I were so close when we were young.
Éramos tão chegados quando éramos novos.
We were very young then.
Eu era muito nova, na altura,
I was a young officer then... and I too believed that we Germans were a master race.
E nenhuma razão para esta guerra.
He was the most promising young cellist in europe and we were so happy and so much in love.
Jovem, forte, alegre, cheio de ilusão. O Violoncelista mais promissor.
Monsieur Lanlaire and myself are not as young as we were.
O senhor Danler e eu já não somos tão jóvens como antes
In fact, we were just two lucky fellows who had success very young.
Fomos simplesmente dois rapazes que alcançaram o êxito muito jovens.
I lived in New York when I was young inside. My friends and I were more interested... in our work than our investments. We weren't invidious.
Antes meus amigos pensavam no trabalho, não em investimentos... e nossa atividade nos nutria.
When last we met, you were quite violent about a young lady.
Da última vez que nos vimos, estavas vzangada com uma senhora.
Young lady, we were an act before you were an idea.
Éramos um número antes de seres uma ideia.
Once upon a time, we used to think you were a bright young man.
No comando do meu batalhão, ou em um brigue.
" Because when they were young we fed and sheltered them?
"Por que, quando foram jovens, os alimentámos e abrigámos?"
There was a time when you could've saved me, Papa by letting me marry Chance, when we were both young and clean.
Houve um tempo em que podia ter-me salvado, pai, deixando-me casar com o Chance, quando éramos ambos jovens e puros.
I do believe I'm homesick. You could have gone home when the last troop shipped out. But if you'll remember correctly, we were somewhat involved with several young ladies.
Poderíamos ter zarpado no último barco,... mas se me recordo bem, algumas donzelas nos entreteram.
A nickname I gave Leonard when we were very young.
Uma alcunha que dei ao Leonard, éramos nós muito jovens.
We were married very young.
Nós casámo-nos muito jovens.
We were assaulted by vicious young hoodlums in this very room you're sitting in now.
Fomos assaltados por um bando de jovens malandrins nesta mesma sala.
We were a group composition for me, Sanogen, Alimov and Uzbek, that he was the Coordinator of the Young Communists of our battalion.
Éramos um grupo composto por mim, Sanogen, Alimov e Uzbek, que era o Coordenador dos Jovens Comunistas do nosso batalhão.
We were too young.
Sim, éramos ainda bem jovens.
We were all rather young at the time.
Éramos bastante novos na altura.
We were hunter folk so we put hunters and dogs lions and young women up in the skies.
Fomos um povo caçador, e assim pusemos caçadores e cães, leões e mulheres jovens, lá em cima no céu.
We think it's because you were so young.
Nós achamos que foi pelo facto de ser tão novo.
We were just welcoming our young interns.
Estamos a receber as estagiárias que nos foram confiadas pelo Quartel-General.
My God, were we ever that young?
Deus, já fomos assim tão jovens?
We were a couple of young fellas out to tear up the galaxy.
Eramos uns jovens que aterrorizávamos, a galáxia inteira.
Oh, well, none of us as young as we were, we must pay the penalty of advancing years, wouldn't you say, Colonel?
Não somos novos e a idade não perdoa, não concorda, Coronel?
We were making a commercial. There was this young salesman.
Estávamos a fazer um anúncio com um jovem vendedor bonitão.
Oh, we were so young then.
Éramos tão novos.
Our parents separated when we were very young.
Os nossos pais separaram-se quando éramos crianças.
We were very young, and our dreams were all we needed.
Éramos muito jovens, e... os nossos sonhos eram tudo o que necessitávamos.
we were here 38
we were 914
we weren't 120
we were together 65
we were there 68
we were close 44
we were just friends 20
we were talking 74
we were friends 142
we were here first 26
we were 914
we weren't 120
we were together 65
we were there 68
we were close 44
we were just friends 20
we were talking 74
we were friends 142
we were here first 26